View Full Version : Pistorius trial

2nd March 2014, 14:41
This is going to be interesting. Awful what happened to that lovely girl, but the trial is intriguing to say the least.

Starts from Monday :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
2nd March 2014, 17:01
I don't know what to think Les! :Erm:

2nd March 2014, 19:37
He is guilty I'm sure :cwm25:

3rd March 2014, 00:17
I don't think he's got a leg to stand on :Erm:

3rd March 2014, 22:10
I don't think he's got a leg to stand on :Erm:


Paddy Power are giving 3/10 Guilty & 9/4 Not Guilty


10th April 2014, 20:04
First of all his whinging,whining voice is doing my head in (south African accents are terrible)

The self pity and pathetic put on crying is so false.
He is blowing it :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
8th August 2014, 15:34
He's digging a deep grave for himself now! :Erm:

Arthur Little
8th August 2014, 20:32
Alas, poor Oscar Pistorious
Is fast becoming notorious,
Despite a career once bathed in glory,
Who ... :anerikke: ... will now believe his story?
As, at length, events unfold
Resulting from the lies he's told,
How can he expect to win?
When many think he's guilty as sin!

Michael Parnham
8th August 2014, 20:40
Alas, poor Oscar Pistorious
Is fast becoming notorious,
Despite a career once bathed in glory,
Who ... :anerikke: ... will now believe his story?
As, at length, events unfold
Resulting from the lies he's told,
How can he expect to win?
When many think he's guilty as sin!

Good one Arthur! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th August 2014, 23:29
Alas, poor Oscar Pistorious
Is fast becoming notorious,
Despite a career once bathed in glory,
Who ... :anerikke: ... will now believe his story?
As, at length, events unfold
Resulting from the lies he's told,
How can he expect to win?
When many think he's guilty as sin!

Very good Arthur..
Best yet!
Rep on way!

Arthur Little
9th August 2014, 00:11
Very good Arthur..
Best yet!
Rep on way!

Thanks for your appreciation Fred ... and also for the rep. :68711_thanx:

9th August 2014, 09:42
Alas, poor Oscar Pistorious
Is fast becoming notorious,
Despite a career once bathed in glory,
Who ... :anerikke: ... will now believe his story?
As, at length, events unfold
Resulting from the lies he's told,
How can he expect to win?
When many think he's guilty as sin!

Nice one Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th August 2014, 14:19
Haha + 1 Arthur. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th August 2014, 15:26
From what I heard on the news today,the defense had a very successful sum up..

Dont be that surprised if he gets off!

Worth a bet if the odds are there IMO.

Arthur Little
9th August 2014, 19:10
Trial versus denial ... ? :wink:

Either way ... :anerikke: ... must've cost a packet!

Arthur Little
9th August 2014, 19:23
Thankyou ALL, Michael, Fred, Peter & Graham, respectively ... for your appreciative compliments on my 'little' ditty! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2014, 10:06
Looks like the judge is working her way to an acquittal on the Murder charge IMO..
She`s discounted the witnesses testimony already..

11th September 2014, 11:14
She`s discounted Oscar's evidence as well. :biggrin:

He's guilty of all the firearm charges and they add up to 30 years. He'll be found guilty of the lower murder charge, or manslaughter.

11th September 2014, 11:19
Yep, I agree with that.

Michael Parnham
11th September 2014, 11:57
Well he's a very nasty piece of Poo Poo, he deserves what he's getting! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th September 2014, 12:00
I agree with the judge..I don't think he`s a murderer.

11th September 2014, 23:01
When you fire a gun a number of times thru a shut door and you kill someone, how can that not be murder? What did he think would happen to someone on the other side of the door?

How can it be self defence, how was he threatened?

12th September 2014, 00:13
When you fire a gun a number of times thru a shut door and you kill someone, how can that not be murder? What did he think would happen to someone on the other side of the door?

How can it be self defence, how was he threatened?

It all depends what you think is on the other side of the door.
No evidence to prove premeditated murder..
I suppose you think Tony Martin was a murderer too then? :NoNo:

12th September 2014, 05:39
The judge will find him guilty of manslaughter anything else will be a travisty,he, will be someones bitch in that jail lol .was it worth it such a fall from grace hes lost everything he has worked for in legal fees. such a waste of a beautiful woman I hope the parents get some kind of justice today.

12th September 2014, 07:26
It all depends what you think is on the other side of the door.
No evidence to prove premeditated murder..
I suppose you think Tony Martin was a murderer too then? :NoNo:

as far as i know she could have found him guilty of murder not just premeditated murder.

tony martin shot a burglar, pistorius killed his girlfriend

how many people on here, if they heard a noise would get their gun, go and see what the noise was and then fire 4 shots thru a door without knowing who was on the other side :cwm25: were did he think his g/f was ????

Michael Parnham
12th September 2014, 07:32
They were having an argument just before shots were heard, its so obvious she was murdered!

12th September 2014, 07:41
Ex-girlfriend on how Oscar Pistorius terrorised her: I hid gun because I feared he'd kill me

Samantha Taylor was left with bruises and scars after the Blade Runner bit and pinched her - she was also tortured mentally during the 18-month relationship


12th September 2014, 09:38
It all depends what you think is on the other side of the door.
No evidence to prove premeditated murder..
I suppose you think Tony Martin was a murderer too then? :NoNo:

Tony Martin top man

12th September 2014, 09:40
well hes going to jail and rightly so but for how long ?

12th September 2014, 09:41
Looks like he will just get a fine or community service. :doh

12th September 2014, 10:21
I,m sorry but this judge is takin the :censored: She adjourned for 5 minutes but took half an hour. She,s only been back for 10 minutes then decides she wants another cup of tea for an hour. FFS, what a clown

12th September 2014, 10:36
I'm amazed we will now have to wait weeks for sentencing. More like a money making drawn out soap opera.

12th September 2014, 10:51
I'm amazed we will now have to wait weeks for sentencing. More like a money making drawn out soap opera.

I think she,s milkin the limelight for as long as it takes so she can claim to be famous lol

12th September 2014, 12:25
how many people on here, if they heard a noise would get their gun, go and see what the noise was and then fire 4 shots thru a door without knowing who was on the other side :cwm25:

You got a gun Joe?
If you did,its easy to say that you wouldn't use it in the dead of night to protect your self and family if you thought your house had been invaded.. How much more threatened would you feel if you had no legs?
If I knew there were intruders in my house,I`d do it in a heart beat.

were did he think his g/f was ????

He thought she was in bed..He even told her to call 911 as he grabbed the gun.
IMO there is no way that he could have come up with that story so quickly before interrogation.. A made up story would have been picked apart by the prosecutor in the court room given the time line of testimony and events. Look at the evidence.. The judge made a good decision..Accept it!

They were having an argument just before shots were heard, its so obvious she was murdered!

The witnesses and evidence were shown to be completely unreliable.
Thats why it was disregarded..
The Judge has had to sit and listen to all the testimony for 5 months.. I wonder how many people here on this forum have burned the midnight oil ploughing through case files,evidence and testimony!!

such a waste of a beautiful woman

It was a terrible tragedy..No doubt about it.
Imagine killing a loved one by accident?
Hard to live with.

12th September 2014, 12:29
Tony Martin top man

Man should have been a hero..

Instead, he was dragged through the mud and locked up for defending his home against scumbags..

F...... Shameful.

12th September 2014, 12:57
Tony Martin thankfully got out very early. So Pistorius heard a noise and automatically assumed it was a threat!

Don't believe it one bit. I would bet any one of us would ascertain where our partner was before blasting the bathroom. You would call out immediately.

12th September 2014, 19:05
I bet he doesn't get 15 years. That's the maximum penalty for the crime the judge says he is guilty of.

12th September 2014, 19:25
Man should have been a hero..

Instead, he was dragged through the mud and locked up for defending his home against scumbags..

F...... Shameful.


12th September 2014, 20:34
You got a gun Joe?
If you did,its easy to say that you wouldn't use it in the dead of night to protect your self and family if you thought your house had been invaded.. How much more threatened would you feel if you had no legs?
If I knew there were intruders in my house,I`d do it in a heart beat.

No, I don't have a gun, no need for one even in sunny Salford, he's not protecting his family he's shot and killed his g/f! A good reason why guns should be banned.

Well he couldn't have felt that threatened. Instead of calling for security or police, he went to see what the noise was, well :anerikke: that's what he claims :wink:

There was no intruder in his house :cwm25:

He thought she was in bed..He even told her to call 911 as he grabbed the gun.
IMO there is no way that he could have come up with that story so quickly before interrogation.. A made up story would have been picked apart by the prosecutor in the court room given the time line of testimony and events. Look at the evidence.. The judge made a good decision..Accept it!

In bed, you mean his bed? You would have thought he would have noticed if she was there or not. :cwm25: If not the same bed surely his first priority would be to find her and make sure she was safe ?

The witnesses and evidence were shown to be completely unreliable.
Thats why it was disregarded..
The Judge has had to sit and listen to all the testimony for 5 months.. I wonder how many people here on this forum have burned the midnight oil ploughing through case files,evidence and testimony!!

:icon_lol: I think I heard the judge saying she didn't believe what he was saying.

It was a terrible tragedy..No doubt about it.
Imagine killing a loved one by accident?
Hard to live with.

It wasn't a terrible tragedy, he knew exactly what he was doing when he fired 4 shots thru the door! He meant to kill someone and that's what he did.

There is only one victim here, his dead g/f and of course her family.

As for burning the midnight oil ploughing thru case files, I know that when faced with life in prison or the death penalty they will lie and do all it takes to get off with it, and yes, I have burnt midnight oil on the Jodie Arias case, google that - how some murderers make out they were the victims. :laugher:

Looks like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth in court before the Jury, google and find out what she did to her ex b/f who was twice her size and athletic. You would be shocked, same crocodile tears as Pistorius,


And her mug shot - yes her police mug shot!


And out of court for the cameras:


What's harder to live with, is a dead innocent victim. Judging by what his ex was saying he's not so innocent as he makes out.

12th September 2014, 20:41
Don't believe it one bit. I would bet any one of us would ascertain where our partner was before blasting the bathroom. You would call out immediately.

That we agree on Les, :biggrin: he told her to call the police. :icon_lol: How did he manage to do that? Was she in the same room as him? She couldn't have been. :biggrin: Did he shout and tell her? If she wasn't there, why didn't he make sure she wasn't in the bathroom? :crazy:

13th September 2014, 01:31
It all depends what you think is on the other side of the door.
No evidence to prove premeditated murder..
I suppose you think Tony Martin was a murderer too then? :NoNo:

So long as it was someone else's beautiful intelligent daughter on the other side of the door it's alright.

He murdered that poor girl and I can't believe the judges decision :NoNo:

13th September 2014, 02:28
Joe..I`m not going to be a part of a rent a mob retrial on this forum.

Either read the court transcripts or don't.

If you want to argue in a circular motion based on YOUR facts alone backed up by inane LOL icons, then I`m not your man! :NoNo:


13th September 2014, 02:34
So long as it was someone else's beautiful intelligent daughter on the other side of the door it's alright.

He murdered that poor girl and I can't believe the judges decision :NoNo:

Spot on :xxgrinning--00xx3:

He lost his rag after an argument and then shot her dead through the bathroom door

Who shoots intruders through doors anyway? (lame excuse)

As OJ SIMPSON proved you can get away with murder :NoNo:

Fred, my x wife never use to lock the bathroom door went she went to use the cr !

This was a nasty gun-happy individual who has a long history of losing his temper

13th September 2014, 05:44
Joe..I`m not going to be a part of a rent a mob retrial on this forum.

Either read the court transcripts or don't.

If you want to argue in a circular motion based on YOUR facts alone backed up by inane LOL icons, then I`m not your man! :NoNo:


rent a mob, from what i've seen on tv many experts, yes lawyers in S/A , defence and prosecution are surprised by her verdict and her family are angry at it :mad:

what did he expect would happen to anyone on the other side of the door when he fired 4 shots into it, he meant to kill therm, if that's not murder then what is it? how can it be the equivalent to manslaughter ? don't tell me he didn't intend to kill them ? , and how can it be self defence ?
where was the threat ?

his story is as laughable as jodi Arias , that had ninja's in it, dyed hair, number plate changes etc, and a :censored: excuse of why she didn't flee when she had the chance, just like Pistorius, but they didn't, they decided to stay and kill someone.

no rent a mob, he has been found guilty of manslaughter.

13th September 2014, 07:31
The judge can't see the wood for the trees!
He heard a noise,he had the presence of mind to get his gun but not at any-point ascertain where Reva was?
Turn the light on perhaps,call her name and wait for answer-no!
Just go and unload your gun through the bathroom door having not located your girlfriend-sheer madness.
It has to be murder as he purposely fired the shots,knowing it would most certainly take someones life.

13th September 2014, 08:09
I have not listened to all the case but from what I have seen and heard I cannot believe he should have been acquitted of murder.

Unlike an average person (posters here) he was a practiced shot trained how to act in such situations (as I was) who, just like a trained firearms police officer, would have previously thought about how he would react in such a situation. It was not a instant decision.

He knew standing outside the toilet with a gun loaded with hollow nosed rounds, that if a person opened the door and threatened him with lethal force he could have killed him instantly.

To fire such rounds into such a small area as he did he would have known that he would kill. Unlike a 'normal bullet' that may just wound a hollow nose will probably kill from almost any hit.

That he says he did not know it was his GF inside , I understand, in SA law as in UK law, it makes no difference who he killed as he clearly intended to kill.

Michael Parnham
13th September 2014, 09:59
He knew it wasn't an intruder otherwise he would not have positioned himself in front of the door in case he got shot!:Erm:

13th September 2014, 10:18
Isn't it strange that the judge discredited all of his evidence, and then found him guilty of manslaughter based on his story? Which to me his story is evidence? :Erm:

13th September 2014, 10:24
I understand that in SA Law, just as under UK Law (Common Law and Criminal Law Act 1967) one can take a life to protect oneself, their family, their property or that of another person. However the action must be reasonable in the circumstance, that is effectively that there is no other possibility.

That covers say a police officer who shoots an armed man who is about to kill or seriously injure another person, justifiable homicide. Had an armed intruder come out of the toilet, then justifiable homicide could have been argued.

"Sorry My Lady, I think you got it wrong."

13th September 2014, 10:38
She will be well aware now what many are thinking, so I reckon to save face,
she will give him the max number of years.

13th September 2014, 11:06
Then there are the repercussions...:NoNo:


14th September 2014, 02:15
He knew it wasn't an intruder otherwise he would not have positioned himself in front of the door in case he got shot!:Erm:

I always knew he would walk.:wink:

14th September 2014, 02:46
I always knew he would walk.


14th September 2014, 03:07


14th September 2014, 04:14
Isn't it strange that the judge discredited all of his evidence, and then found him guilty of manslaughter based on his story? Which to me his story is evidence? :Erm:

I have no idea how the law works in South Africa or how they constitute manslaughter..But yes I do find it strange why he was found guilty of culpable homicide given that she was prepared to accept his story as the ONLY person there alive to give credible evidence.
Who knows except the judge..He may still walk.:wink:

Pistorius plans money-spinning book as girlfriend's family head home

Oscar Pistorius (http://www.theguardian.com/sport/oscar-pistorius) plans to write a book giving his account of what happened when he shot dead his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, and his ordeal in standing trial for her murder, his manager said on Saturday.
The memoir could prove hugely lucrative for the Paralympian but also prompt accusations that he is cashing in on the killing of the 29-year-old model and law graduate.


14th September 2014, 08:19
Masipa's rejection of premeditation was largely expected: there were only two witnesses to the shooting, one of whom was killed, leaving the state to rely on circumstantial evidence and the testimony of neighbours that Masipa rejected as conflicting and unreliable.

However, she also absolved Pistorius of a lesser charge of non-premeditated murder on grounds that the state had failed to prove intent or dolus eventualis, a legal concept that centres on a person being held responsible for the foreseeable consequences of his actions.

"The evidence failed to prove the accused had intention" to kill, she said. "The accused had the intention to shoot at the person behind the door, not to kill."

Many ordinary people were perplexed.

And some legal experts thought she might have got it sufficiently wrong to give the prosecution a good chance if it decided to appeal on the point of law.

"Many of us believe she might have erred with regard to the ruling on non-premeditated murder, the whole issue of dolus eventualis," Cape Town criminal lawyer William Booth told South Africa's ENCA television.

For one thing, there are South African legal precedents. "We have many judgments which essentially say: 'If you point a firearm at someone and shoot, then you intend to kill them,'" said Steve Tuson, a law professor at Witwatersrand University.

And for another, elsewhere in her ruling Masipa conceded that "a reasonable person would have foreseen, if he fired shots at the door, the person inside the toilet might be struck and might die as a result".

Some experts suggested Masipa might have ruled out intent on the basis that Pistorius could not have believed specifically that he was shooting Steenkamp, with whose murder he was charged, rather than someone else. "How could the accused reasonably have foreseen that the shots he fired would kill the deceased?" she asked.



State urged to appeal Pistorius ruling

Pretoria - Oscar Pistorius's escape from a murder charge might be short-lived as a growing number of legal experts believe the State will appeal Judge Thokozile Masipa’s judgment.

According to the Sunday Times, Advocate Mannie Witz, a leading criminal law expert, said the State needs to appeal the conviction, stating that Masipa’s judgment needs to be considered by a senior bench to provide clarity for South African courts.

He said only the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein could provide this.

Read more here ....


Ako Si Jamie
11th October 2014, 22:13
Pistorius will be sentenced on Monday. I reckon he won't get more than 5 years.

11th October 2014, 23:25
15 years my guess

12th October 2014, 03:02
well if the judge wants to restore her credibility after all the bad media around the world on her verdict ,she must give him the 15 years max .cannot see that though ,shame because it would give him plenty of time to write his book while sitting on his bitches lap in jail lol

12th October 2014, 09:11
well if the judge wants to restore her credibility after all the bad media around the world on her verdict ,she must give him the 15 years max .cannot see that though ,shame because it would give him plenty of time to write his book while sitting on his bitches lap in jail lol


13th October 2014, 11:47
Social worker recommends Pistorius be placed under 'house arrest' for 3yrs and 'Pistorius would do cleaning at museum as part of community service', 8hrs twice a month :icon_lol:


13th October 2014, 11:57
I thought he had already done community service when he done the ballistic testing! :cwm24:

13th October 2014, 12:00
I can see this murderer walking with no justice for the poor girl,s family :cwm23: - after them being forced to sit through all those bullshit references from various people. At the end of the day, he,s a nutjob who likes to play with guns that give him power.

13th October 2014, 12:11
I can see this murderer walking with no justice for the girls family having to sit through all this bullshit references from various people ,at the end of the day hes a nutjob that likes to play with guns which give him power.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: I'm hoping for 10yrs+. Psychologists?? :icon_lol: They are not even medical doctors :NoNo:

13th October 2014, 13:44
Through either nastiness or stupidity he has taken someone's life, and should be given the same punishment as a non-celebrity could expect...not just 'grounded' for a while.

13th October 2014, 13:46
Keith should open a book on this.

Michael Parnham
13th October 2014, 13:54
It was murder, where's the death penalty?

13th October 2014, 14:24
Bottom line is, he shot a defenceless beautiful, intelligent young woman. Someone's daughter.

If it was my daughter and he didn't get a custodial sentence, I would feel that he'd cheated justice :cwm23:

13th October 2014, 14:28

13th October 2014, 17:38
No matter what the sentence is, one of the sides will appeal.

Ako Si Jamie
13th October 2014, 19:29
Keith should open a book on this.Hopefully not Pistorius'

13th October 2014, 20:35
If Oscar does end up in jail, he can spend 23 hours a day putting his feet up :xxgrinning--00xx3: ..... :Erm: .... maybe not :biggrin:

14th October 2014, 00:12
If Oscar does end up in jail, he can spend 23 hours a day putting his feet up :xxgrinning--00xx3: ..... :Erm: .... maybe not :biggrin:

As I said...grounded. :smile:

14th October 2014, 01:06
New evidence has been found outside Pistorius's home that completely acquits him of his girlfriend's murder. Footprints.

14th October 2014, 03:56
He was not convicted of murder, he was convicted of culpable homicide.

This is worth the read to put your minds straight on what he was actually accused of and the judgement.


For what it's worth, I love to shoot guns too. I am an enthusiast. Be it at targets or at vermin or carrion. I shoot also in the Philippines with the police locally, with the Mayor and security guards in the next town and on private land. We have a gun at home and it would be used if my family are in imminent danger.

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/Untitled_zps972d99b9.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/Untitled_zps972d99b9.jpg.html)

14th October 2014, 08:48
This is worth the read to put your minds straight on what he was actually accused of and the judgement

It's like War and Peace :icon_lol:

The guns look cool but should everyone be drinking beer? :yikes:

14th October 2014, 08:50
Was Steve in the Black and White Minstrels? :Erm:

14th October 2014, 08:50
The guns look cool but should everyone be drinking beer? :yikes:

That's why so many people in the Philippines are 'accidentally' shot :doh

All the food on the table looks like raw sewage :cwm24:

14th October 2014, 09:45
The men in the photo are the local provincial police. They spend much of their time on missions up in the mountains near us trying to catch illegal loggers and drug smugglers. They had just come back from a week hike and came to visit us. They carry the weapons with them all the time. It's nice to have these friends, and weapons used correctly are not a danger to anyone.

Michael Parnham
14th October 2014, 17:48
That's why so many people in the Philippines are 'accidentally' shot :doh

All the food on the table looks like raw sewage :cwm24:
I'll certainly agree with you about the food Keith! :NoNo:

14th October 2014, 18:08
weapons used correctly are not a danger to anyone
That seems a contradiction :icon_lol:

14th October 2014, 18:47
That seems a contradiction :icon_lol:


Ako Si Jamie
14th October 2014, 20:42
It's like War and Peace :icon_lol:

The guns look cool but should everyone be drinking beer? :yikes:Red Horse too! :cwm24:

15th October 2014, 05:26
Not sure if I like the observation of my wife's cooking looking like sewage, or the fact that I can enjoy a beer with my friends. I don't need to defend myself here as I think you know where I stand on guns but more rude observations are not called for thanks. Just because some here do not like to enjoy the differences in our chosen partner's culture does not mean we need to insult it. I say no more.

15th October 2014, 07:59
Not sure where you're coming from Steve all the comments were lighthearted banter.

15th October 2014, 08:18
To be fair Les, I'd be fairly :cwm23: if someone had compared food on my table to raw sewerage without a :wink:, :biggrin: or :icon_lol: at the end of the sentence.

15th October 2014, 09:01
To be fair Les, I'd be fairly :cwm23: if someone had compared food on my table to raw sewerage without a :wink:, :biggrin: or :icon_lol: at the end of the sentence.

Which it did have :biggrin:

Philippine food is well-known for being colourless compared to other Southeast Asian countries. I was commenting on the colour, regardless of who cooked it. It's the standard colour for Filipino food.

You only have to compare a Philippine menu of the traditional foods http://i51.tinypic.com/wbqxdy.jpg with a Malaysian one. https://josephinemock.files.wordpress.com/2012/09/20120916-184003.jpg

I love a lot of Malay and Chinese food, but Philippine food can be bland, and very salty. There is also not a lot of taste difference between some of the traditional meals. :smile:

15th October 2014, 09:44
I had chocolate 'Angel Delight' recently! It really did look like poo!
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/Mobile%20Uploads/20140828_194227.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140828_194227.jpg.html)

15th October 2014, 10:04
I had chocolate 'Angel Delight' recently! It really did look like poo!

I haven't had that since I was at school in the 70's :cwm24:

15th October 2014, 10:11
Me too! Just fancied some - first few spoonfuls were great then it got sickly. The memory is not as good as reality. Had Vesta chow mein too!

Michael Parnham
15th October 2014, 10:38
Not sure if I like the observation of my wife's cooking looking like sewage, or the fact that I can enjoy a beer with my friends. I don't need to defend myself here as I think you know where I stand on guns but more rude observations are not called for thanks. Just because some here do not like to enjoy the differences in our chosen partner's culture does not mean we need to insult it. I say no more.

Don't be offended Steve, just light-hearted banter; also, I'm sure no one intends to offend anyone on this Forum! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2014, 09:55
Pistorius sentenced: 5 years in prison...

21st October 2014, 10:21
Pistorius sentenced: 5 years in prison...

but will only serve 10 months.

what a JOKE.

Michael Parnham
21st October 2014, 10:25
5 years should be 5 years, also that's not enough! :NoNo:

21st October 2014, 10:27
but will only serve 10 months.

what a JOKE.

yeah.. a complete joke! :NoNo:

21st October 2014, 10:57
It seems we're not alone with an imperfect judicial system. :NoNo:

21st October 2014, 11:15
What's not imperfect about it? The guy has been destroyed by the trial and what he did (freely admitted) to his girlfriend who by all accounts he loved. What purpose does giving him longer serve?

Harry T
21st October 2014, 11:21
What's not imperfect about it? The guy has been destroyed by the trial and what he did (freely admitted) to his girlfriend who by all accounts he loved. What purpose does giving him longer serve?

Steve, and whose fault is it? It's not your or my fault that this happened, its entirely Pistorius, so he has to face the consequences, his Gf didnt ask to be shot dead.

21st October 2014, 11:23
What's not imperfect about it? The guy has been destroyed by the trial and what he did (freely admitted) to his girlfriend who by all accounts he loved. What purpose does giving him longer serve?

I think that I have more sympathy to Reeva and her family for losing her the way it happened than Pistorius being destroyed for what he did. They have to live their whole lives knowing she was horribly killed. At the end of the day, Pistorius brought the whole mess he is suffering now by himself. He's not the victim here, and I would never see him as the victim.

21st October 2014, 12:06
The whole trial has been a drama. Why should he only serve 10 months in jail and rest at home?

21st October 2014, 12:12
The Judge made the decision.. end of. No need for a baying mob. I am not suggesting that he is a victim, but both sides were heard, the evidence digested and considered. Of course nothing brings back Reeva, but life goes on. Too many people want more blood but it achieves nothing.

21st October 2014, 12:17
I will not say if five years is too much or too little but what I don't agree with is only serving ten months if he is given a five year sentence. That's what makes a joke of the system in my opinion. If you are given a certain amount of time to serve you should serve it in prison as intended.

21st October 2014, 12:18
What's not imperfect about it? The guy has been destroyed by the trial and what he did (freely admitted) to his girlfriend who by all accounts he loved. What purpose does giving him longer serve?

A bit naive if you ask me. He was hardly going to say anything different when his liberty was at stake. He's going to serve about 10 months for taking the life of a beautiful intelligent young girl. If it was one of my daughters I would feel as though the justice system had let my daughter down.

21st October 2014, 12:34
Yes the judge had made the decision. That does not mean it's the right one but unfortunately in this case he won her sympathy.

21st October 2014, 12:47
He gets to server over 4 years of his sentence on luxury house arrest with a millionaire. :Erm:

The judge did not accept Oscar's testimony, yet she based the verdict on just that!

This morning the judge said that she had concluded that if his intention was to kill, he would have shot higher up! :Erm: :Erm: Especially as he knew he was using lethal exploding bullets.

I wonder if the prosecution will appeal.

21st October 2014, 14:43
What's not imperfect about it? The guy has been destroyed by the trial and what he did (freely admitted) to his girlfriend who by all accounts he loved. What purpose does giving him longer serve?

It's called 'justice'.

21st October 2014, 14:44
Its called justice.

Somehow I don't think the girl's family would share those views.

21st October 2014, 21:59
What's not imperfect about it? The guy has been destroyed by the trial and what he did (freely admitted) to his girlfriend who by all accounts he loved. What purpose does giving him longer serve?

I watched his lawyer say he had lost everything, except one thing, his life, unlike his g/f :NoNo:

I hope they appeal and he gets 10yrs in prison, that's 10yrs more living than his g/f got to live

21st October 2014, 22:08
He gets to server over 4 years of his sentence on luxury house arrest with a millionaire. :Erm:

The judge did not accept Oscar's testimony, yet she based the verdict on just that!

This morning the judge said that she had concluded that if his intention was to kill, he would have shot higher up! :Erm: :Erm: Especially as he knew he was using lethal exploding bullets.

I wonder if the prosecution will appeal.

I hope so,

If he shot higher up he probably would have missed her after the first shot :NoNo:

bullets fired from athlete's 9mm pistol were designed to 'cut through organs of a human being'

Reeva Steenkamp was standing in a toilet cubicle and facing the closed door when she was hit in the right hip by the first of four hollow-point bullets fired at her by Oscar Pistorius, a police ballistics expert testified on Wednesday at the double-amputee Olympic runner's murder trial.

Steenkamp then fell back on to a magazine holder in the cubicle and was struck in the right arm and head by the last two shots fired by Pistorius with his 9mm pistol through the door. Pistorius's girlfriend crossed her arms over her head to protect herself, Captain Christian Mangena said, when she was hit in the arm and head. He testified that he believed the second bullet shot missed Steenkamp and ricocheted off a wall inside the cubicle and broke into fragments, which caused bruising on her back.


Ako Si Jamie
21st October 2014, 22:28
Pistorius will be sentenced on Monday. I reckon he won't get more than 5 years.Bingo! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2014, 23:33
I'm thinking if Pistorius wouldn't have been who he is, like a black guy and not famous, the prosecution would get the conviction they were asking for, murder. :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
21st October 2014, 23:58
I had chocolate 'Angel Delight' recently! It really did look like poo!
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/Mobile%20Uploads/20140828_194227.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140828_194227.jpg.html)Something's gone wrong there Les :biggrin:. And what's that green stuff?

22nd October 2014, 00:02
Tinned pears:yikes:

22nd October 2014, 00:28
I'm thinking if Pistorius wouldn't have been who he is, like a black guy and not famous, the prosecution would get the conviction they were asking for, murder. :NoNo:

Unless the black guy was also rich and famous, as with O J Simpson in America. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
22nd October 2014, 00:35
I had chocolate 'Angel Delight' recently! It really did look like poo!
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/Mobile%20Uploads/20140828_194227.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20140828_194227.jpg.html)

Hmm ... :icon_sorry:, Les - :yeahthat: reminds me of what we (as kids) used to call a ... :cwm24: ... "cow's pancake"!

22nd October 2014, 01:27
Unless the black guy was also rich and famous, as with O J Simpson in America. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well he's still locked up in prison. I don't think Pistorius will be for a long time. :NoNo:

22nd October 2014, 09:19
Bingo! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Technically he got 8 years for 2 convictions. :wink:

22nd October 2014, 13:39
Well he's still locked up in prison. I don't think Pistorius will be for a long time. :NoNo:

Alas not for the Murder.

22nd October 2014, 14:14
If he does 10 months that is about right IMO.

22nd October 2014, 14:17
Well if had killed MY Daughter I would probably have paid a sniper to take him out :cwm23:

22nd October 2014, 14:40
If you were found guilty of aiding and abetting Les you would get 'life'

22nd October 2014, 15:05
Well if had killed my Daughter I would probably have paid a sniper to take him out :cwm23:

And if they found out it was you that paid the sniper you would be guilty of murder and out in 15!

22nd October 2014, 15:36
For killing my Daughter worth every year poor Oscar my ....:censored:

22nd October 2014, 15:41
For killing my Daughter worth every year poor Oscar my ....:censored:

I have a daughter too Les.
If someone killed her accidentally, I dont think that revenge would bring her back or make me feel any better either.

22nd October 2014, 16:14
I have never believed his story tho. It's ridiculous.

22nd October 2014, 16:19
I have never believed his story tho. It's ridiculous.

The truth is often stranger than fiction..
The Prosecution had more than enough time to prove murder without a shadow of a doubt.
They failed big time.

22nd October 2014, 16:36
Still not buying it. He got away with it. A complete idiot with guns. If I knock someone down by bad driving I would go to jail for longer. If I had been caught say, driving on the pavement twice before like an idiot, it would count towards my punishment.

22nd October 2014, 17:18
In cross examination he was asked about his firearms training. He said that it would only be in the very last resort that he would be permitted to fire.

That is more or less the same as in UK. That is when he was directly threatened with a lethal weapon and could not do anything but use his weapon, it would be justified.

Thus when he fired at the door knowing that someone was on the other side, but not being threatened at all, he was admitting in effect murder.

That he got acquitted of course does not mean he was ‘not guilty’. He got off.

If they have the balls to appeal he could easily be convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

22nd October 2014, 17:36
Totally agree John.

Michael Parnham
22nd October 2014, 20:28
He's a nasty piece of work anyway! :thumbsdown:

22nd October 2014, 21:50
In cross examination he was asked about his firearms training. He said that it would only be in the very last resort that he would be permitted to fire.

That is more or less the same as in UK. That is when he was directly threatened with a lethal weapon and could not do anything but use his weapon, it would be justified.

Thus when he fired at the door knowing that someone was on the other side, but not being threatened at all, he was admitting in effect murder.

That he got acquitted of course does not mean he was ‘not guilty’. He got off.

If they have the balls to appeal he could easily be convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Thanks for your expert opinion John

I have a daughter too Les.
If someone killed her accidentally, I dont think that revenge would bring her back or make me feel any better either.

He didn't accidentally kill someone, he meant to kill someone by firing 4 dum-dum bullets thru the door, expanding bullets that mushroom on impact and cause maximum tissue damage.

23rd October 2014, 08:30
Maybe he thought Warwick Davis had broken in, and he was shooting 4 warning shots above his head :Erm:

23rd October 2014, 09:06
I have a daughter too Les.
If someone killed her accidentally, I dont think that revenge would bring her back or make me feel any better either.

Certainly no accident Fred. He meant to kill whoever was in the toilet. I just honestly believe he knew it was Reeva.

23rd October 2014, 10:55
Certainly no accident Fred. He meant to kill whoever was in the toilet. I just honestly believe he knew it was Reeva.

Of course.. Accident was the wrong word.. "Tragic Mistake" would have been a better choice of words..
I happen to believe that he didn't have the faintest clue she was in there.. He thought she was asleep in a pitch dark bedroom,which was where she was when he left her for a short period..

23rd October 2014, 12:02
I happen to believe that he didn't have the faintest clue she was in there.. He thought she was asleep in a pitch dark bedroom,which was where she was when he left her for a short period..

But it wasn't pitch black though. Oscar made it clear that there was a blue LED lit on the stereo. Just one blue LED is enough to light up a room like a Nazi camp looking for escaping Englander's at night. With one blue LED you can clearly see the wrinkles in a face, never mind a whole body. This is because of the way our eyes see blue light, hence alarm clocks are usually red or green. He even admitted that the LED light was bothering him, which is why he tried to cover it up, unsuccessfully.

It was also shown during the trial that the balcony light was on according to witnesses, and even with blackout curtains, light still gets in.

Michael Parnham
23rd October 2014, 12:43
According to witnesses they were arguing up until shots were heard! :cwm25:

23rd October 2014, 12:47
He is Snidey that's my considered opinion,I have no doubt when he gets released after a brief period of mourning and adjustment he will be partying like it's 1999 and making shed loads of money from tv appearances and book sales.

23rd October 2014, 13:23
Fred, but he believed someone was behind the door, that was why he fired. So he intended to injure or kill.

Sorry M' Lady, Murder would have been the correct finding.

23rd October 2014, 16:36
Fred, but he believed someone was behind the door, that was why he fired. So he intended to injure or kill.

Yes thats true..And if I thought there was someone behind a door in my home that was there to do me or my family no good and I had a gun.....!! Guess what?

Michael Parnham
23rd October 2014, 16:46
He is Snidey that's my considered opinion,I have no doubt when he gets released after a brief period of mourning and adjustment he will be partying like it's 1999 and making shed loads of money from tv appearances and book sales.

Let's hope he won't make shed loads of money! :NoNo:

23rd October 2014, 16:57
But it wasn't pitch black though. Oscar made it clear that there was a blue LED lit on the stereo. Just one blue LED is enough to light up a room like a Nazi camp looking for escaping Englander's at night. With one blue LED you can clearly see the wrinkles in a face, never mind a whole body. This is because of the way our eyes see blue light, hence alarm clocks are usually red or green. He even admitted that the LED light was bothering him, which is why he tried to cover it up, unsuccessfully.

It was also shown during the trial that the balcony light was on according to witnesses, and even with blackout curtains, light still gets in.

An LED light? Are you kidding me? I just turned off the lights in my living room and have two LED`s running.. I cant see a F@king thing!!
Where would your focus be if you think you are being invaded and threatened?? From the the illusions emitted from an LED light or the noise from the door and the perceived threat from within?
Get real!
I love it when people say how they would react in a given situation as if such a situation had happened to them at the spur of the moment!
Hopefully that situation never occurs...But if it does..At the very least expect a surprise that cannot be thought of as logical in the cold light of day!
The surprise quite often comes too late.

23rd October 2014, 17:09
Yes thats true..And if I thought there was someone behind a door in my home that was there to do me or my family no good and I had a gun.....!! Guess what?

As South African law seems to be the same as UK, in those circumstances you would be guilty of murder.

One can only take life to protect one's own life or that of another person, providing there is no alternative.

So chase the guy down the street who just shot and killed your wife and kill him, murder. Or, as he is about to kill your wife you kill him --- justifiable homicide.

23rd October 2014, 17:14
As South African law seems to be the same as UK, in those circumstances you would be guilty of murder.

One can only take life to protect one's own life or that of another person, providing there is no alternative.

So chase the guy down the street who just shot and killed your wife and kill him, murder. Or, as he is about to kill your wife you kill him --- justifiable homicide.

There you go John... At least here in the R.P I can buy justice if I so wish..
In the UK I just need to suck up to the Liberal way of thinking. Obey the law and grieve alone.

23rd October 2014, 17:15
Yes thats true..And if I thought there was someone behind a door in my home that was there to do me or my family no good and I had a gun.....!! Guess what?

Bet you would check where your wife was first :yikes:

If he was of presence of mind to get his gun - he had time to ascertain where she was.

23rd October 2014, 18:16
An LED light? Are you kidding me? I just turned off the lights in my living room and have two LED`s running.. I cant see a F@king thing!!
Where would your focus be if you think you are being invaded and threatened?? From the the illusions emitted from an LED light or the noise from the door and the perceived threat from within?
Get real!
I love it when people say how they would react in a given situation as if such a situation had happened to them at the spur of the moment!
Hopefully that situation never occurs...But if it does..At the very least expect a surprise that cannot be thought of as logical in the cold light of day!
The surprise quite often comes too late.

There was one time, in the middle of the night, Keith heard a loud bang (with glass breaking) at the hall by the kitchen. Well what he did was woke me up and ask what's that and if I heard something. Turns out it was the mirror by the hall, it fell from the wall.

Like what Les said, the first thing you do is ask whoever you are in bed with if he/she heard something, not get a gun and shoot 4 times on the bathroom door without even knowing if someone really is in there. It's one of the basic scenarios even in movies which involve burglars!

Oh, and blue LED light is quite bright in a dark room. Every night I have to flip over my phone if the small blue LED light flashes for notifications (if family in the Philippines sent messages and such), coz it lits up the bedroom with its continued flashing.

23rd October 2014, 19:07
An LED light? Are you kidding me? I just turned off the lights in my living room and have two LED`s running.. I cant see a F@king thing!!
Where would your focus be if you think you are being invaded and threatened?? From the the illusions emitted from an LED light or the noise from the door and the perceived threat from within?
Get real!

It is real!

This was in Oscar's own evidence :Erm: He even stated that he got out of bed as it was annoying him.

Blue LED's are used by astronomers so they can see in the dark, but not change their pupils. They are also used as night lights for babies/kids so the parents can see in the room.

23rd October 2014, 19:24
Also your vision in poor light adapts so he managed to find his gun alright?

Michael Parnham
23rd October 2014, 19:50
Bet you would check where your wife was first :yikes:

If he was of presence of mind to get his gun - he had time to ascertain where she was.

Exactly Les, but he knew where she was and that's why he shot her!

23rd October 2014, 20:06
Of course.. Accident was the wrong word.. "Tragic Mistake" would have been a better choice of words..
I happen to believe that he didn't have the faintest clue she was in there.. He thought she was asleep in a pitch dark bedroom,which was where she was when he left her for a short period..

"When you shouted at Reeva to phone the police, she was 3m away from you in the toilet, but she didn't say anything," he said. "Why would she not say anything?

Mr Pistorius said he did not know.

He asked why he had not checked whether Ms Steenkamp had heard his calls for her to phone the police, or why he had not taken her to safety instead of going to confront the supposed intruder.

Mr Pistorius said it was his personality to confront what he believed was an intruder.

He doesn't know because it never happened - the same guy, who said he was in so much fear of being attacked or robbed and goes towards trouble instead of getting himself and his g/f away from it :doh


25th October 2014, 20:16
Reeva Steenkamp 'hadn't slept with Oscar' before he killed her says mum June


She was killed on Valentines day, maybe if what her mother said is true, this was the cause of the alleged argument :cwm25:

25th October 2014, 22:56
Yeah...that's what I told my mum too. :cwm25:

26th October 2014, 00:27
He doesn't know because it never happened - the same guy, who said he was in so much fear of being attacked or robbed and goes towards trouble instead of getting himself and his g/f away from it :doh


Joe...King of Cluedo!! :icon_lol:

26th October 2014, 07:37
Excuse me for this deviation from the thread. Last night my wife was out at ‘Filipino girl’s night-out’ so I went to bed alone. A hardly-ever thing in the past 8 years. I woke up hearing a noise, we live in an apartment. It sounded very close. The first instinctive thing I did was reach out to see if my wife had come in and was in the bed.

26th October 2014, 07:58
Joe...King of Cluedo!! :icon_lol:

King of facts, he has said what I posted, he feared for his life but then
Mr Pistorius said it was his personality to confront what he believed was an intruder. :cwm25::Erm:

Jodia Aries trial, she claimed because she dropped his camera, he attacked her, she ran from the bathroom down the corridor, and instead of turning left and running down the stairs to get out of the house, she turns right into the bedroom, where at the end of the room on top of a high cupboard there is a gun (gun never found, one went missing from her grandad's a few days before :wink:) that she believes has blank bullets in.

She manages to grab the gun as he chases her, open the door to the bathroom, where he catches up with her, fearing for her life she fires the gun and shoots him in the head then stabs him nearly 30 times and slitting his throat

Why didn't she run down the stairs :cwm25::Erm: Guess what, she didn't know where to :icon_lol:

Hopefully she will be on death row at the end of the month.

26th October 2014, 15:50
This is interesting and I can imagine what she says is true-but I do acknowledge she is writing a book.


26th October 2014, 21:43
I believe, like the McCanns, this man was being shielded from high by powerful persons unknown. I was convinced by the Cadavar dogs in Portugal (they have no bias towards who did what) when they found 4 spots in the Flat that the McCanns were renting, where Madeline's death scent was...the MSM media never tell us the truth no more, only what the powers that be want them to tell us...So many false flags are being played out right before our eyes....I hope the sheeple wake up soon to what is happening, and going to happen in the future..

26th October 2014, 22:00
McCanns ?

Please explain. :Erm:

27th October 2014, 08:58
I believe, like the McCanns, this man was being shielded from high by powerful persons unknown. I was convinced by the Cadavar dogs in Portugal (they have no bias towards who did what) when they found 4 spots in the Flat that the McCanns were renting, where Madeline's death scent was...the MSM media never tell us the truth no more, only what the powers that be want them to tell us...So many false flags are being played out right before our eyes....I hope the sheeple wake up soon to what is happening, and going to happen in the future..

I got news for you, cadaver dogs are not 100% efficient, they signal false finds, just like when searching for drugs. In the McCann investigation we only read 'what was found' in newspapers and if you read enough of them you could 'prove' almost anything you chose.

I cannot imagine any circumstances, in the real world, that the evidence of a dog's reaction could ever be used as evidence in a trial.

And you should be aware that people saying things like "I believe, like the McCanns, this man was being shielded from high...." are open to prosecution. Publishing similar comments cost the Daily Mail around £1 million in out of court agreed compensation.

27th October 2014, 14:29
Oscar Pistorius case: South Africa prosecutors to appeal

South Africa prosecutors say they are going to appeal against the conviction and sentence given to athlete Oscar Pistorius for killing his girlfriend.

Last week, Pistorius began serving five years for the culpable homicide of Reeva Steenkamp. He could be out in 10 months.

The double-amputee Olympic sprinter was cleared of murder.

"The appeal on conviction is based on the question of law," the national prosecuting spokesman said.


Good, I hope he gets at least 10yrs in prison

Arthur Little
27th October 2014, 14:51

Good, I hope he gets at least 10yrs in prison

:iagree: ... be no more than he deserves!

27th October 2014, 15:39
Perhaps they read my earlier post "If they have the balls to appeal he could easily be convicted (of murder) and sentenced to life imprisonment."

27th October 2014, 15:42
Ironic mode: Oscar Pistorius may well now wake up and find a burglar using his toilet...

27th October 2014, 15:49
Good news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
27th October 2014, 16:00
:iagree: ... be no more than he deserves!

:Erm: ... apart from an 'oscar' for his performance throughout the lengthy trial!

27th October 2014, 21:06
:iagree: ... be no more than he deserves!

He deserves more than 10 months, is that all someone's life is worth :NoNo:

Arthur Little
27th October 2014, 21:44
He deserves more than 10 months, is that all someone's life is worth :NoNo:

:nono-1-1: ... I think you've misinterpreted my statement ... I'm in agreement that 10 years minimum is what he deserves! :ReadIt:

27th October 2014, 21:59
:nono-1-1: ... I think you've misinterpreted my statement ... I'm in agreement that 10 years minimum is what he deserves! :ReadIt:

No Arthur, I knew what you meant :wink:, I'm just :cwm24: that he could be in prison for 10 months

27th October 2014, 22:28
I think the first judge fudged it so that it went to appeal.

28th October 2014, 08:26
I think the first judge fudged it so that it went to appeal.

That would explain her apparent lack of a professional approach to the whole proceedings, as I find it hard to believe she was just plain incompetent.

28th October 2014, 11:13
Ironic mode: Oscar Pistorius may well now wake up and find a burglar using his toilet...

I think they may regret doing that as there are probably large holes in it.

28th October 2014, 13:04
Hopefully Oscar's :action-smiley-081:'ole is a lot bigger now :icon_tonguew: .... it's not like he can run away :biggrin:

28th October 2014, 14:56
Hopefully Oscar's :action-smiley-081:'ole is a lot bigger now :icon_tonguew: .... it's not like he can run away :biggrin:

Well it all depends on if they let him keep his metal springs..
I`d rather be kicked by an abused Kangaroo! personally!

4th November 2014, 14:32
Oscar Pistorius trial: Prosecutors file appeal


4th November 2014, 14:35
Oscar Pistorius trial: Prosecutors file appeal



Michael Parnham
3rd December 2015, 17:54
Ah at last, convicted of Murder, let's hope the punishment fits the crime!

3rd December 2015, 18:10
My post from November:- Perhaps they read my earlier post "If they have the balls to appeal he could easily be convicted (of murder) and sentenced to life imprisonment."

At last a logical verdict according to the evidence.

Michael Parnham
7th August 2016, 09:42
Whilst serving his 6 years jail sentence he has now had a mental breakdown also cut his wrists, poor man he should be :NEW4:

Ako Si Jamie
7th August 2016, 09:59
He should be grateful that he only got six years.

7th August 2016, 10:04
Well the High Court changed the verdict to guilty of murder, but the unbelievably incompetent judge failed to give a proper sentence. i.e. minimum 15 years.

Let’s hope the Appeal against the leniency of the sentence will be corrected.

PS It would appear he is saying he did not attempt suicide. The injuries were, according to reports, minor and he has been returned to prison.

12th December 2017, 20:06
Oscar has had a kicking inside :wink:

Oscar Pistorius attacked and hurt in prison brawl, authorities say.
Oscar Pistorius was attacked and hurt in a prison brawl, South African authorities said today.
The shamed Olympic and Paralympic sprinter sustained “minor injuries” during a fight with another inmate.
He is believed to have been set upon following a dispute about his lengthy telephone calls.
Sources said fellow inmates at Atteridgeville Correctional Centre queuing to use the phone became incensed when the 31-year-old refused to hang up.
Singabakho Nxumalo, spokesman for the Department of Correctional Services said: “It is alleged that he was involved in an altercation with another inmate over the use of a public phone in the special care unit.
“DCS has launched an internal investigation into the matter to establish the facts and to ensure that appropriate action is taken as incidents of assault are not allowed.”
Pistorius is believed to have hurt his back and ribs during the attack last Wednesday.
He is serving a 13-year sentence for murdering his girlfriend‚ Reeva Steenkamp by shooting her at his home in the early hours of Valentine’s Day in 2013.

13th December 2017, 12:57
“ as incidents of assault are not allowed.”

Had to laugh at that . :icon_lol: Oh REALLY ?

My heart bleeds for the poor murdering ..... :NoNo: