View Full Version : Muslim solicitor's career in ruins

21st February 2014, 19:05
Today's good news story

Well done the Daily Mail for ensuring open justice. A shame this devious woman wasn't jailed. The Judges who initially allowed these reporting restrictions should be sacked

Muslim solicitor's career in ruins after she lied to cover up her father's speeding points then tried to have trial in secret for 'cultural reasons' until Daily Mail won legal challenge

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2564641/Muslim-solicitor-failed-bid-Chris-Huhne-style-speeding-points-scam-trial-heard-secret-Daily-Mail-challenge-left-career-tatters.html#ixzz2tyswevPR

21st February 2014, 19:07
Them and us yet again :NoNo:

21st February 2014, 19:13
Them and us yet agin :NoNo:
I've just been at the town hall enquiry desk and I saw a woman from the sub continent creating in broken English about a parking ticket. Instead of the member of staff telling her to follow the appeals procedure on the ticket - she asked if she could read or write English or if she had any family members who could - the reply was of course 2 x no. The Council employee then started to write out the "appeal"

A number of issues here - if she can't speak or write English she shouldn't be driving, staff member wasting other enquirers time whilst she dealt with it, should have told the woman where to get off and make the appeal as detailed on the ticket. I'm going to put in a complaint :mad:

21st February 2014, 21:57
Same names :Erm:

Newcastle solicitor charged over car insurance claims
