View Full Version : Family split apart by immigration rules

28th January 2014, 14:21
well at least she got to spend 6 months in the UK

A young Welsh American family is being torn apart by controversial immigration rules with the mother and her 18-month-old baby being forced to leave Britain and fly across the Atlantic today while her teacher husband stays in Wales.

read more here .. http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/family-split-apart-immigration-rules-6607837

28th January 2014, 15:42
bad internet connection here so cant open the link, but without reading the whole story, I assume they didn't look into the requirments ,
which makes me wonder why some people go blunder on into a life changing move leaving their jobs behind so blindly:Erm:

28th January 2014, 15:51
They knew the rules.................

28th January 2014, 18:14
welcome to the real world

28th January 2014, 19:01
No sympathy from me either...They had 6 months to find better employment. Obviously they didnt want it that bad. :NoNo:

Arthur Little
28th January 2014, 23:11
Contrary to the sentiments others have expressed here so far ... I make no apologies for feeling heart sorry for this family.

Those of you who know me through my writings over the years, will be aware I've been dead against the downright unfairness of the :censored: Minimum Income Requirement set by this Government ever since the :idea: was first mooted.

What I do find strange, on the other hand ... :anerikke: ... is the fact that an experienced College Lecturer would earn less than £18,600 p.a. :icon_rolleyes:

:yeahthat: seems rather odd!

28th January 2014, 23:19
err--am i missing something--why would the child--a british citizen surely--be deported--?

28th January 2014, 23:31
err--am i missing something--why would the child--a british citizen surely--be deported--?

You've missed nothing Bigmac..The British baby went with the deported parent

28th January 2014, 23:40
Contrary to the sentiments others have expressed here so far ... I make no apologies for feeling heart sorry for this family.

Those of you who know me through my writings over the years, will be aware I've been dead against the downright unfairness of the :censored: Minimum Income Requirement set by this Government ever since the :idea: was first mooted.

What I do find strange, on the other hand ... :anerikke: ... is the fact that an experienced College Lecturer would earn less than £18,600 p.a. :icon_rolleyes:

:yeahthat: seems rather odd!

Am on your side with this one Arthur I also feel their pain; also bigmac, the child would not be deported as it is not allowed but its up to the parents themselves to how best to deal with this situation and as the father is now working then for the short term a little holiday back to the USA would be the best solution for them.

BTW Shift out the s...e Mrs May and leave the good guys alone...:cwm23:

28th January 2014, 23:42
Contrary to the sentiments others have expressed here so far ... I make no apologies for feeling heart sorry for this family.

Those of you who know me through my writings over the years, will be aware I've been dead against the downright unfairness of the :censored: Minimum Income Requirement set by this Government ever since the :idea: was first mooted.

What I do find strange, on the other hand ... :anerikke: ... is the fact that an experienced College Lecturer would earn less than £18,600 p.a. :icon_rolleyes:

:yeahthat: seems rather odd!

I'm dead against the Great British taxpayer having the pee taken out of us. How would you like to contribute on your next neighbour's Bentley hire purchase agreement while you've cut your cloth, living within your means, making do with a Jaguar.
You wanna a Bentley then have the means to own one b4 u take on the agreement. Quite simple, really :cwm25:

Arthur Little
29th January 2014, 02:12
I'm dead against the Great British taxpayer having the pee taken out of us. How would you like to contribute on your next neighbour's Bentley hire purchase agreement while you've cut your cloth, living within your means, making do with a Jaguar.
You wanna a Bentley then have the means to own one b4 u take on the agreement. Quite simple, really :cwm25:

'fraid the :piss2: is already being extracted from the Great British taxpayer (has been for yonks!) by the assorted "ne'er do wells" our spineless political masters allow to stay here ... as referred to in Joe's link ... I suggest you :ReadIt:!

Frankly, I fail to see the analogy between two top of the range cars and [wilfully] splitting up families.

:iagree: 100% with Mark's statement in #9, viz:-

"Shift out the sh1t and leave ordinary, decent, law-abiding folk to get on with their lives in peace", needs to be the message conveyed in no uncertain terms to our illustrious Home Secretary.

30th January 2014, 01:24
Frankly, I fail to see the analogy between two top of the range cars and [wilfully] splitting up families.

:iagree: 100% with Mark's statement in #9, viz:-

"Shift out the sh1t and leave ordinary, decent, law-abiding folk to get on with their lives in peace", needs to be the message conveyed in no uncertain terms to our illustrious Home Secretary.
The analogy is quite clear:xxgrinning--00xx3:

As for ''shifting out the excrement'' Hardly a charitable term for folks coming from war ravaged countries.

Arthur Little
30th January 2014, 21:33
The analogy is quite clear :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:nono-1-1: ... not to me, it isn't, I'm afraid.

As for ''shifting out the excrement'' Hardly a charitable term for folks coming from war ravaged countries.

C'mon, mate :icon_rolleyes: ... after all this time, you surely know me better than that ... I have no objections to :Britain: taking its share of refugees from war~torn nations - within reason!

What I don't want is the criminal riff~raff ... the [seemingly] constant influx of :crazy: Middle Eastern [so-called "religious"] extremists - who are hell~bent on causing mayhem - infiltrating our shores ... attempting to sweep aside our centuries-old traditions by demanding WE accept theirs ... or else ... ! :cwm23:

30th January 2014, 22:57
:nono-1-1: ... not to me, it isn't, I'm afraid.

When I was last earning 18k back in the late 80s I cld hardly afford a holiday for 2 adults and 2 kids to the Canaries.

Seemingly now, some folks can take hols to the Philippines earning way less than 18k, get themselves loved up and married, to boot.

All the while, presumably in receipt of taxpayers handouts to keep their heads above water.

No offence meant to anybody. ..it's just an observation :cwm25:

31st January 2014, 08:16
Interesting topic.

Lesson to all to do some simple research before making life-changing decisions. :cwm25:

Michael Parnham
31st January 2014, 09:40
When I was last earning 18k back in the late 80s I cld hardly afford a holiday for 2 adults and 2 kids to the Canaries.

Seemingly now, some folks can take hols to the Philippines earning way less than 18k, get themselves loved up and married, to boot.

All the while, presumably in receipt of taxpayers handouts to keep their heads above water.

No offence meant to anybody. ..it's just an observation :cwm25:

Interesting point Gwaps, In the eighties I was earning approx. £7000 a year and took on my first mortgage and was living a comfortable life! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

3rd February 2014, 20:05
Interesting point Gwaps, In the eighties I was earning approx. £7000 a year and took on my first mortgage and was living a comfortable life! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's all in ur interpretation of 'comfortable'

I wouldn't call living in a tree house, living off dried leaves, comfortable :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Correct me if I'm wrong, Michael :biggrin:..I thought you said quite a while back on here that you lost your £250000 home to your first wife. If that's the case, the value of it certainly multiplied over a short period

3rd February 2014, 20:52
Interesting topic.

Lesson to all to do some simple research before making life-changing decisions. :cwm25:
