View Full Version : Daily Mail Guilty Of Running 'Entirely Untrue' Stories About Immigration, Says Government Peer

4th February 2014, 12:02
well dedworth :wink:

The Daily Mail was guilty of publishing "absurd" and "entirely untrue" stories about Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants, a member of the government has said.


4th February 2014, 12:16
I wouldn't believe a word said in the Huffington Post - the political director is muslim extermist Mehdi Hasan. I'm disappointed you're standing up for mass immigration from these feral rogue states Joe :crazy:

4th February 2014, 14:25
i think you'll find the Huff post are only reporting what Lord Wallace of Saltaire said, so is the mail making up stories, they been sued for it b4 :NoNo:

4th February 2014, 21:35
This doesn't surprise me at all.

It doesn't take much research to find half facts and poorly conducted surveys upon which the Daily Mail bases its sensationalist headlines.

4th February 2014, 22:22

5th February 2014, 09:30

Half the forum is based on those stories. :icon_lol:

Obviously I don't buy silly things like newspapers.:biggrin:

5th February 2014, 10:33
The articles in the Mail seem to be written by idiots who have no idea of what grammar and punctuation is. A monkey using an article spinner could do better.

5th February 2014, 15:30
There's method in their madness..They purposely dumb it down

5th February 2014, 19:34
Maybe they have made this up, maybe they haven't, but frankly does anyone for a second believe a quote from a LibDem on this would be unbiased?

I'd be more inclined to believe a turkey telling me Christmas was a bad idea and not to bother with it.

5th February 2014, 20:05
Maybe they have made this up, maybe they haven't, but frankly does anyone for a second believe a quote from a LibDem on this would be unbiased?

I'd be more inclined to believe a turkey telling me Christmas was a bad idea and not to bother with it.

well I'm waiting for dedworth to post a link from the Mail proving their stories are not made up :biggrin:

i could be waiting along time thou :cwm24::NEW5:

5th February 2014, 20:15
well I'm waiting for dedworth to post a link from the Mail proving their stories are not made up :biggrin:

i could be waiting along time thou :cwm24::NEW5:

This liberal trough feeder specifically quotes a line about an airline doubling it's flights from Romania to UK - the Mail names them as Wizz Air - I'm sure the company would issue a statement if this was untrue. This article (November) confirms that Sleazy Jet have started operating the route and that Wizz have increased their capacity


Once again the Daily Hate Mail prints the truth :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th February 2014, 20:27
i think your taking the Wizz dedworth :icon_lol:, how many planes have they got, it looks like they doubled their one flight a week to 2 flights a week :laugher:

how many times has the Mail been sued for libel :biggrin:

5th February 2014, 21:01
i think your taking the Wizz dedworth :icon_lol:, how many planes have they got, it looks like they doubled their one flight a week to 2 flights a week :laugher:

how many times has the Mail been sued for libel :biggrin:

You'll know Joe if the Limp Dem & Wizz Air have any actions pending :biggrin:

Arthur Little
6th February 2014, 02:40
I'd be more inclined to believe a turkey telling me Christmas was a bad idea and not to bother with it.

I, for one, would be inclined to concur with a turkey telling me Christmas was a bad :idea:. It IS ... financially!

6th February 2014, 07:47
The Daily Mail is utter garbage written for a few deluded Tory fools

6th February 2014, 09:35
The Daily Mail is utter garbage written for a few deluded Tory fools

1.7 million http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/december-abcs-daily-mirror-falls-through-one-million-barrier

Michael Parnham
6th February 2014, 13:45

Half the forum is based on those stories. :icon_lol:

Obviously I don't buy silly things like newspapers.:biggrin:

Waste of money Graham, Never bought a newspaper! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th February 2014, 14:18
Waste of money Graham, Never bought a newspaper! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: sometimes i have a flick thru the metro which is a free 'newspaper' :biggrin:

Arthur Little
6th February 2014, 14:25
I used to regularly buy the local "rag" ... the 'Perthshire *Advertiser'. But it's only published twice weekly, so tends to lag behind the times in reporting daily events throughout the town & county - especially with Obituary Notices - meaning the deceased are often "planted or burnt" before their deaths are even announced. :cwm24: And, of course, at over £1 for each edition, it is simply not worth the outlay (pun intended!) for a newspaper consisting, for the most part - as *its title implies - of advertisements.

Besides ... :anerikke: ... items of national & international interest can be easily found on the internet FREE of charge! :biggrin:

6th February 2014, 14:31
I have the misfortune of people sitting next to me telling me the stories in the Mail :doh but truth isn't something they seem to go for. Or is it just removing the facts in a manipulative way? Either way the only use I can recommend for the rag is toilet paper. :ReadIt:

6th February 2014, 15:09
the only use I can recommend for the rag is toilet paper. :ReadIt:

I've always found the Guardian aka House Journal of the Publicly Funded Left unbeatable in that respect

6th February 2014, 17:14
I browse the Daily Mail and The Guardian online. These newspapers (news sites?) are targeted at two polar opposites of the political spectrum. I enjoy the articles in both, and understand the bias they will have been written with. I especially enjoy reading the comments on Guardian articles, gives me a giggle seeing people getting so wound up.

6th February 2014, 17:52
. I especially enjoy reading the comments on Guardian articles, gives me a giggle seeing people getting so wound up.

I've had a couple of comments on the Handwringer website removed after a few hours :biggrin:

7th February 2014, 06:47
1.7 million http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/december-abcs-daily-mirror-falls-through-one-million-barrier

A steady decline in circulation figures for the Daily Mail over the last 15 years :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd February 2014, 16:31
No influx of migrant workers from Romania and Bulgaria, survey of airlines and coach companies finds


dedworth the daily mail should hold their heads in shame (again) :NoNo:

23rd February 2014, 18:12
Their mates are bringing them over in their uninsured cars...on the way back from delivering the copper cable. :NoNo:

23rd February 2014, 19:28
No influx of migrant workers from Romania and Bulgaria, survey of airlines and coach companies finds


dedworth the daily mail should hold their heads in shame (again) :NoNo:

I read a similar report today also.

23rd February 2014, 19:51
This report only cites direct operators between the Balkans & UK. It is a spurious claim doesn't include

a) as Graham says coming over in their own unroadworthy and uninsured cars - which is the favoured method for most Eastern Europeans

b) Eurostar

c) Those criminal parasites coming here from other EU states ie gangs of shoplifters, pickpockets, atm scammers, prostitutes, and beggars doing the rounds of Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Rome, Frankfurt etc

23rd February 2014, 20:03
It must be true Joe it's in the Sunday Mirror :biggrin: :-

Uncovered: Shocking investigation reveals sex trade in girls bought in Romania and sold as prostitutes in Britain


23rd February 2014, 20:46
Well I do have 2 spare bedrooms. :Erm:

23rd February 2014, 20:52
all these full planes that landed in Jan were full of sex slaves, why didn't the mail mention this at the time :doh

23rd February 2014, 21:39
The scoop is from the Mirror loved by you & Andy Joe not the Mail :smile:, the whores are probably trafficked in via the routes I mentioned earlier....

23rd February 2014, 22:01
i don't buy newspapers dedworth :biggrin: I only flick thru the free Metro :wink:

your original post was about planes full of Romanians and Bulgarians landing on the 1st of Jan :biggrin: it didn't happen did it :NoNo:

23rd February 2014, 22:34
i don't buy newspapers dedworth :biggrin: I only flick thru the free Metro :wink:

your original post was about planes full of Romanians and Bulgarians landing on the 1st of Jan :biggrin: it didn't happen did it :NoNo:

Joe - Nothing you've written or quoted from the Independent or some bleeding heart Lib Dem has convinced me that the reports are untrue :biggrin:


23rd February 2014, 22:55
Yes indeed, it's getting beyond a joke when the instruction manual is bigger than the product, simply because the EU (and people not willing to learn the language of their host country) have deemed it so.

Pointless increased costs and a criminal waste of natural resources. :mad:

23rd February 2014, 22:58
1/2 of them are polish
i wouldn't worry about the Romanians, worry about why there are 9,000 Russian kids in the UK

23rd February 2014, 23:00
1/2 of them are polish
i wouldn't worry about the Romanians, worry about why there are 9,000 Russian kids in the UK

Good point about the Russians - what lingo do the speak in the Ukraine ?, they'll be next

23rd February 2014, 23:07
Good point about the Russians - what lingo do the speak in the Ukraine ?, they'll be next

i think i might know why there are 9,000 Russian speaking kids in the UK, and funny enough its linked to the Ukraine,

i bet many of these kids are from the Baltic states, where there are a large number of Russians living, and i wonder if they applied for a Lithuanian, Estonian or Latvian passport giving them access to the other EU countries,

same if Ukraine joins the EU, many Russians live in the east of the Ukraine.

i worked with a guy who had a Lithuanian passport but was born in Russia, i use to ask him questions about it and he usually tried to fob me off :cwm25:

24th February 2014, 13:45
Those language stats are no surprise for me.....we have them all here in N'pton :cwm24:

17th March 2014, 20:41
How the Daily Mail escaped censure for its false immigration story

:laugher: forced to apologise for their lies dedworth :xxgrinning--00xx3:


17th March 2014, 21:19
What do you expect from a Tory rag? :biggrin:

17th March 2014, 21:25
What do you expect from a Tory rag? :biggrin:

dedworth has told me they have won many awards.. must be for writing fiction :laugher:

18th March 2014, 00:21
It's not an apology - the Handwringer refers to it as a "complete climbdown" which imho is an exaggeration

18th March 2014, 04:04
What does anyone expect from this garbage paper :action-smiley-081:

18th March 2014, 07:21
How the Daily Mail escaped censure for its false immigration story

:laugher: forced to apologise for their lies dedworth :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Aren't you doing exactly the same as the Mail has been accused of by stating that :Erm: Completely over exaggerating the truth :icon_lol:

They weren't forced to do anything
No apology was issued
They explained the story after 81 complaints were made :smile: