View Full Version : Roma already in Britain 'are defecating on people's doorsteps'

31st December 2013, 18:46
Roma already in Britain 'are defecating on people's doorsteps' says top Tory council leader as she warns of burden that Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants will place on public services

Philippa Roe of Westminster City Council says council taxpayers will face rising bills from Bulgarian and Romanian immigration
Claims that Roma immigrants have been begging aggressively and behaving in an unsanitary way
Tens of thousands of Eastern Europeans expected in UK from tomorrow
Police boss says Romanians are already most likely to be criminals

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2531793/Roma-Britain-defecating-peoples-doorsteps-says-Tory-council-leader-warns-burden-Romanian-Bulgarian-immigrants-place-public-services.html#ixzz2p4kZWYHs

Well said Mrs Roe

Arthur Little
1st January 2014, 18:50
Roma already in Britain 'are defecating on people's doorsteps' says top Tory council leader as she warns of burden that Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants will place on public services

:olddude: ... that's a load of crap > :kngt: isn't it? It's time alarmists came down off their "high horse". :yeahthat: !

1st January 2014, 18:51
Fact not alarmist unfortunately Arthur :mad:

Arthur Little
1st January 2014, 19:29
:olddude: ... that's a load of crap > :kngt: isn't it? It's time alarmists came down off their "high horse". :yeahthat: !

Alas ... you're RIGHT! I simply couldn't resist my daft :idea: of injecting 'a little' bit of New Year :biggrin: cheer into an otherwise serious topic. :wink: