View Full Version : Spam email

21st February 2014, 13:38
I don't think things are as bad as they once were - the viagra emails seem to have died a death but one lot I can't keep out are Cloud Expo Europe. I'm fed up marking them as spam, blocked etc

Any ideas ?

Arthur Little
21st February 2014, 15:29
... the viagra emails seem to have died a death

:yeahthat:'s true ... I guess they've already made their "point" >:icon_tonguew:!

but one lot I can't keep out are Cloud Expo Europe. I'm fed up marking them as spam, blocked etc

:icon_tonguew: ... < Point taken ... ! :cwm24: ... Ohh!

Any ideas ?

Hmm ... :anerikke: ... consult a :biggrin:"shrink", maybe?

21st February 2014, 16:29
I hope you are helping your Nigerian friends out with obtaining their money from the bank in Switzerland right? Just western union them the fees to help the process move along.

22nd February 2014, 13:00
Keith and I recently got plenty of spams from Russia! Freaking Russian characters! We were getting at least 30 a day! :cwm23: Good thing Keith got rid off it quickly! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
22nd February 2014, 17:25
Keith and I recently got plenty of spams from Russia! Freaking Russian characters! We were getting at least 30 a day! :cwm23: Good thing Keith got rid off it quickly! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmm ... just been thinking, :icon_rolleyes: Rayna, :Erm: ... say, instead of Keith, your husband had been called 'Ian':

Well ... :anerikke: ... then he could've given 'em [the Russian :FlippieSpammer:s] - responsible for making you see "red" :mad: - what is unaffectionately k/a "the bums' ( :butthead: x?) rus(h) :biggrin: ian"!

Arthur Little
22nd February 2014, 18:37
Anyhow ...

... "from 'Russia *With Love"

:Blacklistnonono: ... clearly they were *NOT! :NoNo:

22nd February 2014, 21:08
I only use a gmail account and they move all this :censored: into the spam folder :biggrin:

23rd February 2014, 00:18
Luckily (touch wood) I don't get hardly any spam mails at all.

How do these people know your e-mail?

23rd February 2014, 19:44
They use an email name generator. It doesn't cost anything to send an email but if they get a .01% response they are quids in!