View Full Version : Balikbayan box

2nd February 2014, 18:12
Its that time to order our box to be packed and sent over to the family, after what seems months of buying this and that i think we have enough to fill 1 or maybe 2 boxes,
So its time to give them a call to bring the boxes over to pack them, lots of cloths , food, and soaps, and what ever else we can think of to fill the boxes up, and yes there may be some xmas presents too,
Who do you use and why, we have only used the same person now and are happy with them but i shall leave that for Ems to sort out , all i shall do is pack it and buy the loads of tape we need to make it secure it,
It will be great to get the bedroom back to some sort of normality after the piles of cloths are taken away :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2014, 18:18
We would be interested to see who uses who as we have a couple of boxes to go....

2nd February 2014, 18:22
we used tagalogbalikbayan , but like i said Ems will be calling who she thinks is best, we was at a party the other week and there was someone doing this so may give them a try

2nd February 2014, 22:07
We would be interested to see who uses who as we have a couple of boxes to go....

Who did you get your boxes from ??

2nd February 2014, 22:21
Forex Cargo

2nd February 2014, 22:24
Who did you get your boxes from ??

We don't have the actual boxes yet, just enough clothes to fill a couple...

3rd February 2014, 13:16
We used Belwood UK Freight Consolidators. We had a bad experience in Forex Cargo since they don't have an agent in our place. They kept us waiting for the box that they promised to deliver but when we phoned them it seems we're waiting for nothing.:cwm23: With Belwood you will transact directly to the owner (who will pick up your box as well) and you can buy your own box and just let them quote for the price (we bought it in ebay for about £20 for 5 pcs 24x24X24). We saved for the cost of the box since they will charge us £10 for it if it will came from them (but theirs was a bit larger size). But mind you, they are a bit slow, we waited about 2 months (oh well it's a busy season I suppose as it is near Christmas) but then it's better late than never. All the items we put has been delivered safely and intact so its alright in the end. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I hope it helps :smile: