View Full Version : Council worker fiddled housing list to get homes for illegal immigrants

21st March 2014, 11:15
Ibrahim Bundu - jailed for four years. No further comment necessary :mad:

Council worker who fiddled housing list to get homes for illegal immigrants in one of biggest frauds of its kind is jailed

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2585416/Council-worker-fiddled-housing-list-homes-illegal-immigrants-one-biggest-frauds-kind-jailed.html#ixzz2wahSyZXR

Another story that won't be found in The Guardian

21st March 2014, 11:38
Let me see now.

You permit MILLIONS of people to settle here from countries where corruption is a way of life, and also offer them employment in positions that demand integrity, loyalty, total honesty, fairness and trust.

Oh, and give them a step up from all local indigenous applicants...in the interests of 'diversity' and 'equal opportunities'.

21st March 2014, 12:06
Let me see now.

You permit MILLIONS of people to settle here from countries where corruption is a way of life, and also offer them employment in positions that demand integrity, loyalty, total honesty, fairness and trust.

Oh, and give them a step up from all local indigenous applicants...in the interests of 'diversity' and 'equal opportunities'.

Sounds about right http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/vomit-into-the-toilet.gif

21st March 2014, 14:39
2 years for that? A great deterent. I bet he is laughing all the way to the jail.

stevie c
21st March 2014, 15:14
It just about sums up this country up

21st March 2014, 16:27
Pretty damned sickening when you drive past teams of illegals and 'asylum-seekers' washing cars whilst also sucking whatever they can out of our charity and welfare systems....and meanwhile there are all the HONEST and GENUINE people on this forum being extorted and treated like criminal scum by UKBA, or whatever they're calling themselves now (more taxpayers' money squandered). :mad:

21st March 2014, 18:17
Pretty damned sickening when you drive past teams of illegals and 'asylum-seekers' washing cars whilst also sucking whatever they can out of our charity and welfare systems....and meanwhile there are all the HONEST and GENUINE people on this forum being extorted and treated like criminal scum by UKBA, or whatever they're calling themselves now (more taxpayers' money squandered). :mad:

Couldn't of put it better myself a well deserved rep graham:appl::xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st March 2014, 19:27
Thanks Mark. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Some of these fools in positions of responsibility in this country need a smack round the ear...most seemingly more concerned with watching their own backs than looking after the interests of the electorate and the taxpayers.