View Full Version : "Stuart Hall" Dies

Arthur Little
11th February 2014, 11:48
:nono-1-1: ... Ded & Co (postpone the celebrations!) I'm referring, instead, to the Jamaican-born, British Cultural Theorist of the same name and age group as the *disgraced octogenarian, former presenter of 'It's A KO' *who - to the best of my knowledge - continues to languish as a guest of the Establishment.

11th February 2014, 11:56
You had me going Arthur I thought it was today's good news coming up

Arthur Little
11th February 2014, 14:00
You had me going Arthur I thought it was today's good news coming up

:biggrin: ... just a wind~up, Ded.

Oh yes ... the name of the deceased is correct. But I've since inserted inverted commas - lest readers become over~excited. :Jump:

11th February 2014, 16:14
You had me going Arthur I thought it was today's good news coming up

Snap :icon_lol:

11th February 2014, 16:48
Still whilst he's still breathing there's always the pleasant thought of him getting a good kicking in HMP
