View Full Version : Warehouse installs squat toilet - panders to immigrant workers

2nd March 2014, 10:34
Warehouse installs European-style squat toilet because foreign workers 'kept breaking the loo by standing on it'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2570828/Warehouse-installs-European-style-squat-toilet-foreign-workers-kept-breaking-loo-standing-it.html#ixzz2unQzP9m2

Boycott list - Why don't DHL employ British workers ?

2nd March 2014, 10:40
Foreign workers are cheaper...end of story.

To hell with our own unemployed. :mad:

These foreigners must be pretty thick though, if they can't work out how to use a damned toilet. :NoNo:

2nd March 2014, 10:48
They stood on the toilet! Ffs unbelievable :mad:

When i first saw one of these .... hole toilets I instinctively knew not to sit on it :icon_lol:

Pandering once again, C'mon UKIP get us out of this mess :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd March 2014, 11:49
We will be given consideration also. :smile:


2nd March 2014, 11:52
amazing aint it, welcome to our shores but bring your own loos :doh:doh:doh:doh:doh:doh

2nd March 2014, 11:55
Love the bit about it being more hygienic :yikes:

Must be nice getting .... all over your feet :icon_lol:

2nd March 2014, 12:42
Funny, but that's why I thought the CIVILISED world invented flush toilets. :Erm:

2nd March 2014, 17:34
Warehouse installs European-style squat toilet because foreign workers 'kept breaking the loo by standing on it'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2570828/Warehouse-installs-European-style-squat-toilet-foreign-workers-kept-breaking-loo-standing-it.html#ixzz2unQzP9m2

Boycott list - Why don't DHL employ British workers ?
We have them at our place. No pandering :NoNo:

The toe rags were breaking the toilet seats. They would stand on them frog style wd their safety boot on and rip them from the bowl.

This went on for ages until maintenance worked out it would be more cost effective to install the stand up versions

Animals, the lot of them

2nd March 2014, 18:10
I would ban them from using the toilets :censored:

2nd March 2014, 19:49
We will be given consideration also. :smile:



Very good Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd March 2014, 20:00
I don't know what the answer is.....
It seems the management have done all they can .......but in all seriousness ...what can be done ?

I remember the very same problems at my factory 40 years ago.

When I first went to Japan in the 70's it was impossible to find a western toilet outside of the Tokyo hotels............nobody gave me any instruction :yikes:

Remember your first experience in Philippines folks?

2nd March 2014, 20:08
:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: yes i can, :yikes:

2nd March 2014, 20:18
I don't know what the answer is.....
It seems the management have done all they can .......but in all seriousness ...what can be done ?

I remember the very same problems at my factory 40 years ago.

When I first went to Japan in the 70's it was impossible to find a western toilet outside of the Tokyo hotels............nobody gave me any instruction :yikes:

Remember your first experience in Philippines folks?

I do..The soap business took some getting used to . .it resembled exfoliating soap by the time I finished with it :cwm25:

She didn't see the funny side of that either, especially after just using it in the shower. Made me laugh if it didn't anybody else

2nd March 2014, 20:33
I thought it was somewhere to wash your feet. :cwm25:

2nd March 2014, 20:44
In Japan I always found the footprints on either side to be most helpful. :biggrin:

At least you could squat with your feet in the general position.

I always found my physical build and sense of balance created quite a challenge and wished there was something to hold on to and help with target control.

2nd March 2014, 20:46
Yes indeed, this hasn't been well thought through in this age of obesity. :Erm:

Goodness knows how those Sumo wrestlers coped.

2nd March 2014, 22:39
It's very rare you'll ever to find any toilet paper or any tissue in Philippines. It's always a good idea to
permanently carry some wet wipes and/or a handy-pack of tissues in an easy to get to pocket.

However, I'd strongly recommend to make it a priority to plan for nothing available at all and get down to the details of learning how to best use the wonderful bucket of water, the tabo and some strong motivation to succeed.

If your very lucky you may find some soap. :biggrin:

Of course, you need to learn how best to do all this whilst remaining in the squatting position and balancing yourself above the toilet.

Do not forget to thoroughly wash your hands asap !!!!

2nd March 2014, 23:21
I always carry toilet paper. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

No swilling water around for me.

What if you get your shreddies wet ? :Erm:

2nd March 2014, 23:56
Keith installed a bidet to the toilet before I arrived here. :xxgrinning--00xx3: He now doesn't want to stay in a hotel without a bidet when we went to the Philippines last November. :biggrin: All the hotels we stayed at has bidet! :wink:

4th March 2014, 01:46
I always carry toilet paper. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

No swilling water around for me.

What if you get your shreddies wet ? :Erm:

I must admit. .I wasn't comfortable touching my butt hole with soapy fingers. ..actually made me feel sick, even just the thought of it :NoNo:

4th March 2014, 07:24
I must admit. .I wasn't comfortable touching my butt hole with soapy fingers. ..actually made me feel sick, even just the thought of it :NoNo:

Let's hope you never end up behind bars as it won't be you touching your Butt-hole :biggrin: