View Full Version : Carnivore

16th February 2014, 06:54
The vast majority of forum members probably eat meat.

Could you slaughter the animal that produces the meat you eat?

16th February 2014, 07:58
No, :NoNo:
My late father used to kill and dress lots of chickens in the 1950-60s
I used to do "stubbing"
(removing the small feathers left after plucking)
I watched how they wrung the chickens necks, and had a go, it was horrible
the poor thing was dancing around and really suffered until Dad took over.

If I had to kill to eat, I would be a vegetarian!

16th February 2014, 09:57
simple for me, I've been a vegetarian for 30yrs+, and I'm still alive, so no need to kill to eat :wink:

16th February 2014, 10:28
if i had to, then yes,

In the plans for retiring to the Phils i hope to have some chickens to supply us with food, so yes i shall kill them

16th February 2014, 10:42
​Like I said in the other thread, my aunts and uncles let me kill some of my grandparents' chickens whenever it is fiesta in Laguna. I was in gradeschool that time. They taught me how to slit its throat and pluck the feathers out of it. My grandad & uncles used to be fishermen too so catching fish was taught or showed to us at some point when we were kids.

16th February 2014, 11:30
I only eat meat from shops, and it's all made in a factory, so no killing involved. :smile:

16th February 2014, 11:46
I only eat meat from shops, and it's all made in a factory, so no killing involved. :smile:

:laugher: That's Aldi for ya

16th February 2014, 13:32
The vast majority of forum members probably eat meat.
Could you slaughter the animal that produces the meat you eat?

No, but I would get the wife to do it. :biggrin:

16th February 2014, 15:46
Our kids here were taught how to slaughter and clean a chicken in school..Practical..Not theory..

I once killed a rabbit with a piece of 2x2 when we went ferreting once.. Yes we cooked and ate it.

16th February 2014, 16:15
When I was a kid living in Malaya it was an every day thing to see chickens being chased about and having their heads lopped off before being eaten for lunch. A quick and humane end...certainly preferable to having to live a short horrible life being cooped up on a battery farm.

17th February 2014, 05:18
No, :NoNo:
My late father used to kill and dress lots of chickens in the 1950-60s
I used to do "stubbing"
(removing the small feathers left after plucking)
I watched how they wrung the chickens necks, and had a go, it was horrible
the poor thing was dancing around and really suffered until Dad took over.

If I had to kill to eat, I would be a vegetarian!

Plucking is a bit of an art and i was never very good at it. Plenty of experience though when it comes to choking the chicken! :cwm25:

17th February 2014, 05:32
simple for me, I've been a vegetarian for 30yrs+, and I'm still alive, so no need to kill to eat :wink:

Nothing wrong with being a vegetarian.
I used to share a house with a guy in the 80's who was a vegetarian. He lived on veggie hamburgers, cheese and white bread. Needless to say he was always unwell.

What type of vegetarian are you?

17th February 2014, 09:56
Graham: I only eat meat from shops, and it's all made in a factory, so no killing involved.

I am with Graham on this one.

If I thought too much about meat coming from animals I would be vegetarian.

Michael Parnham
17th February 2014, 12:28
Graham I only eat meat from shops, and it's all made in a factory, so no killing involved.

I am with Graham on this one.

If I thought too much about meat coming from animals I would be vegetarian.

Same here John! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th February 2014, 00:14
Nothing wrong with being a vegetarian.
I used to share a house with a guy in the 80's who was a vegetarian. He lived on veggie hamburgers, cheese and white bread. Needless to say he was always unwell.

What type of vegetarian are you?

probably Lacto vegetarian:
I'm never ill (probably not had more than 20 days off ill in more than 20yrs) , the only problem i have is HI BP and that i put down to some women in my life :furious3::blahblah::cwm24: