View Full Version : Nigerian GP Guilty of Assaulting Patient

26th December 2013, 10:45
Foreign doctor attacked female patient who disagreed with diagnosis: GP given six month conditional discharge

Dr Abiodun Bale grabbed patient as she tried to leave
They argued over treatment for a facial condition
He denied assault but was found guilty after two-day trial

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2529320/Foreign-doctor-attacked-female-patient-disagreed-diagnosis-GP-given-six-month-conditional-discharge.html#ixzz2oZYEl9X0

He should be sacked, struck off and sent back to Nigeria.

I'm glad I don't rely on The Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust :-

After the allegations, the GMC placed conditions on how Bale worked, including allowing him to carry out consultations only if another qualified medical practitioner was present.
The Pennine Acute Hospitals Trust, which employs Bale, said he would face disciplinary proceedings.
‘The trust will now consider the consequences for his ongoing employment and training,’ a spokesman said.

26th December 2013, 10:59
Why should this raise eyebrows? The NHS standards have been in steady decline for years. It is getting to the point where it will be easier to get an audience with the Pope than to get an appointment with a GP. Many GPs need to build a bridge so they can get over themselves. Like many institutions in this country the NHS is heading for Armageddon.

26th December 2013, 12:40
We need more encouragement for our own youngsters to train up, and more affordable facilities for them to do so. There is no shortage of home-grown talent.

Training foreign doctors is a money-making venture and is not in the interests of the British people...as with so much government policy these days.

Their (govt) stupidity and short-sightedness has led to this situation whereby the NHS has come to rely upon foreign doctors, many of whom should have no place there IMO.

26th December 2013, 16:14
It is getting to the point where it will be easier to get an audience with the Pope than to get an appointment with a GP.

have you tired getting an appointment to see a dentist :NoNo:

Training foreign doctors is a money-making venture and is not in the interests of the British people...as with so much government policy these days.

Their (govt) stupidity and short-sightedness has led to this situation whereby the NHS has come to rely upon foreign doctors, many of whom should have no place there IMO.

why is it money making ? the only money making part is from the exams IMG's have to take to become registered.

there are 68,000 registered IMG's in the UK
27,000 EU doctors
and 167,000 British doctors...

in fact the number of British doctors has been increasing for a number of years (after the labour gov increased the number of places and made it more difficult for foreign doctors (tier 1 permits)

this guy is one bad egg out of 260,000 , if things are so bad why are there not more stories like this in the press ?

my misses works for the Pennine trust and is doing the same training as this guy :NoNo:, she doesn't know him thou..

26th December 2013, 16:19
Their (govt) stupidity and short-sightedness has led to this situation whereby the NHS has come to rely upon foreign doctors, many of whom should have no place there IMO.

Coming from where this fella does I wonder if he's got a Microsoft Certified Engineers certificate to fall back on if his medical career goes belly up

26th December 2013, 16:27

I wouldn't trust such people as far as I could throw them.

Clearly it's personal with Joe ...and that I can understand.

The fact is, there are far too many foreign doctors in this country, with little understanding of our culture, questionable language skills, and dubious experience and qualifications.

If others are happy to put their lives in their hands, then fine.

It was/is a totally avoidable situation.

26th December 2013, 16:31
The fact is, there are far too many foreign doctors in this country, with little understanding of our culture, questionable language skills, and dubious experience and qualifications.

or maybe far too many foreign partners in this country, at least the doctors are not selling the big issue or claiming benefits :biggrin:

also maybe we should purge the NHS of not just EEU and IMG doctors but also of non British nurses :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th December 2013, 16:33
I am all in favour of us training up our own people first.

I include in 'own people' those who have legally entered this country as spouses of BRITISH citizens.

My Filipina ex-wife trained here as a nurse, and gained her B.Nurs degree.

26th December 2013, 16:40
The fact is, there are far too many foreign doctors in this country, with little understanding of our culture, questionable language skills, and dubious experience and qualifications.

it was 7 long years in the UK before my misses finally got registered with the GMC, they checked her medical degree, references, she had to take IELTS twice, and take the PLAB exams which test her medical knowledge and her diagnose skills, spent 2yrs doing foundation training as any British graduate would have to do,,

the fact is she has had more training and is more experienced than the vast majority of British medical graduates who are doing the same training as her now :biggrin:

26th December 2013, 16:42
or maybe far too many foreign partners in this country, at least the doctors are not selling the big issue or claiming benefits :biggrin:

also maybe we should purge the NHS of not just EEU and IMG doctors but also of non British nurses :xxgrinning--00xx3:

there are 68,000 registered IMG's in the UK
27,000 EU doctors
and 167,000 British doctors...

And just like the number of foreign crims in our jails the numbers of foreign doctors up on serious charges before the BMA/GMC is totally out of proportion to the numbers of them employed.

More than one third of our Doctors are foreign - I wonder how this figure compares with other western democracies

26th December 2013, 16:46
it was 7 long years in the UK before my misses finally got registered with the GMC, they checked her medical degree, references, she had to take IELTS twice, and take the PLAB exams which test her medical knowledge and her diagnose skills, spent 2yrs doing foundation training as any British graduate would have to do,,

the fact is she has had more training and is more experienced than the vast majority of British medical graduates who are doing the same training as her now :biggrin:

Quite so Joe, and all credit to her. My rant is in no way directed at anyone in her situation. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th December 2013, 16:46
I am all in favour of us training up our own people first.

that's what's been happening since the labour gov told the med unis to increase the number of places,

but its not just the degree they really need to do something called 'foundation training' which is 2yrs of training in the NHS, IMG's and EEU doctors have been applying for these places making it difficult for all British grads to get the training places .

so the gov tried to put the British at the front of the queue but a EU doctor challenged them in a EU court, cant recall what happened there thou :cwm25:

26th December 2013, 16:49
Well, you know where I stand on EU membership Joe, and all the nonsense that that has brought with it. :NoNo: I voted against membership back in the original poll.

Thank goodness we weren't stupid enough to have adopted the Euro too.

26th December 2013, 16:52
Quite so Joe, and all credit to her. My rant is in no way directed at anyone in her situation. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i know but this guy is one bad apple, i could google and post links on British doctors who have done similar things, but nearly 1/3 of doctors are not born in the UK, and by far the majority are decent hard working doctors.

one for dedworth, he seems to have missed this one for some reason , just 2 days ago

Top surgeon suspended over claims he 'seared his initials on transplant patient's LIVER'



26th December 2013, 16:59
Joe, I would rather they were 'decent and hard-working' in their own countries, helping their own (often poor and deprived) people.

It is all about the money. Plus they bring with them family members who are from radically different cultures from our own, further fuelling future discontent in this country. All very short-sighted.

26th December 2013, 17:05
i know but this guy is one bad apple, i could google and post links on British doctors who have done similar things, but nearly 1/3 of doctors are not born in the UK, and by far the majority are decent hard working doctors.

one for dedworth, he seems to have missed this one for some reason , just 2 days ago

Top surgeon suspended over claims he 'seared his initials on transplant patient's LIVER'



I'll wait for the investigations to be completed and see if it does get moved to the GMC/BMA before commenting.

Check out Decembers names of the bad apples up before "Fitness to Practice Hearing" -


theres no need for a Anglo Saxon Name search filter :biggrin:

26th December 2013, 17:05
i know but this guy is one bad apple, i could google and post links on British doctors who have done similar things, but nearly 1/3 of doctors are not born in the UK, and by far the majority are decent hard working doctors.

one for dedworth, he seems to have missed this one for some reason , just 2 days ago

Top surgeon suspended over claims he 'seared his initials on transplant patient's LIVER'



Let's not forget the attempted bombing of Prestwick airport....rather more serious. :mad:

26th December 2013, 17:11
Let's not forget the attempted bombing of Prestwick airport....rather more serious. :mad:

or grubs such as this deviant Wiltshire GP :-

PERVERT Davinderjit Bains, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison and struck off the medical register for life after sexually assaulting female patients, is planning to appeal his sentence.

Bains, 46, of Nythe, carried out the offences over a period of three years while practising as a GP at Tinkers Lane Surgery, in Royal Wootton Bassett.

Police found 361 videos on his laptop of intimate medical examinations, which had been filmed using a camera in his watch without his patients’ knowledge.

Bains admitted 39 charges, including 13 of assault by penetration, 11 of sexual assault, two of sexual activity with a child and 13 counts of voyeurism. He asked for a further 65 offences to be considered during sentencing in May.

He has now approached the Court of Appeal in a bid to have his sentence reduced.

Bains’s 29 victims have been notified of his decision, which has been met with incredulity.


26th December 2013, 17:25
All female patients should have the right to be seen only by a female doctor, then they wouldn't be providing a free show for such perverts...AND have that fact clearly pointed out to them.

Of course I'm sure it was just a minor cultural misunderstanding on his part. :icon_rolleyes:

26th December 2013, 17:32
Of course I'm sure it was just a minor cultural misunderstanding on his part. :icon_rolleyes:

As was the large wrist watch concealing a video camera which of cousre is standard GP kit on the Indian sub continent

26th December 2013, 17:42
I'll wait for the investigations to be completed and see if it does get moved to the GMC/BMA before commenting.

Check out Decembers names of the bad apples up before "Fitness to Practice Hearing" -


theres no need for a Anglo Saxon Name search filter :biggrin:

makes you wonder why there is not dedworth :cwm25:

funny you say that the first one appears to be a Brit :biggrin:

Dr Trevor Gordon HUDSON

and so are these,
Dr William Bernard MCKEE
Dr John James MORGAN

and i think you will find that many more were born here just because they have a foreign name doesn't mean they weren't born here or are not Brits :biggrin:

26th December 2013, 17:52
I wonder which cricket team they support. :cwm25:

If a certain Syrian doctor had kept his nose out of the 'old country', he'd still be alive today. Cultural and national allegiances can be very strong...regardless of one's place of birth.

26th December 2013, 17:54
makes you wonder why there is not dedworth :cwm25:

funny you say that the first one appears to be a Brit :biggrin:

Dr Trevor Gordon HUDSON

and so are these,
Dr William Bernard MCKEE
Dr John James MORGAN

and i think you will find that many more were born here just because they have a foreign name doesn't mean they weren't born here or are not Brits :biggrin:

One I plucked out at random was a Pakistani - amassed 100 unpaid hospital parking tickets, owed untold rent on hospital digs, was absent without leave on numerous occassions, lied to management about previous GMC disciplinary hearings (ie denied being at one) - the panel is as limpwristed as our law courts - 4 months suspended registration. What a joke, he'll get another job within the NHS

26th December 2013, 18:00
so its nothing to do with his medical skills, his level of English or culture :cwm25:

26th December 2013, 18:08
so its nothing to do with his medical skills, his level of English or culture :cwm25:

It was alledged that his fitness to practice was impaired by this arms length list of misconduct which I would agree with. I'd have no problem with waiting a long time to see a doctor if he's an example of what was on offer :mad:

Arthur Little
26th December 2013, 18:23
Hmm :icon_rolleyes: ... back in forum - :yeahthat: "old" argument - perhaps I ought to have said, "back on form"!

Oh, dear ... :23_111_9[1]: ... it seems today is well~named ...

... "Boxing :xxsport-smiley-002: Day"! :laugher:

26th December 2013, 18:23
A crook and a shyster is a crook and a shyster....regardless of what exams he's passed. :NoNo:

It just depends who you feel like trusting your life with, or who we want to be placed in positions of responsibility and influence in OUR country.

Oh I know, let's all welcome Shariah Law too, just to make them all feel at home.

26th December 2013, 19:19
A crook and a shyster is a crook and a shyster....regardless of what exams he's passed. :NoNo:

It just depends who you feel like trusting your life with, or who we want to be placed in positions of responsibility and influence in OUR country.

Oh I know, let's all welcome Shariah Law too, just to make them all feel at home.

I've no problem with striking off dodgy doctors, but if we do this to doctors, why not start at the top and any politicians with any convictions should be banned from Parliament, after all they should be setting a good example :biggrin:

why stop there, teachers, social workers, police, anyone who deals with the public, like taxi drivers to :xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th December 2013, 20:17
I can't argue with that Joe.

Some of us have made an effort to stay out of trouble, and that's why we have FULL DISCLOSURE CRB certificates in order to be able to work in our chosen field.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th December 2013, 20:43
why stop there, teachers, social workers, police,

You should have described this lot as "who people put their trust in" and strangely enough it is nigh on impossible for them to be dismissed -

Teachers are never fired unless caught sex offending with the kids
Social workers are given words of advice and moved to other jobs
Police are retired early with full pension on sickness grounds & often re-engaged in "civilian positions". I had dealings once with a dodgy copper who became head of Scientific Support for his force

I agree with what you say about politicians - one strike and you're out

26th December 2013, 21:17
Good points Dedworth. :xxgrinning--00xx3: