View Full Version : How do I apply my child for British citizenship?

26th January 2014, 00:06
Hi all, my first post here.

A little bit about myself. I am born and currently living in the UK and met my filipina partner who is in the Philippines. We are not yet married and planning to be in the future. Hopefully the whole family to settle here. We are expecting our first baby boy in a month!

I know he will be eligible by descent, however there are so many forms and sections I'm getting confused. My question is how do I claim our child for British citizenship.

thank you very much.

26th January 2014, 02:26
its not so difficult to apply for your child's British passport if you have all the correct papers. There is a checklist of the required papers on the ukba website, sorry I don't have a link right now. But you also need to get your partner to print out the C2 and notes for guidance.
Search the forum with the search box top right as this has been asked many times.

26th January 2014, 11:26
Hi xenon, welcome aboard Filipino UK :welcomex:

Here's some useful links to start with:-

Overseas British passport applications (https://www.gov.uk/overseas-passports/y/philippines/applying/child/philippines)

Application Form C2 (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/213952/form-c2.pdf)

As Steve suggests there's quite a number of threads here that should cover all aspects.

26th January 2014, 12:16
thanks a lot. Isn't passport and citizenship different? Or will I apply for his citizenship afterwards?

26th January 2014, 13:58
thanks a lot. Isn't passport and citizenship different? Or will I apply for his citizenship afterwards?

Only British Citizens are eligible for a British Passport.
As you already mentioned your future son will automatically be 'British Citizenship by descent' and will not need to acquire citizenship any other way.
Sometimes you may need to provide detailed levels of proof of parentage but that's it.

Take a look at the form to better understand all the documentary evidence needed for the passport.

It is not mandatory to register your child with the Embassy. That will simply be an unnecessary additional time delay and cost.

Terry C
26th January 2014, 14:57
Get a certificate of live birth (green document from the hospital in philippines). Take it to the local NSO Municipal Hall and pay to express it to Manila to be lodged in the Civil Registration System. I then took my mother in law to the NSO office for the region about a week later, we paid 500 pesos in a little brown envelope to a girl behind the counter then left. The next day the phone went and we popped back to the NSO regional office paid for NSO copies of Birth Certificate and CRS form No 5, gathered all other required paperwork and went to Embassy in Manila on the appointment day, paid the fee .. 22 days later DHL delivered the baby's passport.

26th January 2014, 16:05
Hi, I am going through the same process now, British citizenship by decent for both of my children ....I got both of my children registered at the British Embassy and birth certificate issued for them (this is all you need and the cheapest method) it's the same documents you need for a passport. Passport is the other method

please be warned ......the Embassy does not issues passport anymore, so you do not need to print off the C2 form anymore, it's all done from the UK Passport Office now online. Here are the links below. If you have any question on the documents you need to send pm me as I have called the Passport Office a few times, you need to have more documents and it's got harder.




26th January 2014, 17:43
So there is 2 ways of applying...

Via the British Embassy with the check list

or just by filling the C2 form

2nd February 2014, 22:28
Hi, xenon.....from the end of December, the UK Embassy in Manila does not have anything to do with processing British passports. How do I know? Because I went there on January the 10th and they told me, that all applications are now done online. You need to fill in and print the application form and pay online, then send it with all the documentation to the Passport Office in the UK.. you will see that there are no appointments for passport at the embassy any more...there is only one way to apply.


2nd February 2014, 22:31
https://www.gov.uk/government/public...uments-group-3this is the only way...



2nd February 2014, 22:34
This is the only way to apply..disregard the C2 form, as there are no appointments for passports anymore




Arthur Little
2nd February 2014, 23:41
This is the only way to apply..disregard the C2 form, as there are no appointments for passports anymore




:gp: ... where there's a 'will', there's a way! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd February 2014, 00:09
Thanks Will. You're great help.

May I ask how did you get your children registered at the British Embassy and get birth certificate for them?

thanks again.

Hi, I am going through the same process now, British Citizenship by descent for both of my children ....I got both of my children registered at the British Embassy and birth certificate issued for them. (this is all you need and the cheapest method) it's the same documents you need for a passport. Passport is the other method

Please be warned ......the Embassy does not issue passports anymore, so you do not need to print off the C2 form anymore, it's all done from the uk passport office now online. Here are the links below. If you have any questions on the documents you need to send pm me as I have called the Passport Office a few times, you need to have more documents and it's got harder.




3rd February 2014, 03:42
There is no need to register your children at the Embassy, their Philippine certificate is all that is needed. When you successfully get their passport is when you can be safe to know they are British.

5th February 2014, 02:02
Thanks Will. You're great help.

May I ask how did you get your children registered at the British Embassy and get birth certificate for them?

thanks again.

hi, just go on the the British embassy manila click book and book an appointment, please remember if your bringing your kids to the uk, they will never have a British birth certificate issued in the uk...this is the only way you will get one. also on the new passport requirements, if you send the birth certificate issued from the embassy to the uk, there less documentation to send, as you have gone thru all the checks all ready and having a British birth certificate classed as British citizen.


5th February 2014, 02:23
hi, yes got my son done last year and my wife has an appointment today feb 5th for my daughter, several people on the forum say that they are not necessary to having, but for me there is more advantages have them...plus there less documentation to send to the uk for there passports.



Arthur Little
5th February 2014, 02:51
:welcomex:, Xenon! Seems you've already had lots of answers to your question. :smile:

So ... rather than add anything further at this stage, I would simply suggest you study the relevant links provided - and also take this opportunity of wishing you all the best with the birth of your child - and, in turn, his/her passport application. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2014, 03:37
Above is sound advice Xenon. It's a fairly simple process. Both my children were born in the Philippines and did not apply for their passports until they were 5/6 years. But even then it was not difficult. I just followed members advice on this forum.

One thing to be aware of is... The day your child gets their British Passport they will become British and subject to Immigration Laws in the Philippines just like you. Overstaying etc::xxgrinning--00xx3:


12th February 2014, 19:48
Hey all
What documents did you send off for their passports? My kids are 1 and 2 years old, so have no school records. I have their filipino passports and NSO bith certificates, and i was also going to send a copy of my wife's Philhealth which has their names and birth dates on there. I'm struggling for the fourth document. Maybe the ultra sounds and notes from her obi-gyn for the two pregnancies. I don't know what else i could send! Also we live in small barangay compound with no real address, no house number or house name, as i guess many live like in the philippines. So the address on their docs is very vague, just the barangay, city, and province. Is this ok? We moved also so my sons address on his birth cert is different to his passport. I hoping they just want proof of them residing in the Philippines, not specific residential are

15th February 2014, 10:16
Above is sound advice Xenon. It's a fairly simple process. Both my children were born in the Philippines and did not apply for their passports until they were 5/6 years. But even then it was not difficult. I just followed members advice on this forum.

One thing to be aware of is... The day your child gets their British Passport they will become British and subject to Immigration Laws in the Philippines just like you. Overstaying etc::xxgrinning--00xx3:


But the child would eligible for dual citizenship no? Then they could, leave the PI on the Philippine passport. Is this correct?

15th February 2014, 16:48
I think that's correct, but i assume to get through UK immigration they would need the appropriate visa if they were to exit with their Filipino passport.

I'm confused..if somebody could clarify this! So what happens when the child gets his/her British passport? You can just leave the Philippines anytime with it, walk through immigration, as simple as that! Or do you get 21 days from the day you receive it like a regular British tourist?

16th February 2014, 16:14
hi. ben I am going through the same process for my kids this week, before I fly on the 24th...so these are the documents I am sending....by the way I confirmed this by call the passtport office a few times..

Passport type no.2 born after 1july 2006 not naturalised or registered.
2 identical photos. Yes both children

id documents table A. child first passport.
1. Immigration photo card,
2. Postal photo id,
3. Apartment rental agreement,
4. Selection of family date picture of both children,
5. 2 x birth records, scan etc
6. certified colour copy of my passport
7. utilty bills
8. philhealth(with all our names on it including mine and the kids)

Parents documents table C.
1. British embassy birth certificate + nso x 2
2. Both parents birth certificate,
3. My old passport,
4. my wife’s certified colour copy of passport

Other requirements table E.
1. Marriage certificate nso

covering letter stating what you can not send etc

hope this helps


16th February 2014, 16:27
I am not sure, but if they are using a Philippine passport only, they need to apply for a visa??,

what I am doing is getting a Philippine and uk passport for my kids, and I have been told you just produce both passports at the departing airport and you don't have to get an exit clearance certificate. when you get to London, I guess you do the same?? not sure maybe can put me right on this.

not sure if they need a cfo sticker/certificate as they are dual citizen. if they only have a Philippine passport they need to get it.


16th February 2014, 16:41
ben what the past port office said to me, what they need is an official letter / document with your address on..so philihealth would be ok, make sure your wife adds you to it, postal id is another, you can get this at your local post office at 500paso...I have been told you need to go to the barangay to get a certificate then take that to the post office, scan the certificate and send this.


17th February 2014, 20:28
Thanks Will :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th February 2014, 20:56
no problem, the certificate you get from the barangay, is called NBI clearance, I am going to get a photo copy of it and get it certified by a local lawyer(50 pasos) and includes this with my passport application....will