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7th October 2007, 17:01
hello to all here members in Uk forum. I am new in this forum. I am a filipina but living in united States. I heard of this forum from one of my friends she is member of this site and now shes living in uk. im asking about the situation of my brother in law,he is now he is working in dubai. recently he recieved an e-mail from shell oil co about a position for work in the uk. how do we know if it is real or a scam?? immagration sent him and e-mail i would never expect them to use e-mail as a way to contact. can anyone pls advise me?... i would greatly appriciated . thanks in advance

Pepe n Pilar
8th October 2007, 13:35
Hi Lady 1017 welcome to the forum..
There are many ways to check if this is real or scam.
You can e-mail them back... ask whatever clarifications you want to know
You can give them a call...why not?
Did your bro-in-law apply for this position? If he did not then who recommended him?

8th October 2007, 18:15
hello to all here members in Uk forum. I am new in this forum. I am a filipina but living in united States. I heard of this forum from one of my friends she is member of this site and now shes living in uk. im asking about the situation of my brother in law,he is now he is working in dubai. recently he recieved an e-mail from shell oil co about a position for work in the uk. how do we know if it is real or a scam?? immagration sent him and e-mail i would never expect them to use e-mail as a way to contact. can anyone pls advise me?... i would greatly appriciated . thanks in advance

:Hellooo::Hellooo: Welcome to the forum FilAmGurl :Hellooo::Hellooo:

8th October 2007, 18:27
Hi Lady 1017 welcome to the forum..
There are many ways to check if this is real or scam.
You can e-mail them back... ask whatever clarifications you want to know
You can give them a call...why not?
Did your bro-in-law apply for this position? If he did not then who recommended him?

Ok thanks for the reply Iye...he was applying thru website.. until he got the email from the company....this is the email

Subject: Offer Of Employment Letter/Job Recruitment Letter
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2007 14:45:49 -0400
From: shelloilrefinery@aol.in

HTML Attachment [ Scan and Save to Computer ]

Dear Staff,
The Shell Oil Company London would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients and one of our newly employed staff of a cash Grant for your own personal, educational and business development.
The Shell Oil Company London established by the Multi-Million groups and now supported by the Oil World Group Organization and the European Union (EU) was conceived with the objective of human growth,educational,and community development.
This is an Affirmation that your experiences and qualifications where found suitably qualified for the requirements to work in Shell Oil Company London. This is your call up letter to resume work immediately.You are to resume work within 50days with a monthly salary of £6500 or this contract will be terminated.

NOTE: If you do not have a work/residence permits papers to United Kingdom, you have to make contact with the United Kingdom immigration service here in London for the procurement of your Visa and work/residence permit papers as we are having a contract agreement with them for the easiest acquisition of employees necessary traveling papers.

Contact Office:Migration Expert London
Position: ......................HEAD OF VISA PERMIT OPERATION

Address: 4th Floor, 153-155 Regent Street London W1B 4JE
Registered Migration Contact Number
Tel:.......................... ....+447045741030
Fax........................... ...+447005-964-173

Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Should you be interested in working with us, please send,

1,Full names,
3,private phone number,
4,current residential address,

To Email:shelloilrefinery@sify.com
Tel........................... .....+447045739577
Fax........................... ....+447005982454

Shell Oil Company London

Rowlandsway House
M22 5SB

8th October 2007, 19:17
Hi ya and a very warm welcome to you :)

8th October 2007, 20:43
Be careful LADY, it might be scam, My cousin has job offer from Canada thru email by an agency. So I search the web about the agency and supposed to be the Hotel where he can work. But I have learned it was all scam.
Had also some customers before at internet cafe, I told my customers it was all scam, they didn't believed and paid P80,000 each to the person in the UK thru Western Union and discovered fake after they have paid:D.
Here are some info from UK embassy website LADY:

Fraudulent Job Offers in the UK

Job seekers interested in job offers in the UK that promise high pay, good benefits, free travel and help with relocation, should tread carefully. Some scams offering UK employment have proliferated on the internet recently. These can exploit unwitting and often desperate applicants.

Often, the starting point of this type of operation is the receipt of an unsolicited email offering work in the UK. Other offers are sent direct to jobseekers who post their resumés on jobsites.

Some indications of this type of solicitation are:

· the use of a free email address, such as Yahoo, Hotmail, MSN, etc;

· a company name that may look genuine, but on careful checking of spelling or font is not what it appears;

· a search for the recruiting company on the internet fails to locate a company with matching contact details or, if there is a match, it is usually in a jobsite.

The initial email congratulates the jobseeker for meeting the standard requirements of the company and offers a high paying job. The applicant is asked to reply to the email if interested.

When the applicant replies to the email and expresses interest in the job offer, a reply provides details of the job on offer and the requirements for processing the application.

This is then usually followed by a request for an advance fee in order for the application to proceed and a timeframe within which the applicant should respond. The applicant is also instructed to send an amount of money, which can range from £250 to over £1,000, via wire service, to an account under a different name. Communication invariably ends once the money has been sent.


You can protect yourself by following a few basic rules:

· Think twice before replying to an email offering overseas employment that sounds "too good to be true". If you are serious about looking for an overseas job, contact a reputable employment agency.

· Never pay money up front for any reason. Legitimate companies will not require potential employees to pay a fee in order to process a job application.

· Research the company, ask for references. Do not deal with a company which does not provide full and verifiable contact details. Avoid companies that operate solely via telephone or email.

· Check with the British Embassy for the eligibility rules for working in the UK.

· Beware of official-sounding names. Many scams operate under names that may look like those of long-standing, reputable firms.

· Remember that any reputable company will almost certainly need to meet and interview you before they will hire you. Does the company have a local agent? If not, why not?

· Read any contract offered very carefully and have an attorney look over the document. Beware of a company that is unwilling to give you a written contract.

· Do not be rushed into a decision. Do not hesitate to ask questions. You have the right to know about the employment offer and the company. Be wary of demands that "you must act now."

This information is provided for guidance only and does not imply in any way that all UK overseas employment opportunities are suspect. It is up to the jobseeker's discretion whether or not to continue with any application.


8th October 2007, 21:10
Welcome to the site

Sadly i think its unlikely Shell oil would be recruiting by Email.

Unless your Brother in law is in a very skilled job in the oil industry.

Google shell and you will see a link for their careers section im sure you can email them directly. If it is a hoax they will be intrested and if not you will need to contact them anyway.

9th October 2007, 09:14
And a big company like Shell have a contact address via AOL in India do they? :Erm: Can't afford £20 for a domain from those £20 Billion profits!!!

9th October 2007, 14:26
Hi ya and a very warm welcome to you :)

thanks mark

9th October 2007, 14:39
Dodgy 100%

9th October 2007, 14:40
ok thank guys for your advice i think this is also scam because. they offer him a big salary which is £6,500 per months for 3 months after that his salary is getting increase.....

9th October 2007, 14:49
Hi Lady 1017 welcome to the forum..
There are many ways to check if this is real or scam.
You can e-mail them back... ask whatever clarifications you want to know
You can give them a call...why not?
Did your bro-in-law apply for this position? If he did not then who recommended him?

hi iye. thank for the advice... my brother in law he just applied thru website. and no one who recommend with him... he called and talk to some person and they told him he need to scan and filled_ up the form thru email and send to uk embassy thru email also:...

Dear Staff,
The Shell Oil Company London would like to notify you that you have been chosen by the board of trustees as one of the final recipients and one of our newly employed staff of a cash Grant for your own personal, educational and business development.
The Shell Oil Company London established by the Multi-Million groups and now supported by the Oil World Group Organization and the European Union (EU) was conceived with the objective of human growth,educational,and community development.
This is an Affirmation that your experiences and qualifications where found suitably qualified for the requirements to work in Shell Oil Company London. This is your call up letter to resume work immediately.You are to resume work within 50days with a monthly salary of £6500 or this contract will be terminated.

NOTE: If you do not have a work/residence permits papers to United Kingdom, you have to make contact with the United Kingdom immigration service here in London for the procurement of your Visa and work/residence permit papers as we are having a contract agreement with them for the easiest acquisition of employees necessary traveling papers.

Contact Office:Migration Expert London
Position: ......................HEAD OF VISA PERMIT OPERATION

Address: 4th Floor, 153-155 Regent Street London W1B 4JE
Registered Migration Contact Number
Tel:.......................... ....+447045741030
Fax........................... ...+447005-964-173

Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue. Should you be interested in working with us, please send,

1,Full names,
3,private phone number,
4,current residential address,

9th October 2007, 15:39
Probably gave them enough details for them to use his identity for abuse, credit fraud, theft, etc

9th October 2007, 15:53
Please endeavor to observe utmost discretion in all matters concerning this issue.

anything that says the above, is likely to be a scam, and looks to me its a scam

similar scams concerning Shell have been around for a while...



9th October 2007, 20:02
Migration Expert - UK
4th Floor, 153-155 Regent Street
Mayfair, London W1B 4JE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 494 6464


Is real :Erm: but its not :Brick: it looks like the 07xxx number are premium rate and designed to make you call them :furious3:

10th October 2007, 02:06
its really a scam...here some of thier emails

E-mail: enquiry.migrationexperts@europe.com
Tel:..................... .....+447045739585
Fax:..................... ..... +447005-964-173

Dear Mr.********
Your employment in Shell Oil Company London has been confirmed and we will issue you work permit/residence visa to United Kingdom. Please note that you are advised not to send your visa application form to your country Embassy or to your country Immigration Service because they were not given authorization to procure work permit/ residence visa to United Kingdom for you. Your visa will be processed and sent to you from United Kingdom Immigration Service London. You are advised to fill and return this visa application form before 5 days and for further processing of your work/residence visa to United Kingdom.
Carefully download the application form below, print out the form, read it and follow the instructions written on the form to fill it. As soon as you complete the filling of the form, scan the form and email a copy of it to us for proper documentation and processing of your work/residence visa to UK.
Please note that all orders are processed during normal business hours.
Our office hours are Monday to Saturday, 8:30am-5:30pm (excluding Sundays and public holidays).
In the meantime, if there is anything else we can help with please contact customer services
on 07035 9 03 332 (Intl: +44 7035 903 332).

Mr Patrick Cole,
Registered Immigration Agent
Migration Expert London

10th October 2007, 02:12
hi lady1017,

welcome to the forum..its good that u found out as early as now that this email is scam..so be very careful next time..:)

10th October 2007, 13:21
hi lady1017,

welcome to the forum..its good that u found out as early as now that this email is scam..so be very careful next time..:)

thanks kimmi:BouncyHappy::Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

10th October 2007, 14:02
yes i bet the numbers are directed to nigera at a few £ a min :cwm24:

oh i've just set up a premium rate service :D, i mean premium fortune telling line, i give out next weeks lottery numbers, my friend runs it in Lagos :D, give it a call 0707 777 XXX lucky number 7 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

why not give it a call, what you got to lose only about £15 :icon_lol: