View Full Version : How come....

14th October 2007, 19:36
It is so easy to be called a racist if you are white, and yet comedian Chris Rock can say what the hell he likes, such as;
"There are black people, and there are nigers"

If any of us whities said that, they'd throw away the key :Brick:

14th October 2007, 19:41
Hasn't it always been so? Scots people can make fun of themselves, as can Jewish people and disabled people. But if someone from outside those groups wants to make a joke about them it has to be handled extremely carefully if it is not going to be offensive.

On a personal level, I don't mind laughing at myself, but I might not be so keen on you laughing at me (tempting though it might be . . . ).


14th October 2007, 19:42
I have a better one - when the petrol shortage was on, we had a garage (owned by asians) that had a sign saying ` No petrol to Whites` - when a complaint was made - the aswer was that its ok to put this and its not racist! - complaint thrown out!

14th October 2007, 20:03
yes, it's ok to have "afro caribbean community centres" ... what about "caucasian community centres"? RACIST

"black business beaureau" .... OK, "white business beaureau" RACIST!

black person calls me a cracker - OK
I call black person N-word - RACIST

I hate this double standard and when i was dating black girls for 5 years (one girl continuously for 3.5 years) . . . it's like BEATING MY HEAD AGAINST A BRICK WALL ARRRRHGHHHH

and don't get me started on the asian muslims in birmingham! How could i be discriminated against in my OWN COUNTRY???

gosh, sometimes im glad im back in belfast . . . we have no bigotry here ;) hahaha
until the government funding ceases ;)

15th October 2007, 10:59
"I have a better one - when the petrol shortage was on, we had a garage (owned by asians) that had a sign saying ` No petrol to Whites` - when a complaint was made - the aswer was that its ok to put this and its not racist! - complaint thrown out!"

I honestly don't believe that. There are numerous cases where similar discrimination has been punished, and a sign like that is very clearly illegal.

Its amazing how people ignore discrimination against immigrants, but suddenly become sensitive about any implication of discrimination against white people! Discrimination against immigrants has been going on for years, and still happens even in a tolerant country like the UK.


15th October 2007, 19:02
Well I guess it's one of them proofs that life is not fair :rolleyes:

15th October 2007, 19:13
"I have a better one - when the petrol shortage was on, we had a garage (owned by asians) that had a sign saying ` No petrol to Whites` - when a complaint was made - the aswer was that its ok to put this and its not racist! - complaint thrown out!"

I honestly don't believe that. There are numerous cases where similar discrimination has been punished, and a sign like that is very clearly illegal.

Its amazing how people ignore discrimination against immigrants, but suddenly become sensitive about any implication of discrimination against white people! Discrimination against immigrants has been going on for years, and still happens even in a tolerant country like the UK.


Many of the people that compailn about racism as immigrants also practise some form of bigtory themselves. Doesn't mean they should be
discrimated agaisnt themselves, but does mean they need to take a long hard look in the mirror.