View Full Version : a question for Terpe

25th January 2014, 12:48
hi--in the recent thread "what a mess",--you posted this link:

Marriage validity flowchart

ive read it through--can i refer to this part:

Was there anything in the law of
either party’s country of
domicile (see SET15 Domicile)
that restricted his/her freedom
to enter the marriage?

in connection with this--remember we discussed the idea of a "las Vegas" wedding---do you think the quoted paragraph would create a problem if i go down this route?------bearing in mind that at this stage my fiancees marriage hasnt yet been annulled

26th January 2014, 10:43
Hi bigmac,
Your Fiancee was divorced in UK and that divorce is legally recognised virtually everywhere except in Philippines.
To be honest I've no experience or knowledge about the chances of your Fiancee getting her divorce legally recognised in the Philippines since she was the petitioner. Technically it's not possible.
Now whether or not she can succeed in securing an annulment comes down to finding the best combination of lawyer and judge.

Your challenge is finding the right route for your Fiancee to enter UK under a settlement visa.
Annulment would be one way.
Might be worth asking UKBA whether or not presentation of a UK issued divorce would be accepted for Fiancee Visa.......

26th January 2014, 16:53
thanks Terpe.
at the moment she is going for annulment--hoping for one in say--6 months. i gather it could be sooner if extra bung is slung. what a farce. but-- no point in sooner--i need to have my sponsorship savings in place for 6 months--= june.

i'm just hedging my bets though. if that fails--or looks like being a long dragged out affaire---i need a plan B. i had pondered flying over--and us going to hong kong---has anyone on here got married there--?--whats the gen?

but--i like that idea of asking UKBA--i hadnt realised they were approachable.

26th January 2014, 16:59
... i had pondered flying over--and us going to hong kong---has anyone on here got married there--?--whats the gen?

Quite a few folks have been that route as it seems to be much less problematic and requires minimal paperwork. I understand no CNI's etc

... but--i like that idea of asking UKBA--i hadnt realised they were approachable.

Hope I didn't give that impression :icon_lol::icon_lol:

I would suggest a simple question to them on the UK divorce side. Nothing to lose.....but don't raise your hopes of a meaningful response....:icon_lol::icon_lol:

As you say let's wait to see how the annulment works out :xxgrinning--00xx3: