View Full Version : Lawyer/legal advisor recommendation (Uxbridge/West London)

18th March 2014, 21:07
Hi Gang,

I am looking to meet with someone who can advise me and my girlfriend regarding a fiancé visa.

any recommendations would be very useful.

The lawyer doesn't necessarily have to be from west London, happy to travel to the right person.

thanks v much, have a nice evening,

18th March 2014, 21:42
Hi Gang,

I am looking to meet with someone who can advise me and my girlfriend regarding a fiancé visa.

any recommendations would be very useful.

The lawyer doesn't necessarily have to be from west London, happy to travel to the right person.

thanks v much, have a nice evening,

Why do you feel you need to pay 'big bucks' for an immigration advisor/lawyer ?
Is your case complex ?

Do be aware that engaging an immigration advisor/lawyer does not guarantee a visa.
Also the advisor cannot create the needed supporting evidence and documentation.....they will be asking you to do that.

Don't get me wrong Ed, I can suggest someone but just want you to consider why.
If it's simply that you can't dedicate the time to sort it all out and need someone to direct you to collect this and that....well that's fine too.

For a spouse/fiance(e) I would say the minimum charges would be around £750-£1000 on top of the UKVI Visa Fee's. Could be much higher depending who you engage.

As always a personal choice.....but do be careful.....plenty of folks out there just waiting to take you money.......no guarantee's

18th March 2014, 21:53
thanks for your help terpe.

my girlfriend received a 12 month ban effective from september last year.

her visa agency turned out to be a fraud, and she appealed, but unfortunately lost the appeal.

she received a 12 month ban, since she was considered an overstayer since august 2012, since the UKBA didn't recognise my gf as having a valid visa from the date at which the 'fraudulent' visa went live.

she was on a a student visa prior to this 'fraudulent' visa.

our initial plan was for my gf to achieve grade 7 in ielts and get 1 years nursing experience before returning, however, we are concerned she will be rejected again, given the fact that many 'banees' (is this even a word?!)/banned people get rejected on re-applying.

we are madly in love with each other, and our love for one another has only grown, despite the distance.

we are very concerned about the situation, however we are v v determined to be together.

for this reason, we are considering fiancé or spouse visa, but do not know whether or not the ban apply to these types of visa.