View Full Version : Highs and Lows of 2013

30th December 2013, 20:01
Highs and lows of 2013,
What has been your high and low points of 2013 and what's in store for 2014?
My high point was getting the event assistant job, seeing my brother get married in Cornwall on our family holiday, two trips to Malta, our church KCH growing, trip to Scotland for a few days to see the Big Country gig and coming home from Malta in November to a lovely new kitten in our house called Lucky who has settled down a lot now.
Low point was not seeing my girl this year and the the very sad news that our cat Barney after 17 years of having him passed away at 16 years old in March. I think that's the only two low points I can remember.
Looking forward to 2014 with some exciting times ahead like more trips, seeing my girl and more things happening in our church KCH seeing what God has in store for us in 2014.
Happy New Year to all my friends and family here on facebook and God bless you all in 2014 :)

30th December 2013, 21:43
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your greeting and wishes.

As usual I seem to have had more than my fair share of lows and it's taken all the combined strength of my wife and myself to overcome them.
So one of my highs is beating those lows.

Of the two remaining students we sponsor for education in Philippines both have now been awarded valuable scholarships.....thank goodness.
Education is the second most important gift we can give. IMHO

Our daughter secured a great job on board a Superyacht.

On the forum we've had many many successful visa applications and we've also had many successful appeals against poor and incorrect decisions from UKBA
That's real impact on peoples lives and futures. Fantastic

I'm hoping 2014 will be a year where me and my wife won't need to face so many big challenges. Hoping we can finally relocate to our new life in Philippines and enjoy the life we pray for.... being together with our family

Well you did ask :biggrin:

30th December 2013, 22:00
Low point(s) in 2013:
Grandmum, grandad, and my dog died this year and I wasn't able to go home for the funerals.
Learning that I still have gallstones and an operation must be done (still waiting for appointments for the consultant though).

High point(s) in 2013:
Going on holiday in the Philippines (seeing all my family & friends) last November. :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Finally getting my FLR(M) on 14 February after 10 months of waiting.
Getting a 10 yr. multiple entry US tourist visa.

31st December 2013, 01:17
Low point. No power after the typhoon for a month.
High point. Power back on 4 months before originally estimated.

Low point. Land in Maribojoc before earthquake.
High point. Land in Maribojoc, after the earthquake.