View Full Version : Child's Settlement Visa- Please help!

13th March 2014, 21:22
Hi everyone! Reading the thread about child's visa makes me feel worried. I have completed online application for my daughter and sent it to Philippines then lodge it in two weeks time.
My question is how can I satisfy the ECO that I have sole responsibility? What evidence do I need?
She is 8 years old. She has never seen her father since birth. She has my surname but the father mentioned on her birth certificate. My mum looked after her until she passed away in 2012. She has no immediate family in the Philippines. She is currently living with my nephews. I have supported her and visited her every year. I've been away over 5 years.
I am so worried now. Please I need some advice. What is her chance of getting the visa?

14th March 2014, 11:54
Hi everyone! Reading the thread about child's visa makes me feel worried. I have completed online application for my daughter and sent it to Philippines then lodge it in two weeks time.
My question is how can I satisfy the ECO that I have sole responsibility? What evidence do I need?
She is 8 years old. She has never seen her father since birth. She has my surname but the father mentioned on her birth certificate. My mum looked after her until she passed away in 2012. She has no immediate family in the Philippines. She is currently living with my nephews. I have supported her and visited her every year. I've been away over 5 years.
I am so worried now. Please I need some advice. What is her chance of getting the visa?

Firstly Agath, let me offer you a warm welcome to Filipino UK :welcomex:

I'm sorry you've been waiting so long for a reply to your concerns, hopefully this UKVI link on Sole Responsibility should help with definition -What is sole responsibility? (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/children-set07/children-set07#set78-what-is-sole-responsibility)

There really isn't any written information from UKVI on specifically how to prove sole responsibility status, simply because meaning of the term cannot be precise when each family situation is unique.
Remember though that sole responsibility and sole custody are different.

Sole Responsibility is a UKVI visa requirement.
Custody is a Philippine legal indicator.

You really need to satisfy UKVI that you have been the sponsoring parent for a substantial period of time and that since your migration you have been the main person exercising
parental responsibility for the child.

For visa applications this means clearly showing, with examples, that you hold, and have been holding, the ultimate responsibility for all the major decisions relating to the child’s
upbringing and providing the child with the care and control and the majority of the financial, health, education, religious and emotional support needed.

Additionally you need to show that child's other biological parent contributes nothing to the child's upbringing in these essential areas.

Consider submitting proof of paying school and medical bills etc
State how you made regular and substantial financial remittances and how you achieved a significant degree of contact and communication.
Show you've made contact with the school, teachers, doctors etc

The outcome of sole responsibility centred visa applications do depend to a large extent on your own unique circumstances, and your ability to provide good supporting evidence.

We do have a number of members who have actually been in your position... hopefully they will be able to share their experience with you.

In the meantime please make a forum search under 'Sole Responsibility'......hopefully a lot of useful information will turn up for you.

Good luck and keep in touch

14th March 2014, 18:53
Hi Terpe! Thank you so much for the info. This is a big help for me. I still have 2 weeks to gather evidences. I really appreciate it. Thanks :smile::smile::smile:

Hello to Filipino UK:smile:

18th March 2014, 22:30
Hi everyone:Wave: It's me again! My question is about letter of consent. Do I need to? The father is mentioned on the birth certificate but my daughter is using my maiden name, not her father's surname. So confused:Brick:Don't know where he is and don't like to look for him:NoNo:How come the UKVI requires the letter of consent where the parents never lived together nor the father never contribute any single penny? :xxaction-smiley-047

20th March 2014, 12:00
I'm 'bumping' this post and hope that those with experience will respond......

20th March 2014, 12:25
Hi Agath what form did you used for the application of your minor child?
what is your status in the UK? have you got ILR ? British citizen?
Are you married to a British?

You cant provide a consent from the father if his whereabouts unknown.

with regards to sole responsibility you need to provide all supporting documents since you left her in the PH , you need to be the one responsible for her day to day basis even if she is being looked after by her guardian your mother or your adult nephew.(as been written on post#2 by Terpe)
communications ..chat logs/call logs/remittances/ school letters addressed to you or your appointed guardian.

20th March 2014, 15:39
hello agath, our situation is quite the same except that the father of my son hasn't been mentioned in his birth certificate at all.. have a look on this thread where i posted the documents i have provided for my son's application.. hope others can help you with your other question. good luck.:smile:
