View Full Version : The Big British Immigration Row: Live

17th February 2014, 22:59
Anyone watched this? The show just finished in TV. Here's the link. http://www.channel5.com/shows/the-big-british-immigration-row-live (not on Demand 5 yet though).

18th February 2014, 00:11
I deliberately DIDN'T watch it. :cwm25:

18th February 2014, 00:21
I deliberately DIDN'T watch it. :cwm25:

Same here I wanted the TV to stay intact

18th February 2014, 00:32
For me it's pretty clear-cut. No debate required....just ACTION. :mad:

18th February 2014, 07:04
i switch over by mistake and once i seen who was on and the shouting the tv channel turned over very quick

18th February 2014, 11:14
What's the resolution? How can the problem be solved?

Personally I see the general mass unskilled migration as dangerous but irrecoverable and it overshadows the 'legitimate' migration whether that's skilled, family, genuine asylum...

Arthur Little
18th February 2014, 13:29
Variation on 'The Sound of Music' theme:-

:cwm24: ... "how does :Britain: solve a problem like *MARIA? :23_111_9[1]: ...

... as in *Mass Armies [of] Romanian Immigrants Allowed."