View Full Version : Fiancee Visa Documents Checklist

29th December 2013, 13:31
Hello there,

We will be submitting the fiancee visa application in February, while I am in Manila, and have prepared the following documents.

Have I missed any please?

Banks Statements - 6 month
Rented Accommodation Contract (My current address)
Let Property Contract (Property owned)
Land Registry (Property owned)
Employment Letter
Pay Slips - 6 months
Savings account statement

Yahoo conversations printed
Western Union statements
Photos of us together
Birthday Cards etc.
Flight booking emails

Letters of Intent:
Letter, from both us, explaining how we met and that we intend to marry

Marriage Booking:
Appointment Letter from Registry Office

Passport Copy (me)
Passport Original (Jenalyn)
Birth Certificate (Jenalyn)
Passport Photos (Jenalyn)
Printed Application Form

English Language:
TOEIC Test Certificates

TB Screening Certificate

Happy New Year!


29th December 2013, 16:07
Good luck to you and your fiancee :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th December 2013, 17:34
You can add your engagement ring receipt and photos of the engagement as well if youve got it with you. Best of luck on your application. Keep us posted!

29th December 2013, 19:21
Looks good to me.

29th December 2013, 20:00
Looks OK Joe.......the real key is what the submitted documents state as compliance to the rules.
Generally speaking you need to comply with :-
- Financial Requirement
- Accomodation
- Genuine relationship
- Evidence of intention to marry and live together
- English Language
- TB Certificate

If your docs support those mandatory requirements all is good.

Looks to me like a visa should be heading you way ..........here's wishing best of luck to you both

30th December 2013, 18:31
Thanks for the response.

I will add the engagement ring receipt as well.

The documents should comply.

Do I need to add the sponser application form also?


30th December 2013, 20:09
Thanks for the response.

I will add the engagement ring receipt as well.

The documents should comply.

Do I need to add the sponser application form also?


Hi Joe,

If you mean the "Sponsorship Undertaking Form SU07/12 then the answer is No, there's no requirement for that to be submitted.

However, may I kindly suggest you do provide a good supporting letter. It doesn't need to be pages and pages but I can tell you such letters DO have a significant influence on the final decision by the ECO
Include anything that could support a positive decision.

Here's what's stated within UKBA internal guidance for ECO's:-

......The ECO should give consideration to whatever a sponsor produces in support of an application and note anything that has a bearing on the case.

30th December 2013, 20:40
Thanks Terpe,

What sort of details would the sponsor letter cover and is this a separate letter to the one about the relationship?

Apart from the printed copy on the on-line application form are any other completed forms required?

Nearly there.

Many Thanks Again

30th December 2013, 22:07
We have a sample guide on what you may put in your sponsorship/cover letter. You can follow the link below.

Fiancée Visa Application – Cover Letter Example (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/29695-Fianc%C3%A9e-Visa-Application-%E2%80%93-Cover-Letter-Example)

31st December 2013, 16:35
Perfect - thanks for posting that.

6th February 2014, 15:42
Hi, My fiance lost the engagement ring receipt. He posted it to me as a surprise gift last August, how am I going to give an evidence of my ring, does the picture of the ring enough? and his gifts has some paper outside the wrapper whenever he send me something through post, can we include that? It declares the things and price of the stuff inside.

6th February 2014, 18:31
Definitely include letters of support even ones from other family members welcoming her into the family. We did that and had first time success. I included a letter from my three sons. Also you say print outs of yahoo conversations. I would avoid giving them anything like that - it's not necessary. Just print outs of chat logs will suffice, not the actual conversations. Too much information will just be irritating.
Incidentally we put ours in a proper lever arch file and each document was in a plastic sleeve. The first thing the checking staff did was remove all of the sleeves and bin the file! They just put a big paper clip on the whole lot.

Best of Luck

Dave and Lolita

23rd March 2014, 18:11
Hello how much did you pay for VIP Premium Service? thanks