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Arthur Little
20th March 2014, 18:15
It was with profound sorrow :bigcry: that, in the early hours of this morning, Myrna and I had a telephone call from her cousin's daughter, Myla - who's a nurse living in Hartlepool - informing us that her mom had passed away in the Philippines ... after being admitted to hospital following the onset of breathing difficulties on Tuesday afternoon.

Naturally, we were stunned! :yikes: All the more so, because Manang Exal had been like a second mother to my wife following the premature deaths of Myrna's own parents many years ago. Indeed, it had been Manang - herself a former Head of Domestic Science at a High School in Davao del Norte Province, Mindanao - who had been instrumental in orchestrating Myrna's teaching career in the first instance.

Although 83 years of age, Manang had had the good fortune to enjoy robust health for the greater part of her [reasonably] long life - aside from suffering a slight stroke prior to retiral from teaching in the mid 1990s ... and it was she - with the help of a housemaid - who'd been responsible for the care of her ailing husband, Manoy Rafael (Myrna's cousin) during his recent illness.

It had apparently been during the course of a visit to Tagum Old City Hall in order to conduct some business relating to her pension that Manang began to feel unwell on Tuesday past. Accompanied by her housemaid, she'd climbed to the top floor of the old building - there being no elevator available - and shortly after leaving complained of extreme breathlessness. Alas, her condition deteriorated, and she then ended up in ICU at a local hospital where she later died in the presence of her husband, younger daughter, Jennifer and her grand-daughter, Vanessa.

Whilst aware that I'm "rambling on" a bit with this sad tale, :icon_rolleyes: in some strange way, it's helpful to "write" about it. Throughout the duration of both my trips to the Phils (3 months on the second occasion) Myrna & I stayed with the old couple whom I became very fond of and they, in turn, kept asking - through their regular contact with Myla - when Myrna and Arthur would be returning.

Alas ... :anerikke: ... whenever that might be, one thing's for sure ... it can never quite be the same again! :NoNo:

20th March 2014, 19:00
My condolences at this sad time Arthur...

Arthur Little
20th March 2014, 19:21
My condolences at this sad time Arthur...

... thank you so much, Mark. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2014, 19:31
Condolences from both Maritess and myself Arthur!

Doc Alan
20th March 2014, 19:43
Sorry to read about your sad news, Arthur, may I add my condolences.

20th March 2014, 20:05
you never ramble on Arthur, like many have said, may we offer our condolences,

20th March 2014, 20:09
Sorry to hear that Arthur, condolences

20th March 2014, 20:27
Sorry to hear the bad news Arthur. Thoughts are with you.

20th March 2014, 22:05
My Condolences Arthur to both yourself and Myrna at this sad time.

Arthur Little
20th March 2014, 23:49
Thankyou too, Michael & Maritess, Alan, Steve, Ded, Andy and Marco ... your kind condolences are of great comfort to Myna and I. :smile:

:olddude: .. I am also very conscious of the fact that you and your good lady went through worse in comparatvely recent times, Marco ... so I do hope this thread of mine hasn't "reopened old wounds".

21st March 2014, 00:16
I'm sorry to hear about you and Myrna's lost sir Arthur. Our condolences to you and the rest of Myrna's family. She will be at peace surely and free of pain. She will be looking down on both of you. xx

21st March 2014, 00:17
Very sad to hear of that Arthur. Poor lady.

21st March 2014, 00:30
So sorry to learn of your sad news, Arthur .............. and god bless Manang

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 00:49
Im sorry to hear about you and myrnas lost sir Arthur. Our condolences to you and the rest of myrnas family. She will be at peace surely and free of pain. She will be looking down on both of you. xx

Thanks, Novie ... seemingly she simply "slipped away" quietly and very peacefully just after whispering to her husband that she felt her "time had come" and she was "ready to go". :wink:

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 01:09
Very sad to hear of that Arthur. Poor lady.

Thanks, Graham ... :anerikke: ... still finding difficulty "taking it in" 24 hours after the event.

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 01:17
So sorry to learn of your sad news, Arthur .............. and god bless Manang

Thankyou, Rosie ... it was very peaceful, which is truly a blessing. :smile:

21st March 2014, 02:05
Very sad news Arthur, for you both and the wider family.

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 02:41
Very sad news Arthur, for you both and the wider family.

Thanks, Steve ... I think really, the worst thing for me was witnessing Myrna's reaction when I handed the phone over to her; I'd never seen her so upset ... :nono-1-1: ... she's normally such a placid person.

21st March 2014, 07:07
Very sorry for your loss Arthur, my thoughts are with you both.

21st March 2014, 08:24
I am so sorry to hear that,
It seems Manang Exal had a lot of influence on Myrna's life. I am sure she will miss her dearly.

21st March 2014, 10:28
My condolences Arthur & Myrna..

21st March 2014, 11:14
May the love of family and friends sustain you in these difficult days. Heartfelt condolences, Arthur and Myrna

21st March 2014, 17:38
I`m very sorry for you and your wife`s sad loss Arthur.

21st March 2014, 17:50
So sad. We know just how you both feel.
Our prayers are with you all.

Condolences Arthur and Myrna from Carina and myself.

Be sure to stay close and offer comfort to Myrna at this time.
Carina will call her.

21st March 2014, 18:40
Sorry for the sad news, condolences

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 21:24
Thank you, Simon, Jake, Rayna, Gwaps, Fred, Peter & Carina and Mendoza ... the kind condolences from each of you mean so much to Myrna and myself, folks. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

stevie c
21st March 2014, 21:30
So sorry to hear of your sad loss Arthur & Myrna. Myself & florsel send our condolences

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 21:38
It seems Manang Exal had a lot of influence on Myrna's life. I am sure she will miss her dearly.

Oh yes, she certainly did, Jake ... Myrna had expected to work in an Agricultural office following graduation, but *Manang - being the very persuasive lady she was - had other ideas, and soon managed to talk Myrna's mother into coaxing Myrna to enter the teaching profession as *she herself had done many years before. :smile:

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 22:26
So sad. We know just how you both feel.
Our prayers are with you all.

Condolences Arthur and Myrna from Carina and myself.

Thank you. You and Carina have BOTH gone through the heartache of losing parents in fairly recent times, Peter ... and, in the same manner as I mentioned to Marco in #10, I just hope and :pray: this thread of mine hasn't caused painful memories to come flooding back to you.

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 23:06
Be sure to stay close and offer comfort to Myrna at this time.
Carina will call her.

Shall do, Peter ... and Myrna will be delighted to hear from Carina anytime. :smile:

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 23:26
My condolences Arthur & Myrna..

Thank you, Rayna ... :sorry-2: if this thread of mine has evoked fresh memories of your beloved grandmother ... but we know you cherish her in your :heartshape1: forever.

21st March 2014, 23:31
Condolences Arthur and Myrna.

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 23:37
So sorry to hear of your sad loss Arthur & Myrna. Myself & florsel send our condolences

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... thank you, Stevie & Florsel. Again, I'm conscious of your own sad bereavement not so very long ago.

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 23:47
Condolences Arthur and Myrna.

Thanks for your kind condolences, Mick ...:anerikke: ... I guess the older we get, the more we learn to accept these hard knocks.

22nd March 2014, 00:28
Thank you, Rayna ... :sorry-2: if this thread of mine has evoked fresh memories of your beloved grandmother ... but we know you cherish her in your :heartshape1: forever.

I know the feeling Arthur..it wasn't just my grandma (dad's mum) who died last year, but also my grandad (mum's dad). So 2x the pain last year. But time heals all the pain..they will never be forgotten though. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd March 2014, 14:40
Condolences sir Art and Ate Myrna

Arthur Little
22nd March 2014, 15:12
Condolences sir Art and Ate Myrna

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... thank you, Mari.