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30th January 2014, 18:22
When the time comes for me to move abroad and to claim my pension if there is anything left that is, what happens if i have been claiming for years and i pop off, do you have to inform the people or just carry on making out i am sitting on the beach drinking pimms and having a wicked time, just a thought

30th January 2014, 21:22
It might be hard to keep your bank account open in your name if you're "brown bread" and I assume that is where your pension will be paid into. However I do see where your coming from as then your wife will get your full pension (until they discover you're dead) instead of the proportion normally paid to a widow. Your wife of course would be breaking the law and I would have thought the consequences would at least be complete loss of widows pension. Much better to come clean.....so when you finally kick the bucket you had better tell them Steve!

30th January 2014, 21:31
i shall make the letter out now, so once i have gone Ems can post it with a 2nd class stamp on it :biggrin:

30th January 2014, 21:45
I'd suspect there's plenty of individuals from the sub continent plundering the system like you say Steve not necessarily overseas but in Tower Hamlets, Bradford, Blackburn etc

30th January 2014, 21:48
yes lots and lots,

30th January 2014, 22:42
Most pension companies are now sending out, what they call "Life Forms", you have to get a photo signed by a lawyer or doctor or same list as your passport. Then send it back to them. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
31st January 2014, 09:44
It might be hard to keep your bank account open in your name if you're "brown bread" and I assume that is where your pension will be paid into. However I do see where your coming from as then your wife will get your full pension (until they discover you're dead) instead of the proportion normally paid to a widow. Your wife of course would be breaking the law and I would have thought the consequences would at least be complete loss of widows pension. Much better to come clean.....so when you finally kick the bucket you had better tell them Steve!

If Steve kicks the bucket, he won't be able to tell them, but good sound advice from your good self! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st January 2014, 13:50
if its government pension, then I believe its changed, no longer does your wife get your pension on long term, I think its something like a small lump sum plus only 1 year pension payments , and that's the lot,
private pensions I don't know

31st January 2014, 18:27
amazing you pay in and expect to live a long time enjoying what you have saved and the goverment is hoping you live a short time and they can spend what you have saved

3rd February 2014, 10:26
Benefits cheats living abroad 'claim millions for dead relatives' as part of £84m scam, new figures reveal

Estimated £84m of benefit fraud committed abroad, new figures suggest
Figure includes families receiving payments for relatives who have died
‪Pension Credit accounts for £52m of abroad fraud, according to DWP

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2550803/Benefits-cheats-living-abroad-claim-millions-dead-relatives-84m-scam-new-figures-reveal.html#ixzz2sFX1AbSu

No surprises that Pakistan is high on the list

3rd February 2014, 20:50
and here is me thinking i was the one to start a new trend :biggrin: