View Full Version : Checks on students undermine trust

2nd March 2014, 21:27
:icon_lol: Is it that wrong or difficult to report a student who isn't turning up to lessons?? :crazy:

How about the Uni's having to refund students for lessons they don't attend, I'll bet they will make sure they attend then, or report them :biggrin:

Well as for treating all students equally, they are not equal thou, some don't have a legal right to reside in the UK permanently

Academics at a number of universities in the UK and beyond have now become concerned at this state of affairs, and at the methods used to establish bona fide student status.

read more here .. http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/mar/02/checks-on-students-undermine-trust

2nd March 2014, 21:40
Typical clueless state funded leftists

2nd March 2014, 21:51
have you seen how many professors signed the letter :icon_lol:

2nd March 2014, 22:34
They're all in fear of losing their overpaid, taxpayer funded non jobs :biggrin:

2nd March 2014, 23:33
No wonder this country is going to the dogs....as is its education system. :mad:

Our ranking on the world stage is now pretty abysmal. :NoNo:

2nd March 2014, 23:49
When Keith and I was having lunch with his parents one time, I overheard some professors or some university professionals talking about how it's hard for them now with regards to these UKBA visas checks and all that. I don't know what they're complaining about coz I didn't really listen intently. I told Keith that I overheard them and he said of course they'll complain. :icon_lol: