View Full Version : When to apply for a fiance visa

9th January 2014, 16:31
Hi all,
Just joined this forum and look forward to finding out more. I have one main question for anyone who may be able to help. I've met a lovely Filipina who I've been Skyping with for 2 months now. Went over there for Xmas/New Year and got on very well with each other. Next step for us will be a fiance visa. I've read all the official guidance plus lots on here but there's one question which remains unanswered. How long do you need to have known each other before applying for the visa. I ask this because:
a) There's nothing whatsoever about it on the official site and
b) One of the reasons given for refusal is that they've not known each other long enough

but, yet again, absolutely no clue as to what period of time is long enough.

There - I feel better just for having posted the question!
I realise there's probably no definitive answer but any clues or relevant experiences gratefully received. Thanks.

10th January 2014, 08:32
i dont think there is a definite time period--its a matter of convincing the case worker that your relationship is genuine and subsisting.

however--as the sponsor you have to meet specific requirements such as proof of earnings = £18600 p.a. with payslips over a set period--and bank statements for the last 6 months. is this likely to be a problem for you--? if so--you may well need to defer the application till these requirements are met.

10th January 2014, 12:50
mr bigmac :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
14th January 2014, 13:22
Terry ... :welcomex: to Filipino/UK. True, there IS no set time stipulated in the Guidelines ... but it seems to me, the very fact that you've made the effort to travel some 7,000 miles across the globe to meet this lady - and, by all accounts appear to have been as compatible as it's possible to be with someone on such short acquaintance - is, in my honest opinion, as good an indication as any ... :anerikke: ... of your serious and honorable intent towards carving out a future together.

Bigmac has already set out the basic criteria required in his reply ... and there isn't a great deal I can add - except to wish both you and your girlfriend all the very best in your blossoming relationship. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th January 2014, 15:22
Hi TerryC, welcome aboard Filipino UK :welcomex:

As other have indicated there's no specific timing imposed by immigration rules for application of visa leading to settlement.

The only key for you to follow is that of convincing the UKBA Entry Clearance Officer that your relationship is "Genuine and Subsisting"

Here's the Immigration Directorate Instructions on a Genuine and Subsisting Relationship

Genuine and Subsisting Relationship (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/IDIs/chp8-annex/section-FM2.1.pdf?view=Binary)

Happy reading and good luck

16th January 2014, 10:55
Thank you all for your helpful replies. I'll just get on with the application then! Fingers crossed. Thanks again.

19th January 2014, 07:26
The only answer I can give you, is apply when you know it's right for both of you, remember you are planning the rest of your lives together, so just take your time, there is no rush