View Full Version : The 'I've stopped smoking' thread...

16th March 2014, 11:19
3 days without a ciggy now.

Actually, it's been quite painless.

No patches or other crutches either...except a used-up e-cig. :smile:

Eating lots more and feeling fitter already when walking and cycling. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 11:46

Michael Parnham
16th March 2014, 11:55
It'll get better Graham, well done! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 12:15
:Jump: :xxgrinning--00xx3:.:68711_thanx:

16th March 2014, 12:16
Well done!
If you want it enough you will do it.

16th March 2014, 12:40
well done, happy 3 day anniversary :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 12:51

I'm hoping this will be a very long thread. :smile:

16th March 2014, 13:00

I'm hoping this will be a very long thread. :smile:

King size or Super Kings :cwm25: sorry couldn't resist :Cuckoo:

16th March 2014, 14:28
Well done Graham - resist temptation :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 14:36
As with previous occasions (which happily lasted for YEARS)....already dashing around like a blueRsed fly, doing STUFF.

:Bolt::waver::BouncyHappy::REDancedancer08::cwm12::huepfen024::Bouncy::veryhappy::603785::egyptian::woohoo::wiggle::hoovering::ironing::balaicoule::laundry: :toocoffee:

Could be the 10,000 calories a day I'm currently consuming of course. :Erm:

16th March 2014, 20:01
I gave up in 2004 after smoking for around 15 years... I used to only smoke 10 a day, but one day decided they cost too much and just quit.

16th March 2014, 22:25
That's good to hear....and well done sir ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Going 'Cold Turkey' seems to be working ok for me this time.



2. COST.

17th March 2014, 15:56
At last!!
Well done Graham.....keep it up step-by-step and day-by-day.

It's one of the best decisions you'll make :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2014, 16:06
Thanks Peter.

Day four. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 09:36
Well done Graham and good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 10:18
Well done Graham and good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hoping you're still 'clean' Marco :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's over 3 years now for me..........so so glad I took the decision to quit.
I did it cold turkey as that works best for me........whichever way anyone does it it's never easy.

18th March 2014, 10:23
Keep going Graham - get the bike out tonight :smile:

18th March 2014, 10:51
Day 5 . :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This seems to be going quickly. :Erm:

I'm now adding up all the money I'm saving. :biggrin:

18th March 2014, 11:11
Have you noticed any improvement in your breathing yet Graham ?
Usually you notice that pretty quickly :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 12:19
I'm now adding up all the money I'm saving. :biggrin:

They'll be on overtime restocking the Tesco reduced items fridge shelf

18th March 2014, 12:31
Have you noticed any improvement in your breathing yet Graham ?
Usually you notice that pretty quickly :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, I certainly have Peter, thanks.

Also I'm soooo much more active now, but I was anticipating that.

...Just waiting for the old face to fill out a bit now, and look less like a Rhino's scrotum.

18th March 2014, 12:34
They'll be on overtime restocking the Tesco reduced items fridge shelf

Pah. Tesco so-called 'reduced' are a blinkin joke nowadays.

I just stock up at farmfoods for the cheapo stuff. :smile:

Maybe I should use all this extra energy to bike over to Aldi or Lidl. :Erm:

18th March 2014, 12:44
Maybe I should use all this extra energy to bike over to Aldi or Lidl. :Erm:

On my approved supplier list :xxgrinning--00xx3: You can get some cheap bike pannier bags from Lidl this week to fill up with all the non branded bargains

Michael Parnham
18th March 2014, 12:52
I gave up in 2004 after smoking for around 15 years... I used to only smoke 10 a day, but one day decided they cost too much and just quit.

I did the same in 1992! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th March 2014, 15:44
....Maybe I should use all this extra energy to bike over to Aldi or Lidl. :Erm:

Dedworth has converted me and I can honestly say I'm glad for that.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:
As long as you know what you buying you can save £££'s and the quality of fresh products is great.

18th March 2014, 16:01
Dedworth has converted me and I can honestly say I'm glad for that.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:
As long as you know what you buying you can save £££'s and the quality of fresh products is great.

Terpe don't forget the Steinhauser :66:

18th March 2014, 16:20
Terpe don't forget the Steinhauser :66:




22nd March 2014, 20:06
8...(or is 9 ? :Erm: ) days now as a NON-SMOKER. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have saved 20+ pounds on the cost of cigs, cos I only smoked 7 or 8 a day anyway, and spent 20+ pounds on extra food, and snacks of all kinds. :biggrin:

22nd March 2014, 20:29
Get out on that bike :biggrin:

22nd March 2014, 20:54
Get out on that bike :biggrin:

I'm out on it every day....getting in supplies of food ! :icon_lol:

22nd March 2014, 20:56
I'm out on it every day....getting in supplies of food ! :icon_lol:

Cycle further then you'll be too knackered to think about or need food

22nd March 2014, 21:19
I need to get back home the same day ! :biggrin:


22nd March 2014, 21:34
Keep up the good work Graham.....we're all behind you.....seriously....we know just how tough it can be sometimes until the moment goes.

22nd March 2014, 21:39
Cheers Peter.

My electronic cig from poundstretchers wore out weeks ago, but makes a great dummy. :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
23rd March 2014, 06:40
Keep it up Graham! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd March 2014, 10:29
Another day another few quid saved Michael. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd March 2014, 11:29
Keep it up Graham, well done so far! :xxgrinning--00xx3::appl:

23rd March 2014, 12:28

Sense of smell is returning now.

Time to change my socks and bedding, and find out whatever that is at the back of the fridge ! :cwm24:

23rd March 2014, 12:34
Well done Graham! :xxgrinning--00xx3: