View Full Version : how long have we all left

1st February 2014, 11:55
eating healthily, exercising you do all this but thats no guarantee of living a long time, so how can we extend the months and years, or is it live today tomorrow will take care of itself, well if that is the
case i hope tomorrow has lots of cash because there could be lots of tomorrows,
infact i am hoping on at least 20+ years of tomorrows, so it looks like eating healthily, exercising and putting some cash away for now is all we can do,

1st February 2014, 12:01
live your life :cwm25::biggrin: while you have chance thats what u gotta do :biggrin: stop worrying as what well be will be :cwm24: you can't stop anything from happening :cwm24: on its own course :cwm3::Hellooo:

Michael Parnham
1st February 2014, 12:42
No stress and no worry is part of the path to long life! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st February 2014, 14:03
Drink beer, lose weight.. Live longer!!

Ako Si Jamie
1st February 2014, 14:34
Stressful job & stressful relationship equals stress 24/7 so cut these two out and you'll live longer I reckon.

1st February 2014, 14:53
I'm dieting and eating much more healthily but when your no.s up that's it:yikes::icon_lol:
No one gets a bye:xxgrinning--00xx3:
It's the great leveler :smile:

Arthur Little
1st February 2014, 15:29
Well ... :anerikke: ... since we're into February ... less than 8 months from now - according to Holy Scriptures :biggrin: - I shall reach man's "allotted span" of three-score years and ten. :omg:!

But, :olddude: ... cast aside your fears, my friends ... notwithstanding, my "guilty" indulgences, I could, conceivably, "be around" for 'a little' while longer, yet.

:cwm24: ... how come?

Laying aside the fact that I'm diabetic ... my latest medical check up revealed my liver & kidney functions remained satisfactory - due to a significant drop in my sugar levels and my blood pressure's apparently excellent. :Jump:

Added to which, I was recently discharged from the local Oncology Clinic I'd been attending [periodically] for CT Scans ever since undergoing Urological Surgery in November 2011.

Having remarried at the age of 64, I can now look forward to my Golden Wedding in 2058!

:yeahthat:'s what Myrna's :pray:ing for, anyway. :smile:

Well ... :anerikke: ... one can always hope!

1st February 2014, 15:47
I wanna save for the future but my job aint the best paying so i'm in limbo land at the moment. I supose for me its about finding the right balance somewhere in the middle between james dean and an old miser :olddude:

1st February 2014, 15:51
A Golden Wedding in '58 sounds good to me, put my name down for that bash! I'll be a sprightly 103 so no problem....:biggrin::biggrin: