View Full Version : Negative Reps

16th March 2014, 13:22
Hmm just a thought, is the giving of Negative reps fair?

This had got me thinking as I'm sure I have had reps deducted now :yikes:

I think it's a bit unfair that this is allowed as I would have done a hatchet job on a few on here by now :icon_lol:
I think if you don't agree with something no matter just don't rep it, but to take reps away is poor.

Let's see what everyone else thinks and can we have a league table of Negative reps Keith :biggrin:

16th March 2014, 13:29
give rep or no rep, is fair, but to give negative rep is like someone taking away a gift that someone else gave you,

I think only the person who gave the rep should be the only one to take it back, no one else

16th March 2014, 13:35
I've had a few negatives, and at one point it got to me a bit (maybe that was the intention :Erm:)

The one thing I would like to see changed is rather than remain anonymous useless you say who you are, I'd to be able to see who gives me rep. Not sure what other members thoughts are on this :smile:

16th March 2014, 13:38
Nobody told me we're supposed to keep a record Stewart. :yikes:

16th March 2014, 13:39
It's a nice little reward to get reps - we are all secretly proud to get them, but I never really thought anyone would give out neg reps if someone disagreed with them.

I want them outing :biggrin:

16th March 2014, 13:41
I've had a few negatives, and at one point it got to me a bit (maybe that was the intention :Erm:)
The one thing I would like to see changed is rather than remain anonymous useless you say who you are, I'd to be able to see who gives me rep. Not sure what other members thoughts are on this :smile:

Seems a good idea. Normally I just put 3 dots...in the interests of anonymity, fair play, modesty, and idleness. :Erm:

16th March 2014, 13:43
I don't know how many reps i've given I don't count, but i'm certain I have never given neg rep,

though its possible I might have to a troll :icon_lol:

16th March 2014, 13:45
Those red ones are the positive ones aren't they......like electric ? :cwm25:

16th March 2014, 13:51
I want them outing :biggrin:

so people can be bullied and ganged up on :NoNo:,
some people may not want to be confrontational, and this is a way of voicing their opinion

but i think if someone gives you a neg rep, they should have the decency to say why :cwm25:

16th March 2014, 13:53
It's worked fine the way it is for years :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've had neg rep in the past.... usually off Rayna for not buying enough shoes for her :icon_lol:

16th March 2014, 13:54
It's worked fine the way it is for years :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've had neg rep in the past.... usually of Rayna for not buying enough shoes for her :icon_lol:

:xxparty-smiley-004: i might have been guilty too, all in the good name of research :wink:

16th March 2014, 13:55
:xxparty-smiley-004: i might have been guilty too, all in the good name of research :wink:

I just put it back on mine, and take it off yours :biggrin:

16th March 2014, 14:26
i had a neg rep the other week--but--for the life of me i couldnt see why. it was anonymous. not that it bothered me--but i would hate to think it might get me kicked off here

16th March 2014, 14:45
i had a neg rep the other week--but--for the life of me i couldnt see why. it was anonymous. not that it bothered me--but i would hate to think it might get me kicked off here

i doubt you would get kicked off :NoNo:
i don't think anyone else can see any neg reps :cwm25:
like i said if someone gave you a neg rep they should have said why :cwm24:

16th March 2014, 14:48
I would always say why....otherwise the virtual kick in the groin would be totally wasted . :anerikke: :icon_lol:

16th March 2014, 15:22
If some one says something stupid or in bad taste then why not bad rep them, yes, then they might question why it happened and they can then post with a bit more thought in the future. There are far too many 'happy nicey nicey' reps being given recently, and it seems for just logging in you can get some from some members:doh

Giving to receive is also not what the system is for... so just because you give don't go pm'ing people because you never got it back!!

16th March 2014, 15:25
If some one says something stupid or in bad taste then why not bad rep them

Who determines if it's stupid? Who determines what is bad taste?

Very subjective!

16th March 2014, 16:11
Who determines if it's stupid? Who determines what is bad taste?

Anyone Les, that's the whole point of it

16th March 2014, 16:20
That's why it seems daft, one heated discussion and bad rep given coz you don't agree, I never done it, sure some have :NoNo:

16th March 2014, 16:32
Well, the weirdest thing I've seen here is a newbie, with only 2 posts just saying an introduction, has 3 green blobs already (equivalent to 150 points). I don't know who gave it, but obviously not really worth of any kind of reps yet! :crazy: No wonder we are getting trolls with a Respected Member status. :NoNo:

16th March 2014, 18:00
Does her profile pic look like Miss Philippines ? :hubbahubba:


16th March 2014, 18:17
good reps bad reps, are we all at school, if what i read is good and i think that person has gone out their way to give advice to others, well then they deserve either a REP - or what i think is better a THANKYOU from me

A bad rep well, i just dont bother replying if i am not interested in what they are saying unless its bad and i have to comment, but hey you must be able to take it, if you give it

16th March 2014, 19:08
I love a good difference in points of views!

Arthur Little
16th March 2014, 19:09
Maybe because I am a Mod some folks might think I'm ... well ... :anerikke: ... oozing with confidence. :cwm24:

But :nono-1-1: as an ordinary bloke, there's no one more acutely aware
than me, of my own strengths and weaknesses. :olddude: ... so - even at my relatively late stage in life - I'm still capable of feeling at least the same thrill (if not more) coursing through my veins whenever someone gives me rep here, as I did as a junior clerk receiving an [occasional] compliment from my bosses at work 53 years ago. :smile:

Means I'm doing - or saying - something right in someone's eyes.
Which matters to me ... and I suspect it does to MOST normal folk, despite any assertions to the contrary. :wink:

Michael Parnham
16th March 2014, 19:14
Didn't know there was such a thing as a bad rep! :Erm:

16th March 2014, 19:34
If some one says something stupid or in bad taste then why not bad rep them, yes, then they might question why it happened and they can then post with a bit more thought in the future. There are far too many 'happy nicey nicey' reps being given recently, and it seems for just logging in you can get some from some members:doh

Giving to receive is also not what the system is for... so just because you give don't go pm'ing people because you never got it back!!

Now I know where one of my neg rep came from the other day. Cheers Steve r

I wonder how many you've dished out to say, our Ded? ???

What I said wasn't rude or defamatory just an opinion.

I was awarded 4 neg rep all at once. Over the years I've scored a hat full, not sure why, anyway...Strange there was 4 regulars posting on that thread at the same time, ffs :icon_lol::xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 19:37
Does her profile pic look like Miss Philippines ? :hubbahubba:

Which makes the reputations justifiable. Yes, it is subjective but, that's the whole point of it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 19:54
I don't even know if I have been given neg rep it just seems I have had a similar rep for ages, yet have received rep regularly, unless I got that wrong :Erm:

I just think it's not really needed to give bad rep out, if you disagree then fine just don't give rep out, if you are happy with the post and it merits rep then give it.

How do you tell it's negative rep is it in in red or something?

16th March 2014, 19:59
Yes Les. ..it's more of an orange blob in the left hand column. Unless you look to see whom it came from or keeping a tally of what you've got then, you won't know.

The notification remains the same. .'reputation comment'

16th March 2014, 20:13
I don't even know if I have been given neg rep it just seems I have had a similar rep for ages, yet have received rep regularly, unless I got that wrong :Erm:

I just think it's not really needed to give bad rep out, if you disagree then fine just don't give rep out, if you are happy with the post and it merits rep then give it.

How do you tell it's negative rep is it in in red or something?

Click "Settings" and you'll know what has been given to you. A red blob will only appear if all you've been getting are neg reps and no positive reps to balance it out. If you are getting neg reps and you have received plenty of positive ones in the past, you will only notice deductions of blobs.

16th March 2014, 20:13
I'm guessing i can only see when i get one - can't see anything now in notifications.

16th March 2014, 20:16
Ah looked in settings but it only goes back so far but to be fair they are all green :smile:

16th March 2014, 20:20
would you like me to send you a bad rep Les :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

16th March 2014, 20:22
What I don't understand is someone complaining about getting neg reps..:icon_lol: No matter what you'll do/say, people won't always like you/agree with you. Even if you have multiple stars under your name, if I think you're crap, you're crap! Hahaha..It's like a big deal with you lot having reps. Is it a matter of life and death???? :icon_lol: If you will help and give advice to people here, do you always expect to get positive reps? If you give positive reps, do you always expect to be given back? Maybe if you all expect things to be like that, maybe we can also require you lots to donate to the forum so this forum will continue to run smoothly??? :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

By the way, for all those who donate (some even donate regularly), we appreciate it very much! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 20:33
I don't even know if I have been given neg rep it just seems I have had a similar rep for ages, yet have received rep regularly, unless I got that wrong :Erm:

GaWaPito has probably forgot to give you a rep :biggrin:

:icon_lol: you've been worrying about nothing :wink:

i don't know why your so concerned, move on and tomorrow is another day :wink:

16th March 2014, 21:00
Perhaps it's a culture thing. ..one good turn deserves another. ..Some of us were brought like that...we call it good manners....which is more than likely absent in other cultures. :cwm25:

16th March 2014, 21:03
GaWaPito has probably forget to give you a rep :biggrin:
:icon_lol: you've been worrying about nothing :wink:
i don't know why your so concerned, move on and tomorrow is another day :wink:

I can't give Les anymore at the moment as I have to share them around.....which cld take a while. :cwm25:

16th March 2014, 21:16
What a bunch of drama queens :icon_lol:

I really do not care two hoots, it was just something I was not that aware of, if anybody was small minded to give neg rep out.

I was having a bit of fun with you all, I'm more concerned about other stuff.

16th March 2014, 21:17
Perhaps it's a culture thing. ..one good turn deserves another. ..Some of us were brought like that...we call it good manners....which is more than likely absent in other cultures. :cwm25:

manners maketh man :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 21:28
What a bunch of drama queens :icon_lol:

I really do not care two hoots, it was just something I was not that aware of, if anybody was small minded to give neg rep out.

I was having a bit of fun with you all, I'm more concerned about other stuff.


16th March 2014, 21:47
I have a simple rule when it comes to giving positive rep .... MANCS GET NONE :biggrin: :icon_lol:

16th March 2014, 22:18
I'll tidy up then if you lot have finished in here. :Erm:


16th March 2014, 22:26
I have a simple rule when it comes to giving positive rep .... MANCS GET ONE :biggrin: :icon_lol:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: cheers scouser keith

16th March 2014, 22:31
:laugher: and we all lived happily ever after :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th March 2014, 23:19
till the next time :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

17th March 2014, 08:59
Yes Les. ..it's more of an orange blob in the left hand column. Unless you look to see whom it came from or keeping a tally of what you've got then, you won't know.

The notification remains the same. .'reputation comment'

Looks like out of the three of us Les is winning on the negatives - he's got 4 orange cards, me three and you one :biggrin:

17th March 2014, 09:22
Ah so that's the indication the 4 orange blobs on the right!
Got it at last

17th March 2014, 09:42
Ah so that's the indication the 4 orange blobs on the right!
Got it at last

Teachers Pets have a full set of greens :biggrin:

17th March 2014, 10:06
Ha ha i want a row full of orange please everybody

17th March 2014, 10:32
Orange blobs don't mean negative reps. It's just a counting system before you get a star. Look at the colors of the blobs, 5 dark green, 5 light green and then the orange blobs. Read my post again above.

17th March 2014, 11:19
Whatever happened to Mr blobby?

17th March 2014, 11:23
Orange blobs don't mean negative reps. It's just a counting system before you get a star. Look at the colors of the blobs, 5 dark green, 5 light green and then the orange blobs. Read my post again above.

I guess this is it Rayna -

Post # 30

If you are getting neg reps and you have received plenty of positive ones in the past, you will only notice deductions of blobs.

17th March 2014, 11:48
Yup that's it. If you get a negative rep, your blobs will only be deducted, depending of how many points you get deducted. Rep Power under your name corresponds to points you are giving whenever you give out rep. It's different for every person. Maximum rep power you can have is 150 points. Every blob corresponds to different number of points. One green blob corresponds to 50 points, not sure how many is the other blobs though, but points increase with different colours.

That's why I told above that when a newbie, with 2 posts saying "Hi" got a rep 150, already has 3 green blobs. Whoever gave that rep doesn't really understand what reps are for. :crazy: Well, if the forum gets trolls with Respected Member status, it's because of such acts.

17th March 2014, 15:31
I got a bad rep today.. I think Im going to throw myself under a multicab!!:crazy:

17th March 2014, 15:34
This man is the Cause of it all!
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/download.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/download.jpg.html)

17th March 2014, 15:41
In principle, members should only give 'positive' rep if they felt that an especially helpful post had been made in any area of the forum.
Awarding another member a positive Reputation for a post that has been helpful just to the reader is acceptable.

Referring specifically to the thread topic of Negative Rep...it is possible to also reduce somebody’s rep score if it's felt they had made a particularly unhelpful post. We must all please keep in mind that what we might personally class as 'unhelpful' may well be helpful for somebody else, so please only make a negative reputation if you strongly feel that the comment can be classed as totally unhelpful for the vast majority of members, not just for you.

If a post or comment would be widely considered to most members to be rude, offensive or in breach of forum rules then negative rep may be given.
In continued severe cases forum infractions or permanent banning might be used.
Negative rep may also be given where a poster is directing personal abuse (or bullying) to another member...this might also result in a forum infraction or permanent banning from the forum.

Do please also note that for each time a positive or negative is given you must also give a reason why.
This reason will be seen in the "Settings" section of the forum of the receiving member which shows a history of reputation awards and a points total.

The Reputation feature of our forum should NEVER be abused, and should not be used simply because you personally like or dislike someone or personally agree or disagree with something that's been said.

For those who still do not know the functioning....To give reputation click on the reputation icon (small black star shape) in lower greyed area within the relevant post. This will reveal a form to complete with the reputation type and the reason for giving the reputation.

Giving 'Rep' (Reputation) (both positive and negative) is meant to be done with objectivity and respect

If any member would rather not have their Reputation score displayed under their username on forum posts then it might be possible to disable this feature.Just ask Admin if your personal account can be changed in this way.

17th March 2014, 15:57
I bet most of the rep ever given will be because you liked what someone said.

17th March 2014, 16:36
I bet most of the rep ever given will be because you liked what someone said.

Maybe, maybe not.
If members wish to cheat and abuse the forum rules they'll do it. Tells quite a bit about their character IMO

17th March 2014, 16:43
I bet most of the rep ever given will be because you liked what someone said.

In principle any post that really contributes to the thread in a positive way probably deserves positive rep. IMO
Doesn't mean that you agree with what was said. It might be that the poster said something completely opposite to what you believe, but made such a good point nonetheless, and was worthy of a "pat on the back".

Not many people consider that aspect.
There's a lot of partisan motivation these days and it's having a negative impact generally.

Maybe a sign of the times.......maybe part of the me, me, me attitude.

Arthur Little
17th March 2014, 17:39
I bet most of the rep ever given will be because you liked what someone said.

Oh, I daresay, many "exchange hands" on account of one member liking what another has said, Les. :smile:

:yeahthat:'s fair enough ... :anerikke: ... it's human nature ... we're not quibbling there. :NoNo: ... there IS, however, a limit! Freely handing out rep to those who are newcomers to the forum - simply because the latest gorgeous young lady bats her eyelids in an attractive manner, for example (which has happened on a number of occasions recently, believe me!) - more than surpasses this limit.

Now, the Mods are fully aware of the culprit(s) and must stress, most emphatically, that the aforementioned practice cannot be allowed to continue if we are to avoid (what is an excellent form of recognition for worthy posts) sliding into disrepute.

Henceforth, then ... we look forward to members' fullest co-operation in this respect. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


17th March 2014, 17:47
The last time I got Neg Rep, I threw myself naked in front of a sheep :cwm3:

17th March 2014, 17:59
The last time I got Neg Rep, I threw myself naked in front of a sheep :cwm3:

And what did you do??
Nick his front tires?

17th March 2014, 19:03
I wouldn't stoop to the level of giving neg rep either anon or named. Far better to openly post your disagreement/tell Andy he's posting leftist crap :biggrin:

17th March 2014, 19:34
If you think i have problems with football, spare a thought for Andy as he may be watching championship footie next season!

17th March 2014, 19:39
If you think i have problems with football, spare a thought for Andy as he may be watching championship footie next season!

Careful Les - Dirty Leeds went from CL Semis to Div One in 5 or 6 years :laugher:

17th March 2014, 19:49
Dream on, might as well get beat by the Greeks on Wednesday, put me out of my misery.

Thank god it's world cup year!

17th March 2014, 19:50
No one got the relevance of the picture i posted?

17th March 2014, 20:26
Every blob corresponds to different number of points. One green blob corresponds to 50 points, not sure how many is the other blobs though, but points increase with different colours.

so--blobs makes points

and what do points make---?


17th March 2014, 21:18
Well i was gonna give rep to first person who got the relevance of the picture i posted!

17th March 2014, 21:24
Well i was gonna give rep to first person who got the relevance of the picture i posted!

merry xmas - man united getting stuffed again :cwm25:

Michael Parnham
17th March 2014, 21:32
What I don't understand is someone complaining about getting neg reps..:icon_lol: No matter what you'll do/say, people won't always like you/agree with you. Even if you have multiple stars under your name, if I think you're crap, you're crap! Hahaha..It's like a big deal with you lot having reps. Is it a matter of life and death???? :icon_lol: If you will help and give advice to people here, do you always expect to get positive reps? If you give positive reps, do you always expect to be given back? Maybe if you all expect things to be like that, maybe we can also require you lots to donate to the forum so this forum will continue to run smoothly??? :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

By the way, for all those who donate (some even donate regularly), we appreciate it very much! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

How do you donate? :Erm:

17th March 2014, 21:40
C'mon dedworth, thought you would have got the picture!

17th March 2014, 21:44
Every blob corresponds to different number of points. One green blob corresponds to 50 points, not sure how many is the other blobs though, but points increase with different colours.

so--blobs makes points

and what do points make---?


Actually, blobs are made of points but as for prizes, NOTHING..that's why I don't get the idea why some complain about neg reps and some asks for more reps. It's not a status of membership here nor do any special treatment for having a lot of it from members. Positive reps are made as a way of appreciation for the advice/help given, that's the original purpose of it. Neg reps are there for members who are offensive, rude, and such and not because you disagree with them.

17th March 2014, 21:46
How do you donate?:Erm:

http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/29353-Donations? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th March 2014, 22:13
The photo is of Johnny Rep ....... so obviously the connection is "Johnny"

17th March 2014, 23:15
How do you donate?:Erm:

You need to join paypal...well, it was last time i tried. B4 that you cld use your debit/credit cards

17th March 2014, 23:16
You need to join paypal...well, it was last time i tried. B4 that you cld use your debit/credit cards

Go to that link I posted in response to Michael's question.

17th March 2014, 23:20
Actually, blobs are made of points but as for prizes, NOTHING..that's why I don't get the idea why some complain about neg reps and some asks for more reps. It's not a status of membership here nor do any special treatment for having a lot of it from members. Positive reps are made as a way of appreciation for the advice/help given, that's the original purpose of it. Neg reps are there for members who are offensive, rude, and such and not because you disagree with them.

In the eyes of the offended :xxgrinning--00xx3: Where others see it as a tongue in cheek, black humour. :biggrin: Some just take a chance flying close to the wind

17th March 2014, 23:21
Go to that link I posted in response to Michael's question.

Oki doki

18th March 2014, 00:12
The photo is of Johnny Rep ....... so obviously the connection is "Johnny"

Aww bluebirdjones so close but the answer is REP (unless you were being sarcy by saying Johnny) :biggrin:

18th March 2014, 00:15
C'mon dedworth, thought you would have got the picture!

I was puzzling all day - thought it might be a bloke with a mullet from my local pub :biggrin:

18th March 2014, 00:21
A young Les ? :Erm:

18th March 2014, 00:31
Johhny Rep, Dutch player:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Here is me 2nd from left front row
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/522868_4430598135320_1419928273_n.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/522868_4430598135320_1419928273_n.jpg.html)

18th March 2014, 00:42
Aaah....you look so young and talented there Les....reminds me of my own youth. :biggrin:


18th March 2014, 08:24
:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:, i had to look twice at this picture Graham, what a shirt

18th March 2014, 08:27
It looks like Graham has an Alex Salmond calender on the wall!

18th March 2014, 08:39
Here is me 2nd from left front row

Dedworth should be giving you a negative rep for looking like Billy Bremner!

18th March 2014, 09:59
Dedworth should be giving you a negative rep for looking like Billy Bremner!

That's an insult neg rep for you lol

18th March 2014, 10:20
Dedworth should be giving you a negative rep for looking like Billy Bremner!

Complete with Leeds replica kit :biggrin:

18th March 2014, 10:56
:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:, i had to look twice at this picture Graham, what a shirt

Nearly as bad as the decorations in that house we'd just bought. :cwm24:

(On my way to another office party...honestly :icon_lol: ).

Michael Parnham
18th March 2014, 13:05
http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/29353-Donations? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thankyou Rayna, will try and work it out using debit card! :xxgrinning--00xx3: