View Full Version : Germs Jailed

14th February 2014, 19:18
Converts to Islam jailed for terrorising streets as 'Muslim Patrol' are banned from promoting Sharia law for FIVE YEARS

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2559426/Converts-Islam-jailed-terrorising-streets-Muslim-Patrol-banned-promoting-Sharia-law-FIVE-YEARS.html#ixzz2tK0Z4c7O

14th February 2014, 23:45
.....The orders also ban them from associating with cleric Anjem Choudary...

It's about time he was shown the door...:cwm23:

15th February 2014, 12:30
I've seen some you tube clips of these brave shower of shiites and they always seem to stop characters who wouldn't retaliate. You sort of get the impression the ginger one was bullied at school. Scum :cwm23:

15th February 2014, 15:02
I've seen some you tube clips of these brave shower of shiites and they always seem to stop characters who wouldn't retaliate. You sort of get the impression the ginger one was bullied at school. Scum :cwm23:

After release these scum should be sent to Afghanistan so they can experience and enjoy the lifestyle the profess to support