View Full Version : Matt Wilkie back again.

27th December 2013, 00:35
I can't recover my password so had to create a new account. Not sure why but main thing is I am here! I was here over a year ago when I was planning to take the wife and kids to the UK and within a few days of landing in the UK was sent off to Oman, Qatar and Dubai.

So here I am again preparing for a flight into the UK for second week of January to start looking at getting the wife and kids into the UK full-time. So much has changed in the Philippines in the last year I can't really see us wanting to be here long-term. I can live with the earthquakes and typhoons but not the inactivity of the government and the corruption that stole from emergency relief.

It took things to an all time low for me and its not a place I want my family to call home :NoNo: UK has corruption for sure but stealing in that way when companies and people gave so much just disgusted me beyond belief.

Bit of a negative start to a welcome message.. :doh But looking forward to spending a bit of time on here and making some new friends.

27th December 2013, 02:16
Sorry things didn't work out for you here in the R.P..
This place is not suitable for many Expatriates on a long term basis for one reason or another..
Best of luck in the U.K though... I cant say "I envy you".

Welcome back to the forum BTW.

27th December 2013, 02:41
I can't recover my password so had to create a new account. Not sure why but main thing is I am here! I was here over a year ago when I was planning to take the wife and kids to the UK and within a few days of landing in the UK was sent off to Oman, Qatar and Dubai.

So here I am again preparing for a flight into the UK for second week of January to start looking at getting the wife and kids into the UK full-time. So much has changed in the Philippines in the last year I can't really see us wanting to be here long-term. I can live with the earthquakes and typhoons but not the inactivity of the government and the corruption that stole from emergency relief.

It took things to an all time low for me and its not a place I want my family to call home :NoNo: UK has corruption for sure but stealing in that way when companies and people gave so much just disgusted me beyond belief.

Bit of a negative start to a welcome message.. :doh But looking forward to spending a bit of time on here and making some new friends.

I am watchin you matty boy lol

Arthur Little
27th December 2013, 03:23
I can't recover my password so had to create a new account. Not sure why but main thing is I am here!

:welcomex: again, Matt. 'Matt Wilkie' ... yes ... I remember greeting you when you previously joined - around this time 3 years ago! Pity you aren't able to retrieve your original password ... perhaps the reason may be that you've hyphenated your username on this [present] occasion.

Anyway ... :anerikke: ... you're back now, I'm pleased to see. :smile:

Again from memory, I recall you'd encountered certain (shall we say?) "shady" dealings at the hands of some profiteering property agent(s) then and, of course, the much publicised political shenanigans duly attributed to the Philippines' Government in the wake of the recent natural disaster, have very clearly proved to be the "last straw" in your estimation.

27th December 2013, 03:40
Sorry things didn't work out for you here in the R.P..
This place is not suitable for many Expatriates on a long term basis for one reason or another..
Best of luck in the U.K though... I cant say "I envy you".

Welcome back to the forum BTW.

I dont mind living abroad but the life in the Philippines is better off out and in rather than here 24/7.

We still have properties here and when we do move we will be renting out our 5 apartments and the call center will still be up and running. So we arent making an exodus more of expanding the horizon.

But the call center benefits from us in the UK as does my own work, I can't get to the next level in what I do unless I head to university so its multi layered.

But adding to that green spaces, good education and not wanting my kids to end up in Gaisano are all good reasons to go to the UK.

Also I can buy a porsche for the same price as a Pajero :doh

27th December 2013, 03:41
The phrase would be "tired", hate all the political lies in the Philippines especially when politicians steal from people who are literally left nothing then they go on TV complaining when they are caught.

We still have properties here and when we do move we will be renting out our 5 apartments and the call center will still be up and running.

But the call center benefits from us in the UK as does my own work, I can't get to the next level in what I do unless I head to university so its multi layered.

But adding to that green spaces, good education and not wanting my kids to end up in Gaisano are all good reasons to go to the UK.

Also I can buy a porsche for the same price as a Pajero :doh

27th December 2013, 03:42
I will probably be in the UK ahead of you lol.. funny thing is I am probably going to meet up with more expats from the Philippines in the UK than I know presently reside in the Philippines

27th December 2013, 03:47
Its my email, there has been a constant attack on some of my email addresses for around 6 months now. Can't recover it as its not being received due to spam attacks on the email address. Annoying but welcome to technology and people that cant be trusted with it..lol

Yep the property stuff we eventually bought another building next door which we setup our call center in and its done ok. Bit of a quiet end to the year but the building is paid for and can look to kickstart it again in the new year.

Yes I have seen the government "not" at work and spent a bit of time involved in helping where I could and I am speechless at how not only inactive they were but the fact they expect praise for what the little they did do and hijacking others!

The reality is if I was abroad working would I feel my family is safe here and the answer is no. The government can't be trusted and the local community lack resources. JCB's flown in from the UK due to the Philippines government not having lifting equipment is a prime example. What is all those rows of backhoes and diggers along Pier one in Cebu, Scotch mist? Just need to move things on and the UK for all its warts isn't too bad especially when kids are involved as it balances out the excess tax a bit.

27th December 2013, 08:23
welcome and good luck too,

27th December 2013, 10:46
Matt, we can change the email address on your old account if you wish.

27th December 2013, 12:29
The phrase would be "tired", hate all the political lies in the Philippines especially when politicians steal from people who are literally left nothing then they go on TV complaining when they are caught.

What surprises me is the total naivety at how these so called trusted charities allow Foreign Politicians the world over any control of generously raised funds??
They obviously cannot be trusted to distribute the money and goods on behalf of the public that donate!
There is corruption and bent politicians in the Philippines??? DUH!!!The country is famous for it,has been for years.
There are lots of Foreign expats and decent Filipino`s alike that have raised funds that are smart enough to physically deliver the goods to those affected..
These are the people that I will donate to... The big charities obviously cannot be trusted.
Makes me mad! :cwm23:

30th December 2013, 11:34
What surprises me is the total naivety at how these so called trusted charities allow Foreign Politicians the world over any control of generously raised funds??
They obviously cannot be trusted to distribute the money and goods on behalf of the public that donate!
There is corruption and bent politicians in the Philippines??? DUH!!!The country is famous for it,has been for years.
There are lots of Foreign expats and decent Filipino`s alike that have raised funds that are smart enough to physically deliver the goods to those affected..
These are the people that I will donate to... The big charities obviously cannot be trusted.
Makes me mad! :cwm23:

That very same thing locked up my Paypal for several weeks. Some people I know seen the photos of us delivering aid to Northern Cebu and requested if they could donate. In the same way I offered them my Paypal and made it very clear that I was not an NGO and that all donations were spent on assistance not for my new car or afternoon lunch. Paypal locked my account and requested I send documents as proof as operating as an NGO. First thing I did was explain that I hadn't informed them I was an NGO and at no point had I ever claimed to be operating one. Told them where to park their account and just carried on with what we were doing using other routes. Eventually Paypal just put my account back in good standing with no explanation.

I am a strong believer that "false charity" causes the stagnation of nations that stops revolt and change for the better. Double standards as we know how much turmoil there was in Europe over the centuries relating to change yet we deny other countries the right. Not going to get on my soap box too much but there are a lot of minerals in the Philippines.

Zimbabwe also seen some very lucrative British contracts signed previously that kept the country under Robert Mugabe that could have seen things change if the money wasn't poured in to pay the military and security forces. Off soap box.. but I am sure there are a lot of things behind closed doors we don't see and will never see.

But its the world we live in today..

30th December 2013, 11:35
ahh its ok thanks :)

Ako Si Jamie
30th December 2013, 20:22
Welcome back to the forum :xxgrinning--00xx3::Wave:

2nd January 2014, 02:17
Welcome back to the forum Matt, good to see you posting and we look forward to reading more :xxgrinning--00xx3: