View Full Version : Contraceptive (birth control)

20th March 2014, 21:18
i know it a women topic but just posting case i could get inf..to those who already on it..
what sort of contraception does your wife/gf/partner ..
personally am using implant since i came here 4 years ago..but i now i find it bit..not so ideal after those years..it had side effects..mode swing..back ache.. longer period :cwm3::cwm3: and uneasy feeling so am thinking to swap of something..which i dont know.. :76::cwm24::blahblah: :ReadIt: of course had to discuss with husband and his happy to support it just am confuse of what to do...:bigcry:hope this topic is not too blunt..:wink:

20th March 2014, 21:22
Implant ?

Is that like the one Arnie had, in the Terminator ?:Erm:

My ex used to use the normal pill things you take each month. Seemed to stop any more babies, without side-effects. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Some women gain weight though.

20th March 2014, 21:25
Implant ?

Is that like the one Arnie had, in the Terminator ?:Erm:

My ex used to use the normal pill things you take each month. Seemed to stop any more babies. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


20th March 2014, 21:27
Ems has the implant too, it was either that or the snip for me, she won,

20th March 2014, 21:33
Ems has the implant too, it was either that or the snip for me , she won,

isnt any side effect steve?? for her? or does she complain of the side effect i've said :cwm25:
really is,,,am confuse what to do :cwm3:

20th March 2014, 21:36
I want kid(s) and so does Harlene... So no birth control just yet.

20th March 2014, 21:37
I want kid(s) and so does Harlene... So no birth control just yet.

i got :wink: three:Jump:

20th March 2014, 21:37
My best birth control now is just to leave the lights on.
- Joan Rivers


20th March 2014, 21:49
isnt any side effect steve?? for her? or does she complain of the side effect ive said:cwm25:
really is,,,am confuse what to do:cwm3:

the only side effects is each month i have to treat her to a meal out and buy her new shoes :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:,

just kidding moy, no side effects at all

20th March 2014, 21:57
the only side effects is each month i have to treat her to a meal out and buy her new shoes :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:,

just kidding moy, no side effects at all

very good then :wink: so how many children do you both?? sorry just curious steve ..as mine are quite young maybe one factor too why i get stress :biggrin::cwm3::Cuckoo:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2014, 22:02
Vasectomy, I had mine in 1962, no side effects no problems! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2014, 22:04
Moy we dont have any children between us,
I have 5 children 2 still living with us and we have 2 grandkids also,

Having 3 young kids Moy would give anyone stress, just having my grandson for a few hours puts me on edge for hours afterwards

20th March 2014, 22:13
Moy we dont have any children between us,
I have 5 children 2 still living with us and we have 2 grandkids also,

Having 3 young kids Moy would give anyone stress, just having my grandson for a few hours puts me on edge for hours afterwards

tell me about it :cwm24::action-smiley-081: :mad: but hey they are my angel :biggrin: :yawn: :biggrin: that makes my days bit warm even its damn freezing :grosyeux::76::biggrin:

20th March 2014, 22:15
Vasectomy, I had mine in 1962, no side effects no problems! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2014, 22:27
A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry.:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

...unless the room is particularly cold. :biggrin:

20th March 2014, 22:40
...unless the room is particularly cold. :biggrin:

It is not the answer that enlightens, but the question. :biggrin::action-smiley-081:

20th March 2014, 23:07
The snip could be the way to go, I did......:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2014, 23:15
my sister using implant also but the side effect is she don't have period every month and back ache :-(

20th March 2014, 23:55
I'll just have to pretend to be asleep. :NEW5:


21st March 2014, 00:04
i know it a women topic but just posting case i could get inf..to those who already on it..
what sort of contraception does your wife/gf/partner ..
personally am using implant since i came here 4 years ago..but i now i find it bit..not so ideal after those years..it had side effects..mode swing..back ache.. longer period :cwm3::cwm3: and uneasy feeling so am thinking to swap of something..which i dont know.. :76::cwm24::blahblah: :ReadIt: of course had to discuss with husband and his happy to support it just am confuse of what to do...:bigcry:hope this topic is not too blunt..:wink:

My soon to be ex wife's idea of contraception was no sex at all :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Apparently sex is for making babies. .:Erm:


21st March 2014, 00:08
I used to have the injection (Medroxyprogesterone Acetate). It was everytime Paul my husband visits me in the PI or when I came in England for a visit I had a dose of those. Its every 12 weeks you have to have it but I came off of it as I was gaining too much weight after that and it took 2 years to finally came off of my system. 2 months after the 2 years since I had my last injection, I got pregnant.

It was good bcos for the likes of me which is terrible on pills, I dont need to take them everyday, saves me time. It was very effective on me but aside from gaining a lot of weight, I couldnt find any fault on it. Very safe.

21st March 2014, 00:09
very good then :wink: so how many children do you both?? sorry just curious steve ..as mine are quite young maybe one factor too why i get stress :biggrin::cwm3::Cuckoo:

I work on average 70 hours per week. .I have my boys Monday and Tuesday. ..that is the hardest part of the week! I go back to work to rest hahaha

I wouldn't change it for the world. .like you said, they are our angels :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2014, 00:09
Can't comment about such things Mark, as my young lady appears to be on this thread also. :xxparty-smiley-004:

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 00:30
I'll just have to pretend to be asleep. :NEW5:


:cwm24: ... or use "the oldest trick in the book" ... feign headache! :biggrin:

21st March 2014, 00:39
Trust us nosey blokes to muscle in on this thread Arthur. Is nothing sacred ? :icon_lol:

21st March 2014, 01:05
:cwm24: ... or use "the oldest trick in the book" ... feign headache! :biggrin: my sweetheart always saying that :icon_lol:
ops :biggrin:

21st March 2014, 01:18
i know it a women topic but just posting case i could get inf..to those who already on it..
what sort of contraception does your wife/gf/partner ..
personally am using implant since i came here 4 years ago..but i now i find it bit..not so ideal after those years..it had side effects..mode swing..back ache.. longer period :cwm3::cwm3: and uneasy feeling so am thinking to swap of something..which i dont know.. :76::cwm24::blahblah: :ReadIt: of course had to discuss with husband and his happy to support it just am confuse of what to do...:bigcry:hope this topic is not too blunt..:wink:

Hiya Moy,

My wife takes Microgynon a 21 day pill with a week off.

She has been ok with them since our son was born but she does say that when she finishes the last tablet she has withdrawl symptoms which makes her moody:laugher: also her period happens a couple of days after her last tablet.

So I have an off period for 10 days instead of the normal 7...poor me :cwm25::do_it:

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 02:12
... poor me :cwm25::do_it:

Poor emoticom :yeahthat: ... getting repeatedly "bumped" by the bed! :laugher:

Arthur Little
21st March 2014, 02:27
:olddude: ... age has its compensations, in certain respects. :wink:

21st March 2014, 10:43
my sweetheart always saying that :icon_lol:
ops :biggrin:


Michael Parnham
21st March 2014, 13:00
A vasectomy means never having to say you're sorry. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Best thing ever invented, I still have an amazingly good sex life! :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
21st March 2014, 13:04
My soon to be ex wife's idea of contraception was no sex at all :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Apparently sex is for making babies. .:Erm:


True Mark, I've been practicing for years and I find it really good fun! :Sex::xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2014, 17:01
my first wife and i--we had 3 kids. so--in 1980 i suggested to her i should have a vasectomy--which was all the rage at the time.

but--she had a better idea

she divorced me---my function in her life having been completed.

21st March 2014, 17:07
I can sympathise bigmac.

The ex also decided to get rid as I was no longer useful to her.

23rd March 2014, 11:39
If a woman of child bearing age doesn't want anymore children, a further option available is female sterilisation which involves a simple operation to tie the fallopian tubes. Here's some information on the subject ............................
