View Full Version : my new tablet

2nd January 2014, 21:28
Well, I went out and bought one of those Tesco Hudls for my hols in the Phil's. Using it now. It's great ! :biggrin:

2nd January 2014, 21:40
That's what I got my Mrs - how's the WiFi connection ? this one seems a bit suspect it drops it in certain areas of the house where laptops stay connected. I might have to send it back. I watched some stuff I'd downloaded on BBC IPlayer in the car whilst Mrs D was shopping - excellent picture quality and the battery life seems pretty good.

2nd January 2014, 23:38
Seems pretty good so far...working very well off the wifi in my lounge here...perfect.

Haven't tried it upstairs.

I've been busy unticking all the Google spying crap that they automatically tick for you. :smile:

3rd January 2014, 00:33
It took me about an hour to tick through all the tutorial crap after which I realised you could disable it

3rd January 2014, 19:39
Well, I went out and bought one of those Tesco Hudls for my hols in the Phil's. Using it now. It's great ! :biggrin:
Christmas and new year has come and gone yet still this tablet is selling like hot cakes. .They can't keep up with the demand :NoNo:

3rd January 2014, 19:54
Christmas and new year has come and gone yet still this tablet is selling like hot cakes. .They can't keep up with the demand :NoNo:

They'e laughing all the way to the bank.

I had to email the Chief Executive of Tesco who finally got mine delivered a few days before Christmas, the original one is still in the black hole of Yodel Reading Depot. No recompense or gesture for their appalling service.

3rd January 2014, 23:58
To be fair, my local Tesco non-food dept have always given me really efficient and friendly service.

Also gave me a brilliant deal on my Xbox not long ago. :smile:

Oh, and I'm lovin this Hudl thing. Easy, even for a twirp like me. :icon_lol:

4th January 2014, 21:03
Sounds good. Glad you are enjoying it.

If you like you tube and want to download the video from it.

Search for an app called "tubemate"

It's not on the google play store. you have to download it from a website.

If you search tubemate on google on the tablet and download it from


you can choose the resolution to download and keep the video on the tablet or phone.

4th January 2014, 23:21
Thanks cheekee...located and bookmarked.

+ a rep for you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th January 2014, 23:49
Thanks Graham.

You have to download the apk (program/app) from that web address onto your tablet.

Scroll down and click on the blue bar that says download (halfway down).

You then install it on your tablet.

5th January 2014, 02:03
Yep...got that. Cheers mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
6th January 2014, 19:11
What's a Tablet, Ipod, Ipad And Smart Phone, also what do they do that my Mobile phone, Camera and Computer don't do, p:Erm:lease?

6th January 2014, 19:29
A tablet is really just a computer,think of a laptop but without a keyboard.
It is like a big smartphone
Ipad, is a tablet made by apple with it's own operating system,the others are Android devices (the main rival to apple) more akin to a pc.

6th January 2014, 21:02
What's a Tablet, Ipod, Ipad And Smart Phone, also what do they do that my Mobile phone, Camera and Computer don't do, p:Erm:lease?

It's like all over those gadgets in one, in a convenient-sized package that will fit in a LARGE pocket. My tablet has two cameras (one forward facing, for Skyping etc), a mike, speakers, wi-fi, and more computing power than my desktop ! :cwm24:

I can also connect it to my PC or my TV to download and upload stuff, play videos, look at pics etc.

Michael Parnham
6th January 2014, 23:28
A tablet is really just a computer,think of a laptop but without a keyboard.
It is like a big smartphone
Ipad, is a tablet made by apple with it's own operating system,the others are Android devices (the main rival to apple) more akin to a pc.

Thanks Les. So an Ipad & Ipod do the same thing?

Michael Parnham
6th January 2014, 23:30
It's like all over those gadgets in one, in a convenient-sized package that will fit in a LARGE pocket. My tablet has two cameras (one forward facing, for Skyping etc), a mike, speakers, wi-fi, and more computing power than my desktop ! :cwm24:

I can also connect it to my PC or my TV to download and upload stuff, play videos, look at pics etc.

So is this what your Hudl does Graham?

7th January 2014, 00:01
Yes...I'm just going to use it to Skype my lady in Manila now. :smile:

Can't show her around the house using the desk top. lol...and I can't get skype on my mobile phone.

7th January 2014, 00:31

Hey, Skype works great on the tablet...better than on my old PC and webcam ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2014, 01:32

Hey, Skype works great on the tablet...better than on my old PC and webcam ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sounds like you are having great fun with it Graham! I'm glad you found a bargain :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2014, 01:40

Hey, Skype works great on the tablet...better than on my old PC and webcam ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

We took our Samsung tab on holiday last year and it was great for keeping in touch with all the family on Skype, thanks to the free wifi at hotels, restaurants and cafes.
Plus all the other stuff, maps, books etc. all on a piece of kit you can slip in a coat pocket.
A real useful bit of progress.

7th January 2014, 09:22
So an Ipad & Ipod do the same thing?
No an ipod is for playing music only,ipad is much bigger and does everything,but it is basically a 'Tablet' but the most well known one as it was the first.
Not necessary the best one though just the most well known.
Here are some reviews but it's easy to find just Google 'tablet reviews'

7th January 2014, 10:48
I have selected one of my dish-drying cloths to sew into a handy pouch, so that I can hang it round my neck, but under my shirt. :smile:

(Also may be used for wiping my brow or drying the odd dish.)

Michael Parnham
7th January 2014, 12:10
I have selected one of my dish-drying cloths to sew into a handy pouch, so that I can hang it round my neck, but under my shirt. :smile:

(Also may be used for wiping my brow or drying the odd dish.)

Yes, you are a true Yorkshireman Graham! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2014, 12:38
It's like all over those gadgets in one, in a convenient-sized package that will fit in a LARGE pocket. My tablet has two cameras (one forward facing, for Skyping etc), a mike, speakers, wi-fi, and more computing power than my desktop ! :cwm24:

I can also connect it to my PC or my TV to download and upload stuff, play videos, look at pics etc.

Same as my S4:biggrin:

Having said that, It's got a bigger screen:xxgrinning--00xx3:. I got my boys one to share (only paid a £40 0dd for it)..its coping well with the abuse, screen hasnt broke as yet :icon_lol:

For holidays (the only time i use it)I'll be sticking to my trusty notebook

7th January 2014, 13:44
Yes, you are a true Yorkshireman Graham! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All sewn and finished mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


7th January 2014, 14:09
Have you tried connecting it up to the TV yet with HDMI lead Graham ? I've got to buy a lead

7th January 2014, 14:15
No, I haven't actually.

I've got an HDMI lead from the Xbox to the TV, so I suppose I could borrow that (as my son pointed out when I was searching around for a lead).

Not too bothered to be honest, plus my telly is connected through to my main PC anyway. :smile:

Naturally I will avoid at all costs having to buy any extra leads. :biggrin:

7th January 2014, 18:49
must be that time of year..we all leaving the cold uk :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I'm busy boiling my eggs..i'm not lettin those go to waste

7th January 2014, 18:55
Blimey, that sounds painful Mark. :cwm24:

7th January 2014, 19:26
Blimey, that sounds painful Mark. :cwm24:

Old habits die hard Graham :icon_lol: Nothing goes to waste here..not now it don't :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2014, 19:28
We're expecting to see loads of pics Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2014, 19:32
Come to think of it, I always pack coffee, sweeteners and milk powder when I go on my hols...plus my jumbo-sized lunchbox of sarnies of course, for the train and airport. :smile:

I did have a cute little travel kettle too, but I think the ex has got that now.

Hmm, I'm sure I still have the travel heating element that you just drop into your drink though. :Erm: Will have a look for it. NOW.

7th January 2014, 19:33
Got £20 refund today from Tesco as recompense for their sloppy delivery & customer service - I had to ask for it though (if you don't ask you don't get). I'll look for an Asda Smartprice tablet next time :biggrin:

7th January 2014, 19:38
Well done Dedworth.:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

The poor Pizza delivery boys in the Phils NEVER got full price out of me when they were (always) late. Well, it was THEIR offer...half-price if not there within the hour. :icon_lol:

I mean...in the Philippines of all places. http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/Doh.gif

Michael Parnham
7th January 2014, 20:41
All sewn and finished mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Brilliant Graham! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2014, 20:53
Hand-sewn while watching various DNA test results on Jeremy Kyle. :icon_lol:

7th January 2014, 20:56
We're expecting to see loads of pics Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Oh there'll be plenty of those...hopefully not doing the Michael Jackson moonwalk in a Manila jail though. :biggrin:



Over 50 million views...bet those poor buggers are wishing they'd got some royalties. :doh

9th January 2014, 19:43
Oh, and another thing...

The Tablet has got voice activation ! :Jump:

Now that may be old hat to some folk, but I just happened to press on this mic' icon on the front....said "go to facebook"...and IT DID ! :grosyeux:

I was like a kid with a magic toy then. lol :laugher:

9th January 2014, 20:52
Thanks Graham - I just ordered it to open Chrome & open tune in radio and it did as it was told. Clever. If often use the voice activation on my 'Droid phone to dictate texts & emails so I guess the same is on the Hudl

9th January 2014, 21:41
Yes, just remembered, I've got voice activation on my Nokia 610 too.

Never thought to try it. :Erm:

I will do now. heehee. :Rasp:

Michael Parnham
9th January 2014, 21:43
Oh, and another thing...

The Tablet has got voice activation ! :Jump:

Now that may be old hat to some folk, but I just happened to press on this mic' icon on the front....said "go to facebook"...and IT DID ! :grosyeux:

I was like a kid with a magic toy then. lol :laugher:

Maritess ask's can you access instagram Graham?

9th January 2014, 21:49
Yes, I have the Instagram app...haven't used it yet though.

I have just tried 'voice texting' on my phone. It worked a treat. Brilliant !...save me fumbling about trying to type ! :Jump:

Michael Parnham
9th January 2014, 21:54
Yes, I have the Instagram app...haven' used it yet though.

I have just tried 'voice texting' on my phone. It worked a treat. Brilliant !...save me fumbling about trying to type ! :Jump:

Wow she loves you Graham, I've got to buy one now! :biggrin:

9th January 2014, 22:59

Just look up the reviews on google search Michael...pretty impressive.

The price has evidently been subsidised heavily by Tesco, because they want people to use their built-in app for online shopping. The Tablet is made in the Asus factory in Taiwan, and feels very solid and well-made. :smile:

10th January 2014, 02:11
Music to my employer's ears :xxgrinning--00xx3: