View Full Version : A great day had

8th March 2014, 20:21
Well what a nice day its been, a little late in getting up today but its always nice to have a lie in together.

The plan of action today was go into town, sort out the bank, buy a new phone, sort out a holiday and just look around and spend time together.

Did I get any of that done , other than having the time together which is always good, nothing else happened that I had planned.

No bank, no mobile phone, no holiday.

But Ems got a great pair of shoes, even tried on new clothes and dinner thrown in too, but hey I am still happy :biggrin:

8th March 2014, 21:30
I went out shopping in the sunshine on my pushbike. :smile:

Unfortunately I DID have to part with some money, in the interests of not starving to death. http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b258/grahamw48/irked_zpsddbb4d36.gif~original

8th March 2014, 22:31
.....No bank, no mobile phone, no holiday,
but Ems got a great pair of shoes, even tried on new cloths and dinner thrown in too, but hey i am still happy :biggrin:

That's the way steve....

8th March 2014, 23:26
Nice day here, buying plants, stuffing trees into the BMW (glad the tailgate glass opens separately!), planting in the garden.

Tomorrow should be even better but a bit more tiring as we're going hiking in the Peak District. Taking the TVR too, so double fun.

Arthur Little
8th March 2014, 23:44
Tomorrow should be even better but a bit more tiring as we're going hiking in the *Peak District. Taking the TVR too, so double fun.

Great, Trefor ... *:yeahthat:'ll keep you 'n' Rose in "tip top", condition! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th March 2014, 01:57
Full English, 14 miles on bike, Spurs thrashed, Pub, Mrs D working night :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th March 2014, 02:27
Full English, 14 miles on bike, Spurs thrashed, Pub, Mrs D working night :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That result tickled me no end :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3: Plus you got some peace tonight..now, that was a result:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
9th March 2014, 07:25
Fitted a loft ladder!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th March 2014, 09:44
Full English, 14 miles on bike, Spurs thrashed, Pub, Mrs D working night :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fitted a loft ladder!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Man's stuff. :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

9th March 2014, 09:52
Watched the rugby down the pub, then put the car up for sale :Erm:

9th March 2014, 10:01
Why ?

Did you bet on the wrong team ? :icon_lol:

9th March 2014, 10:03
how has your week gone Simon

9th March 2014, 10:07
Why ?

Did you bet on the wrong team ? :icon_lol:

No, that would have been costly :yikes:

Ultima has to go to fund a new business venture :bigcry:

9th March 2014, 10:11
how has your week gone Simon

All going ahead Steve :smile:

Corporate lawyer and accountant ready to go, just waiting for the Heads of Terms :cwm25:

Car up for sale to pay for those, then with fingers crossed I may be able to buy a little run around :Erm: Well maybe something a bit bigger and newer :wink:

9th March 2014, 10:13
onwards and upwards so they say, good luck :smile:

9th March 2014, 10:14
Those new Jags look nice. :smile:

9th March 2014, 10:15
a little house in Bohol looks better :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

9th March 2014, 10:19
Just looking forward to seeing light at the end of the tunnel at the moment :biggrin: