View Full Version : moving back to uk

28th December 2013, 11:46
Hi everyone i'm planing to move back to the uk after working in France for 14 years i have a Filipino wife and a son who is a British citizen as well as myself, my wife is on a French carte de sejour 5 year then can be renewed as we got married in France so living here isn't a problem.
but moving back to uk seems so very complicated.
we own a house here already but i know i need to get a uk home but i don't want to leave my wife and son here in France for along time before getting visas sorted
does anyone have any advice?
on moving back to the uk for example...

28th December 2013, 12:47
Can't you apply for a UK settlement visa for your wife from the British Embassy?

28th December 2013, 13:09
Well it's a family permit I think but i'm just wondering if it's simple or complicated

Thanks for your comment

28th December 2013, 13:25
Come back yourself first, rent a place until you're in a position to buy, and get yourself a steady job paying at least £18,600 a year (to satisfy 'sponsor' requirements), then sort out a proper settlement visa for your wife.

28th December 2013, 13:27
I applied when we lived overseas in Qatar when it was called a settlement visa, had to fill in the usual amount of forms and attend an interview but it was fairly quick to be approved. I did not own a property here but did have a job to come back to.
Good luck

28th December 2013, 13:33
well i have a job and house here in France already, but you think it's better to buy one in the UK too ... i know the rent is almost the same price as a mortgage there now! but if its the best way
thanks for the advise

28th December 2013, 13:36
ahhh thanks longweekend i met my wife in dubai but we wanted to get married so married here in France it was very simple but when you hear all the stories it seams like hell to get though the paper work

28th December 2013, 13:39
yes i was thinking of doing it that way thanks

28th December 2013, 14:07
You are a British national exercising economic Treaty Rights in France and living with your non-EEA national spouse and children.
On your return to the UK, your non-EEA national spouse members may apply for an EEA family permit to join you under EU law.

This is incorporated into the EU law under Regulation 9. (http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2006/1003/regulation/9/made)

In principle there is no need for you to already be in the UK, to have an NI number, to have money, to have suitable accommodation, to have been married for more than a day or to have your spouse pass any English Language test.Period

Additionally, there is no application fee for an EEA family permit (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/eea-family-permit/)

Take a look at the UKBA webpage called How to apply for an EEA family permit (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/eucitizens/eea-family-permit/applying/) for details of what it is

The application form can be found at the right-hand side of that page.
Take a look to see what's involved......basically nothing much.

When your wife has an EEA family permit she can enter the UK with you using the EEA lane

Look here also (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/policyandlaw/guidance/ecg/eun/eun2/#header1) for some very good additional information on the EEA Family Permit.

An EEA Family Permit is a form of 'entry clearance' to the UK issued by UKBA. The EEA Family Permit is always issued for validity of 6 months. (means it must be used for entry within that validity)
But your wife will not be an overstayer after that expiry date. She can safely stay for as long as she wants.
However that Family Permit is not a visa and it's also not proof of legal residency. It's also not a Schenghen Visa and it is not considered to be a legal Travel Document.

I would personally recommend your wife makes application for a Residence Permit from UKBA as soon as possible after arrival into UK.
Technically it's not mandatory, but it really helps when travelling in and out of UK and also as an official statement on immigration status which is essential for employement etc.

Please do review the links then ask any specific questions you might have.

You can feel relaxed about returning to UK without major issues.

Hope that helps

28th December 2013, 14:17
Whoops!! Sorry Steve forgot to say... welcome aboard Filipino UK :welcomex:

Sorry my bad..

BTW do NOT make any application under UK immigration rules for settlement visa.
You are an EU citizen exercising treaty rights and are entitled to freedom of movement for you and your family.

28th December 2013, 16:41
Thanks a lot terpe