View Full Version : waste not want not

24th February 2014, 20:32
As the saying goes, waste not want not.

I am a great believer that no food gets thrown out in the house, this goes for scraping around the pans getting the last bits with a slice of bread or even your finger, but for the life of me, my Ems can leave a meal for two around the side of a pan and think thats ok,

What worst is when you are washing that pan that Ems has put in the water, the soggy food and it blocks the plug hole too :cwm23::cwm23::cwm23:, sorry Ems just a bad few minutes, its all better now everyone knows :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

24th February 2014, 22:23
It's good to get things off your chest mate :xxgrinning--00xx3:........ even if it makes you look a little bit of an :olddude: :icon_lol:

24th February 2014, 22:33
Anyone needing it ? Come round to my house for some training in waste not want not ! :biggrin:

24th February 2014, 23:56
Make do and mend says Tory minister!

Families should reconsider their buying habits and resist the temptation to spend more money on the latest electronic gadgets, clothes and food that they will not eat, according to Lord de Mauley, the environment minister.


25th February 2014, 03:22
my Ems can leave a meal for two around the side of a pan and think thats ok,

From my experiences Filipinos don't usually waste anything when it comes to food.

25th February 2014, 08:19
Both my wife and I are terrible when it comes to wastage, but thankfully mother in law is staying with us from the Philippines for a while and she always buys and cooks precisely enough for each meal for us! :-) We seem to be saving a lot of money at the money having her around.
For instance we have a very large rice cooker, so always make a large batch and then throw away the rest when its wifey or me cooking.
I do agree though, we should all be more careful.