View Full Version : Is This A Man Thing

16th March 2014, 20:13
Well after cleaning out the shed today i came across many things all made from the same stuff, all different sizes too, and what was they you may ask, WOOD, yep now what the hell i had that pile for who knows, yes i remember now, THAT WILL COME IN HANDY ONE DAY, well they never do, and after many many years just lying there they have been thrown away,
Is it a man thing do you think, is it with us from birth, there may even be a gens for this too,

16th March 2014, 22:14
A real man would have had a nice bonfire :biggrin:

16th March 2014, 22:34
...or built something useful. :smile:


16th March 2014, 22:41
sounds like you got a round tuit