View Full Version : Frantic wrist action !

8th March 2014, 20:51
Hadn't realised I moved them so much. lol :biggrin:

Gra...idling his time away again. Shame youtube :censored:up the frame rate, as usual, so the graphics are slowed down a fraction. Looks amazing on the actual TV. Sorry about the 'learner racing lines' Normally I switch them off.

Not bad video from my little Tesco Hudl tablet though. Thought I'd try it out. :smile:



8th March 2014, 20:59
BLOODY HELL Graham, i would hate to get in your way on a B road,, by the way we are looking for drivers at our place someone with a heavy right foot if you get my drift

8th March 2014, 21:09
Haha :icon_lol:...sadly, my HGV expired a few years back. :cwm3:

That's not one of the fastest cars on the game by a long chalk. You really DO need some fast reactions to keep those on the track. :cwm24: (I mean if you want to win anything. I race online too).