View Full Version : Nearly neck and neck Conservative/Labour

24th March 2014, 18:57

Great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th March 2014, 19:06
:xxgrinning--00xx3: thanks Les , Andy will be dusting his brown trousers down

26th March 2014, 12:28
Always with these polls, take a step back, look at trends, and look at past election results.

Basically, 42% has been enough to lead in this country to stonking majorities. Notice UKIP is on 10%. Now who knows exactly who they take their support from, however most guess they hurt the Tories more than Labour. If less than half the UKIP support is former Tory, then they are denying the Tories a majority the president of a banana republic would be proud of.

THEN AGAIN, exactly where is that 10% LibDem support? Put simply, if those 10% live in the wrong places - ie say London or the Midlands, then this will wipe out LibDem seats in the SW and North, quite possibly wiping out the party

26th March 2014, 12:38
I'm just happy that the public are moving away from labour.
Restores my faith that people do take into account that we do not need to max out the countries credit card as labour would do.

26th March 2014, 21:31

Great news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: a labour majority of 32 :biggrin:

26th March 2014, 22:36
Unluckily for you Labour fans it's dropped dramatically and will continue to do so :icon_lol:

26th March 2014, 22:39
Unluckily for you labour fans it's dropped dramatically and will continue to do so:icon_lol:

You mean like Man United :laugher:

UKIP will take votes from the Tories :wink:

Whatever few% the Libs get will not help the Tories get a majority this time :icon_lol:

Tories have not been ahead of Labour in the polls for over 2yrs :wink:

26th March 2014, 22:43
Of course they haven't as people don't like austerity measures, but now things are getting better, Labour's lead is shrinking fast.

People know which party was on watch when we nearly went bust and now see things improving, hence the lead being eroded away.

5th April 2014, 14:55
back to normal les :biggrin: a 4 to 6 point lead for labour :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This morning’s YouGov/Sun poll has topline figures of CON 32%, LAB 38%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 13% – a six point lead for Labour (as was yesterday’s poll).


Meanwhile the twice-weekly Populus poll has topline figures of CON 33%, LAB 37%, LDEM 10%, UKIP 13% – also very much business as usual.


6th April 2014, 06:01
Of course they haven't as people don't like austerity measures, but now things are getting better

A bit late for austerity IMO.. The gate`s open..The horse bolted.
The UK national debt grows at a rate of £5,170 per second!

1.35 Trillion Pounds and counting!!

£ 21.704 debt per citizen
£ 37.330 debt per taxpayer

Mainstream media headlines today are focused on Britain's record national debt, which just surpassed £1 trillion, a figure that can only exponentially increase unless the entire mechanism of Government finance is overhauled. The truth however is much worse, factoring in all liabilities including state and public sector pensions, the real national debt is closer to £4.8 trillion, some £78,000 for every person in the UK.


6th April 2014, 08:12
Japan is in more debt i think than any other country in the world :Erm: these people have been predicting the collapse of the UK for years, are they the same people who predicted the housing market would collapse more than 10yrs ago :cwm25:

6th April 2014, 08:48
Japan is in more debt i think than any other country in the world :Erm: these people have been predicting the collapse of the UK for years, are they the same people who predicted the housing market would collapse more than 10yrs ago :cwm25:

What people?

Other people laugh at the countries debt and compare it to that of Japans as if thats a positive?
Others laugh and say that everything is OK again because UK property is on the way up when its pretty obvious to any economist worth his salt that a property correction is well over dueand a normal and healthy thing!!
They say these things without even asking the questions which are important.. Like why is the housing market recovering without a correction and why are prices going up when most ordinary working folk cant even get a mortgage!!

Joe..Why do you think there hasn`t been a housing price correction in the last 3/4 years?

1st June 2014, 23:35
CON 33%, LAB 36%, LDEM 7%, UKIP 15%.

Labour with a 3 point lead


2nd June 2014, 07:08
Back to normal Les, a 4 to 6 point lead for Labour

Labour with a 3 point lead

Good to see it decreasing again :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wait till next year when a nice Budget appears :icon_lol:

2nd June 2014, 07:23
Good to see it decreasing again:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wait till next year when a nice Budget appears :icon_lol:

Increasing Les, last poll was Labour 1% ahead, now its 3%,
Budget next year, Election next year probably too late :wink:

and :wink:


2nd June 2014, 08:12
Will be interesting but for a party in opposition its not a big enough lead at this stage and will decrease I feel as we head toward the Election next year.

Labour won't get in on two things - terrible leader and no to referendum on Europe - political suicide.

The people will demand it.

Labour's smart move would be to elect new leader and for him to say he is in favour of a Europe vote - hopefully they will carry on with fingers in ears :biggrin:

5th June 2014, 22:14

This morning’s YouGov poll for the Sun has topline figures of CON 30%, LAB 36%, LDEM 8%, UKIP 17%.


5th June 2014, 22:34
Next year leading up to the Election will be interesting - the dust needs to settle - I don't know who will get in, can't see any party with an overall majority.

I will take a Conservative/UKIP coalition :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th June 2014, 22:49
I voted UKIP in the European elections but will be back to Conservatives for the General Election, I couldn't stand another 5 years of Labour messing up the economy after its just getting back on track....

5th June 2014, 22:57
I'm just happy that the public are moving away from labour.
Restores my faith that people do take into account that we do not need to max out the countries credit card as labour would do.

Over 2 months ago Les, and Labour is back at 6 points, your predictions are not going well :wink:

5th June 2014, 23:54
over 2 months ago Les, and Labour is back at 6 points , your predictions are not going well

This is exactly how I expected it, after the UKIP surge.

Next year people will not want Labour back in to ruin the economy as Longweekend points out. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2014, 00:01
How did UKIP do ....in my absence ? :smile:

Arthur Little
6th June 2014, 00:24
How did UKIP do ....in my absence ? :smile:

Pretty much "swept the boards" Graham ... well ... :anerikke: ... slight exaggeration. :biggrin: But they put up a commendable performance by giving the two major parties a "run for their money". :wink:

Although, had I known beforehand they're intent on privatising the NHS, :cwm23: I'd never have voted for UKIP. in the first place! :NoNo:

6th June 2014, 05:12
This is exactly how I expected it,after the UKIP surge.

Next year people will not want Labour back in to ruin the economy as Longweekend points out. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You said that after the Budget but Labour's lead has grown, I don't think the Tories have been in front of Labour for more than 2yrs now :cwm25:

6th June 2014, 07:51
No, it's unusual for a party in power to be in front - this is the party clearing up the mess remember :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Labour's lead will shrink the nearer we get to the Election :biggrin:

6th June 2014, 07:55
No, its unusual for a party in power to be in front - this is the party clearing up the mess remember :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Labour's lead will shrink the nearer we get to the Election :biggrin:

You said that 2 months ago, they are still 6 points ahead, and UKIP will take votes away from the Cons in the marginal seats giving Labour a backdoor win :wink:

6th June 2014, 07:58
Dream on Joe - UKIP will take votes away from Labour too

Public are not that daft to let Labour back in :icon_lol:

See Tories held Newark - only challenge was from UKIP :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2014, 08:13
Something else for you to ponder - Labour go against what the public want - A vote on Europe, it's political suicide :doh

The unions are moving further away from Labour.

What Labour was built on 'power to the people' has long gone.

The Labour Party is not what you once had it's a different animal more than ever.

Noticed the Labour MP in Wales on QT floundered and nearly sank at times.

Unless you have a U turn you have little chance next year.
It's like me voting for Moyes to be in charge again - he ....ed it up last time - would not want him near the place now.

6th June 2014, 08:28
Labour will win next year. I bet Joe's life on it :biggrin:

The Tories have forgotten that there are more 'poor' people than 'rich', and they have been screwing the former, while looking after their private school buddies. :action-smiley-081:

People say that Labour screwed up the economy, yet under the Tories the national debt has got much worse, and has been rising much quicker than under Labour. That means that the Tories have got no control over government spending.


6th June 2014, 08:35
It's undeniable who was in charge while the country sank - Labour

Now it's improving under the coalition no brainer :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2014, 08:36
Labour will win next year. I bet Joe's life on it
Don't tempt me :icon_lol:

6th June 2014, 08:59
How is it improving? Those out of work are worse off :Erm: Those in low paid jobs are worse off :Erm: The disabled are worse off :Erm: The rich are better off :Hellooo: NHS waiting times are much longer :Erm: A £32 billion railway to save 20 mins to Birmingham is being built :Erm: While the roads have more potholes than ever :Erm:

Remember, I voted Tory last time, but Labour next year.

6th June 2014, 09:12
It's definitely improving.

A million more employed

Gdp fastest rise in Europe

Inflation low

Interest rates unbelievably low

Chance to vote in or out of Europe

Well, if Labour did get in - which I can't see happening - this country will be ....ed

Anyway nice sunny day, so I will opt out of the merry go round for today.

6th June 2014, 09:20
The government has very little control over the economy, it is a myth that they do. Economies react to what is happening on a global scale, not local. The economy would have recovered whoever was in power, that's how economies work.

The interest rates are controlled by the Bank of England, not the government, and they will be increasing before the election. That means more people in debt, and foreclosures, and property bubble that bursts. Something the government are dreading, as they have no control over it.

Inflation also goes up and down, regardless of who is in power, just look at the historic graphs. It was extremely high in the past for all parties, and also very low. Inflation cannot be controlled by governments.

I never believe employment figures, regardless of which government is in power. The formula changes every year. Most of the jobs are zero hour contracts, part time, etc, but they are still classed as employed. Every government fiddles the figures. There are more people in work than 5 years ago, but that is the economy, the one not controlled by the government.

6th June 2014, 10:02
We differ and I'm happy to leave it at that. Sod politics for a month.
More important things like world cup to concentrate on !

Arthur Little
6th June 2014, 10:24
Hmm ... so Labour and Conservative are [almost] "neck and neck " eh? :icon_rolleyes:

NOTHING's changed :biggrin: there ... :anerikke: ... they're usually at "one another's throats"!!

6th June 2014, 10:25
We differ and i'm happy to leave it at that. Sod politics for a month.
More important things like world cup to concentrate on !
I have a book called 'Understanding The World Economy', would you like to borrow it? :xxgrinning--00xx3: I can include a signed copy of Rooney's biography worth sod all :icon_lol:

6th June 2014, 10:26
I know I'm broke. :cwm3:

6th June 2014, 10:37
Yes Keith and I will lend you the actual banana skins Gerrard wore against Chelsea which lost you the league!

6th June 2014, 11:20
Yes Keith and I will lend you the actual banana skins Gerrard wore against Chelsea which lost you the league!
That'll be the same league you didn't win then? :icon_lol:

6th June 2014, 11:25
We didn't think we had won it after City game

I will lend you my Betamax so you can watch last time you were champions. You may need to change plug it's round pin!

6th June 2014, 17:56
Dream on Joe - UKIP will take votes away from Labour too

Public are not that daft to let Labour back in :icon_lol:

See Tories held Newark - only challenge was from UKIP :xxgrinning--00xx3:

The Tories 44th safest seat and their majority cut by half :cwm25:

:icon_lol: You've got to be even dafter to keep the Tories in :crazy:

And it's good to see most people agree :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2014, 18:00
It's definitely improving.
A million more employed
Gdp fastest rise in Europe
Inflation low
Interest rates unbelievabley low
Chance to vote in or out of Europe
Well if labour did get in which i can't see happening this country will be ....ed
Anyway nice sunny day so i will opt out of the merry go round for today.

0 hour contracts, part time jobs Les :doh

Interest rates can only go up, and when they start rising a lot of people are going to be :censored:

6th June 2014, 18:48
When Labour left - worst financial mess ever experienced. Everyone claiming as many Benefits as possible, billions on 2 illegal wars, multiculturalism reached new heights, foreigners shafted up your jobs Joe, not to mention Preachers of Hate being allowed to stand on soapboxes wishing death to our brave servicemen.

Yea, let's bring all that back :yikes:

Oh - and make Dianne Abbott Queen to show we're not racists!

6th June 2014, 18:58
Les, May can do :censored: you know that, everyday you read about criminals human rights, what about the victims' rights? :mad:

Labour or the worlds worst financial mess, sub prime mortgages were the cause, not Labour :cwm25:

6th June 2014, 19:02
How anyone with a decent understanding of Economics could put Labour in control of our economy astounds me......:yikes: their prior history speaks for itself.

6th June 2014, 19:10
How anyone with a decent understanding of economics could put Labour in control of our economy astounds me...... their prior history speaks for itself.

Exactly. Because we were left in the crap and don't like reining our spending in, we blame the ones in power now. :doh

6th June 2014, 19:15
OF COURSE Labour were able to prevent us from getting into the mess we ended up with...and had 13 years in which to do so.

A bunch of selfish feckless losers, apart from in their own pockets.

Hypocrites to the core too, considering how many are living off the state in the House of Lords.

They have RUINED this country forever. :mad:

6th June 2014, 19:26
Unfortunately, it was like a bunch of kids in a sweet shop ....:mad:

6th June 2014, 19:29
How anyone with a decent understanding of economics could put Labour in control of our economy astounds me......:yikes: their prior history speaks for itself.

So you have a decent understanding of Economics, can you explain why much of Europe and the USA are in so much :censored: and why the Labour party in the UK is responsible for it? :Erm:

Michael Parnham
6th June 2014, 20:28
Don't worry Les, I'm a true blue Tory! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th June 2014, 20:28
You don't need even a decent understanding to see Labour were giving money away like confetti, what was the number of Benefits at one time (120 or so)

They have to take most of the blame, it was their watch :doh

Remember the now infamous letter left for the Tories ""Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards - and good luck! Liam."

You want to vote for that! :icon_lol:

6th June 2014, 20:49
So you have a decent understanding of Economics, can you explain why much of Europe and the USA are in so much :censored: and why the Labour party in the UK is responsible for it? :Erm:

I am not qualified to comment on other countries and their economic woes, I can only look to Labour's past history and their management of the UK's finances which was inadequate.....

7th June 2014, 03:18
I am not qualified to comment on other countries and their economic woes, I can only look to Labour's past history and their management of the UK's finances which was inadequate.....

Some facts .. can you posts some facts or a link to show this is wrong?

The big picture
We conclude that relative to other major industrialised countries, the UK‟s performance was
good after 1997. The growth of GDP per capita – 1.42% a year between 1997 and 2010 – was
better than in any of other “G6” countries: Germany (1.26%), the US (1.22%), France
(1.04%), Japan (0.52%) and Italy (0.22%). Figure 1 shows GDP per capita levels in four
countries relative to 1997. The height of the line indicates the cumulative growth: in 2010,
the UK had a level of GDP per capita 17% higher than in 1997; over the same period US
GDP per capita had grown by 14%


7th June 2014, 05:48
I repeat:icon_lol:

Remember the now infamous letter left for the Tories ""Dear Chief Secretary, I'm afraid there is no money. Kind regards - and good luck! Liam.

I could spend hours trawling the net for good things about the tories and rubbish about Labour - stats only show part of the picture.

Labour were that good they lost office, remember :doh

7th June 2014, 06:40
Some facts .. can you posts some facts or a link to show this is wrong ?


Yep...easily done on all that borrowed money, inflated property prices, fake business 'success'.

Now it's payback time. :doh

You might be better asking the current generation of 18-25s how they feel at being unable to afford to run a car, due to insurance fraud...mainly by immigrant gangs, or get on to the housing ladder, either to buy or rent, that their parents and estate agents etc have been living off for years. :NoNo:

7th June 2014, 07:26
I have never know such a party in denial - it's as if the disastrous 13 years never happened.

They always bang on about stop blaming us for what happened 4 years ago - but the very fact they say that makes them culpable.

We do blame them. They had the keys to the safe, the disastrous immigration policies that are turning this country into a Islamic cess pit, eastern European gang warfare society.
Created a whole generation who would rather drink beer and watch the mates on Jeremy Kyle.

Many of us feel like leaving this country, can't say this, can't say that. I think they invented the word offend!

Place is a .... hole now and only strong leadership and tough policies can hope to clear up the mess.

As if Milliband is going to do that :icon_lol:

I have said this many, many times and it's so true - after the mess left, the goverment was handed a right job to do. They would have to bring in tough measures to get the country back on its feet.

No-one lkes being told, "hey don't go spending what we don't have" (unlike Labour) so the average Joe public think Bah, don't like this government I could spend .... loads of (borrowed} money under Labour.

So they want Labour back in - most people do not understand politics.

They will be in for a right shock if Labour get back in - let's hope people wake up and smell the roses :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2014, 07:43
Totally agree Les.

I will certainly attempt to spend my last years in the Phils.

7th June 2014, 09:05
I repeat:icon_lol:

I could spend hours trawling the net for good things about the tories and rubbish about labour-stats only tell part of the picture.
Labour were that good they lost office remember:doh

You can say the same about Thatcher and the Tories Les, if everyone is better off under the Tories why did Labour win by a landslide in '97 and 2001 and win again in 2005? Surely they must have been doing something right :biggrin:

And even in 2010, the Tories couldn't get a majority - where's the landslide win by the Tories if they are so popular, Les ?? Do you really think Cameron is going to get a landslide win next year, Les? :icon_lol:. The facts are they've been behind Labour in the polls for over 2yrs. Even now, Labour have a 6 point lead :biggrin:

7th June 2014, 09:10
Les, whats Cameron done? He's talking about a 2017 vote to pull out of the EU, he's pro EU, it's not going to happen, Les. You just don't see it. :biggrin: He's been in power for 4yrs, he talked about an EU vote for years b4 that.

You've been conned :doh

I'll give a bit of credit to May thou, at least she's tried - unlike the rest :doh

7th June 2014, 09:12
All opposition parties lead in polls. You always fail to address the other issues or go back 30 years.

Maggie won 3 consecutive elections.

6 points last week nil points next year.


When did I mention that?

It will be a coalition government next year - Tories and UKIP, hopefully

7th June 2014, 09:19
Yep...easily done on all that borrowed money, inflated property prices, fake business 'success'.
That's exactly the position the Tories are in now as well. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You might be better asking the current generation of 18-25s how they feel at being unable to afford to run a car, due to insurance fraud...mainly by immigrant gangs, or get on to the housing ladder, either to buy or rent, that their parents and estate agents etc have been living off for years. :NoNo:

Insurance costs are not controlled by the government, and the vast majority of fraud is done by British citizens, and a minority of lawyers (mentioned on the news this morning). Insurance fraud takes place due to it being the cheapest option, as even those that are caught only get a small fine and a few points.

As for housing, government after government in this country always try to get people to buy houses. Why? The majority of other countries rely on renting. It is the mass purchase of properties that always results in a crash, regardless of who is in power. People forget that by having a mortgage of say £200,000 over 25 years, they will actually pay around £350,000 for the house, not including taxes and fees. (Based on 5%, which is what many banks are offering). A £75,000 house 25 years ago, would now be worth about £145,000. After all deductions the profit would be around £10,000. Not much for a 25 year investment.

7th June 2014, 09:20
Anyway I'm bored of this endless loop of discussion. You're wrong, I'm right.:-)

Football tonight far more exciting.

I will leave you to go round in circles on this thread. I'm sure everyone is sick of reading it.

7th June 2014, 09:21
Feel the love :heartshape1:

7th June 2014, 09:25
As for housing, government after government in this country always try to get people to buy houses. Why? The majority of other countries rely on renting. It is the mass purchase of properties that always results in a crash, regardless of who is in power. People forget that by having a mortgage of say £200,000 over 25 years, they will actually pay around £350,000 for the house, not including taxes and fees. (Based on 5%, which is what many banks are offering). A £75,000 house 25 years ago, would now be worth about £145,000. After all deductions the profit would be around £10,000. Not much for a 25 year investment.

Just my opinion but I'd rather have made 10K over 25 years than have lost 150K over the same period if I'd have been renting at £500/month :biggrin:

7th June 2014, 09:26
Labour's tame newspaper bigs up their desire for more uncontrolled rabble immigration

In the squalid migrant camps of Calais all that shines is hope and determination


Any room in your street for them Joe ? :biggrin:

7th June 2014, 09:35
Anyway I'm bored of this endless loop of discussion. Your wrong, I'm right.:-)
Football tonight far more exciting.
I will leave you to go round in circles on this thread. I'm sure everyone is sick of reading it.

:laugher: Les, you started this thread :doh When you get facts you don't like, you switch subjects, the country did well under Blair, sub prime and dodgy banks screwed this country and most of the world not the Labour party

As for football, I hope later you don't return to this thread instead of starting a thread praising England's win :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2014, 09:42
Just my opinion but I'd rather have made 10K over 25 years than have lost 150K over the same period if I'd have been renting at £500/month :biggrin:

You'd have made far more putting the money in ISA's :smile:

7th June 2014, 09:44
Just my opinion but I'd rather have made 10K over 25 years than have lost 150K over the same period if I'd have been renting at £500/month :biggrin:

Minus repairs and mods - the house we rent has probably had £20-30k spent on it in the last few years, new roof, new roof on an outbuilding, new central heating, new energy efficient gas boiler, re-wired the whole house, extended the kitchen , new kitchen units, new bathroom suite, new fire surround, new fences around the gardens - my rent is a lot less than £500 a month.

Repairs cost me nothing, I've just had an extractor fan replaced, a plumber just replaced the sealant in the bathroom, cost me £0.

7th June 2014, 09:46
the country did well under Blair, sub prime and dodgy banks screwed this country and most of the world not the Labour party

Blair is clever, he also eased the entry into the UK of millions of future Labour voters


Michael Parnham
7th June 2014, 09:51
You know Les, when I was at school, I had friends who all lived in Council Houses and I noticed their homes were nice, well furnished, front room for special occasions and nice clean kitchen and very tidy gardens and a whole street would be the same, no swearing, no drinking except in the local pub that was also nice.

Why is it not like that any more? :Erm:

7th June 2014, 09:59
You know Les, when I was at school I had friends who all lived in Council Houses and I noticed their homes were nice, well furnished front room for special occasions and nice clean kitchen and very tidy gardens and a whole street would be the same, no swearing, no drinking except in the local pub that was also nice.

Why is it not like that any more? :Erm:

My post #70 Michael :wink:

7th June 2014, 10:03
Blair is clever, he also eased the entry into the UK of millions of future Labour voters


With the channel tunnel :cwm25:

We've been thru this b4, but explain how they did it?

Michael Parnham
7th June 2014, 10:03
My post #70 Michael :wink:

Good point! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th June 2014, 10:38
Minus repairs and mods - the house we rent has probably had £20-30k spent on it in the last few years, new roof, new roof on an outbuilding, new central heating, new energy efficient gas boiler, re-wired the whole house, extended the kitchen, new kitchen units, new bathroom suite, new fire surround, new fences around the gardens - my rent is a lot less than £500 a month.

Repairs cost me nothing, I've just had an extractor fan replaced, a plumber just replaced the sealant in the bathroom, cost me £0.

Sounds nice :smile:

I've probably spent nearer £60K on mine in the last 5 years, but there again, it's mine and gone up in value by over £200K :biggrin:

Not a bad investment :wink:

7th June 2014, 10:52
Sounds nice :smile:

I've probably spent nearer £60K on mine in the last 5 years, but there again it's mine and gone up in value by over £200K :biggrin:

Not a bad investment :wink:

It is, but then the Housing Association is non profit, so they invest in new properties or modernise the older ones, no share holders to pay for :wink:

7th June 2014, 12:52
Sounds nice :smile:

I've probably spent nearer £60K on mine in the last 5 years, but there again it's mine and gone up in value by over £200K :biggrin:
Not a bad investment :wink:
Does that include deductions for all mortgage repayments, minus the 60K, and taxes, especially if you sell it?

Some people can make money on property, but it all depends on the market (think of the people who had to sell in 09/10 and made a loss). It has been shown that whether people get a mortgage, or rent and invest, it basically averages out over the long term. However, renting is less stressful.

7th June 2014, 13:44
Does that include deductions for all mortgage repayments, minus the 60K, and taxes, especially if you sell it?

Some people can make money on property, but it all depends on the market (think of the people who had to sell in 09/10 and made a loss). It has been shown that whether people get a mortgage, or rent and invest, it basically averages out over the long term. However, renting is less stressful.

Nope, you're right. £20K in mortgage payments over the last 5 years, so £80K in total and you don't pay tax on your main residence if you sell :biggrin:

7th June 2014, 15:54
Nope, you're right. £20K in mortgage payments over the last 5 years, so £80K in total and you don't pay tax on your main residence if you sell :biggrin:
The comparison starts with your first ever payment on a house, up to where you live now. Not just the most recent house a person lives in.

I keep telling my parents to spend the money they have, it doesn't seem fair that they do not see the money tied up in the house that they worked hard for. :NoNo: Then is some cases the government has many ways of taking big slices for themselves. :action-smiley-081:

7th June 2014, 17:19
When you get facts you don't like, you switch subjects,

When I hear bs I get bored.

Your worst problem Joe, is you rarely answer questions put to you you skirt round them as you have no answer, and just go looking on the internet for stats to bore us.

Anyway this thread has become so repetitive it's like groundhog day :biggrin:

7th June 2014, 17:28
You know Les, when I was at school, I had friends who all lived in Council Houses and I noticed their homes were nice, well furnished, front room for special occasions and nice clean kitchen and very tidy gardens and a whole street would be the same, no swearing, no drinking except in the local pub that was also nice.

Why is it not like that any more? :Erm:

Proud people, credit was frowned upon, discipline existed. The range of benefits did not exist - you worked or you struggled. No 24 hours' TV. Kids were taught to be respectful. Family dinners where you would eat what you were given.

7th June 2014, 17:43
When I hear bullshit I get bored.

Your worst problem Joe, is you rarely answer questions put to you you skirt round them as you have no answer, and just go looking on the internet for stats to bore us.

Anyway this thread has become so repetitive it's like groundhog day :biggrin:

And you ignore the fact you never had it so good under Blair and you started this thread :yawn:


Arthur Little
7th June 2014, 17:53
And you ignore the fact you never had it so good under Blair and you started this thread :yawn:


:nono-1-1: ... Harold MacMillan (late 1950s)

7th June 2014, 19:02
And you ignore the fact you never had it so good under Blair and you started this thread
And generations are going to be paying for it :doh

8th June 2014, 09:02
And generations are going to be paying for it :doh
Plus all of the additional debt the Tories have piled on top. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th June 2014, 09:06
This is getting rather tedious now :doh

Can't we talk about the weather? :Erm:

8th June 2014, 09:22
Can't we talk about the weather? :Erm:
Blame that on the LibDems :icon_lol:

8th June 2014, 09:56
....Anyway this thread has become so repetitive it's like groundhog day :biggrin:

Groundhog Day....one of my favourite movies.

8th June 2014, 10:49
#I got you Joe# :icon_lol:

8th June 2014, 11:30
Groundhog Day....one of my favourite movies.

That's Les - always talking about the past good old days, when United were Premiership winners and played in Europe :wink:

8th June 2014, 12:12
Nope...good old days were when Leeds United were winning.

Few years back like. :cwm25:

8th June 2014, 12:17
More recently than Liverpool

8th June 2014, 20:39


Back down again: :biggrin: 33%, Lab 37%, LD 7%, UKIP 14%;

8th June 2014, 20:46
Observer CON 31%(-1), LAB 35%(+2), LDEM 6%(-1), UKIP 19%(nc)

8th June 2014, 21:13
Everyone is different :biggrin:

Only put it up as I was bored. might as well leave it till closes the date now :smile:

8th June 2014, 22:11
Everyone is different :biggrin:

Only put it up as I was bored. Might as well leave it till closes the date now:smile:

:icon_lol: Wake me up when the Tories are in front Les, I've been waiting more than 2yrs now :yawn::NEW5:

8th June 2014, 23:04
We might as well just leave it till next year, then it's game on :biggrin:

18th June 2014, 10:12
Latest ICM poll on leaders from the House Journal of the Publicly Funded Left. I know Joe sees a lot in these polls so this one will spoil his day :laugher: :-

Popularity of Miliband and Clegg falls to lowest levels recorded by ICM poll
Labour leader's satisfaction rating slips from -25 to -39 and deputy prime minister's falls 16 points to -37 from May to June


Milipede can't even tackle a sandwich :laugher:

18th June 2014, 10:24
I reckon they should sort it out in OUR traditional fashion...by fighting for it. :biggrin:


21st June 2014, 20:37
More anti Miliberk rhetoric from the House Journal of the Publicly Funded Left :icon_lol:

If it is to win, Labour must confront the 'Ed problem'

With a succession of policy initiatives falling flat, party insiders worry Miliband is failing to offer a narrative of the future


21st June 2014, 21:53
That drip is heading down the same road as Kinnock. :smile:

21st June 2014, 21:58
That drip is heading down the same road as Kinnock. :smile:

and Foot :smile:

21st June 2014, 22:47
and Foot :smile:

At least Foot could command an audience though. :smile:



22nd June 2014, 09:48
Today’s YouGov has CON 32/LAB 38/LD 8/UKIP 14 :laugher:

Still waiting Dedworth, 21/2 years without the Tories being in front in any poll :doh


For Dedworth and Les


22nd June 2014, 12:32
Joe I'm surprised you don't find it odd that the Daily Handwringer doesn't share your confidence in Miliberk's student union mutterings and policy.

22nd June 2014, 13:27
Parties in power never lead between elections. Milliband will be your downfall!

22nd June 2014, 14:01
Parties in power never lead between elections. Milliband will be your downfall!

Obviously I hope he stays as leader but it probably won't be long before the Mirror puts the boot in :biggrin:

22nd June 2014, 17:49
Dedworth, I don't give a :censored: :biggrin: as long as the Bullingdon Boys are kicked out, I don't care :wink:

22nd June 2014, 18:26
Dedworth, I don't give a :censored: :biggrin: as long as the Bullingdon Boys are kicked out, I don't care :wink:

Thanks for your constructive opinion Joe :biggrin:



22nd June 2014, 18:39
Watch the country be truly ....ed up again if the Nite mare was resurrected :yikes:

22nd June 2014, 18:40
50,000 who will not be voting for the Tories


Funny I've not seen this march anywhere on the news, only in the Guardian :cwm25:

Even David Cameron's own advisor Lord Young admits there's a cost of living crisis


22nd June 2014, 18:41
Watch the country be truly ....ed up again if the Nite mare was resurrected :yikes:

You mean Thatcher might rise again :yikes:

22nd June 2014, 19:42
Once upon a time, election predictions were easy. Take the opinion poll, add a point or two for the incumbent party because people are embarrassed to admit they will be voting for it (Especially if that party was the Tories, simple fact, it's just the way it always was), and any party getting consistently over 40%, and definitely if it was 42%, then they were as good as in with a stonking good majority.

Now though, it's "interesting times" as nobody, not the pollsters, not the experts, not Milliband or Cameron - nobody has a scooby doo who might get elected.

One big factor is just who are UKIP taking votes from? If just a tiny percentage of those are from the Tories, then they will deny them a majority. It's as simple as that.

There is a big possibility of all these people voting UKIP because they want out of the EU, and this will split the vote and let in Labour who won't allow a vote - they know what the result would be.

22nd June 2014, 20:16
No one will get overall control :NoNo:

Arthur Little
22nd June 2014, 20:48
Tbh ... :anerikke: ... of more immediate concern to me, is what will become of Scotland following the poll :olddude: on the eve of my 70th birthday!

22nd June 2014, 21:00
It will be a No :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2014, 21:06
Now though, it's "interesting times" as nobody, not the pollsters, not the experts, not Milliband or Cameron - nobody has a scooby doo who might get elected.

One big factor is just who are UKIP taking votes from? If just a tiny percentage of those are from the Tories, then they will deny them a majority. It's as simple as that.

There is a big possibility of all these people voting UKIP because they want out of the EU, and this will split the vote and let in Labour who won't allow a vote - they know what the result would be.

Good possibility that will happen, from Les's part of the world..

According to the survey, 24 per cent of Labour voters in the district and 28 per cent of Conservative voters said they would consider backing UKIP.


The % difference may be enough for Labour to take marginal seats from the Tories and have the most seats :wink:

Arthur Little
22nd June 2014, 21:06
It will be a No :xxgrinning--00xx3:

..................... :yeahthat:s what I think ... and certainly hope! :pray:

22nd June 2014, 21:13
The % difference may be enough for Labour to take marginal seats from the Tories and have the most seats
Won't happen in Harrogate :biggrin:

We have to get nearer to the time for a more accurate picture. As it gets closer, the gap will shrink :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2014, 21:29
Won't happen in Harrogate :biggrin:

We have to get nearer to the time for a more accurate picture. As it gets closer, the gap will shrink :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Last election there was only 1,000 votes btw the Cons and Lib, Labour voters could vote Lib or UKIP could take enough votes from the Tories for the Libs to win :cwm25:

22nd June 2014, 21:51
No, most people voted UKIP as a kick up the .... measure, Lib Dems were popular for a while but Conservatives will easily get back in Harrogate :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd June 2014, 23:02
50,000 who will not be voting for the Tories


Funny I've not seen this march anywhere on the news, only in the Guardian :cwm25:

'cos it was a non event for the whole country except for Millipede and his Marxists who now view their white working class supporters as racist bigots

23rd June 2014, 09:40
Kinnock comes to the rescue... Ed must be really desperate! Former leader blames media for Miliband's woes

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2665408/Kinnock-comes-rescue-Ed-really-desperate-Former-leader-blames-media-Milibands-woes.html#ixzz35RweLGhg


23rd June 2014, 11:21
Keep the red flag flying:xxgrinning--00xx3:. You can wave the white flag if tory's get in again.:biggrin:
http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/jobs-miracle-simply-work-fiction-3745088. This the reality. Normal working people are losing out and suffering under the tories.

23rd June 2014, 13:04
Normal working people are losing out and suffering under the tories.
What a load of bull as usual.
I have to say it again,and again your loony party left us in the worst mess we have ever been in.:icon_lol:
Employment up now,inflation down,fastest growing economy in Europe etc etc need i go on.
Selective blindness and misguided loyalty to a bunch of losers.
I dread what will happen to us all if labour got in again.
i bet you would have trouble defending the calamity they would cause-it would give me and Ded some great ammunition-let's all hope that never happens:omg:

23rd June 2014, 13:31
Quite right Les

My grandfather always voted Labour, my father always voted Labour so I'll always vote Labour.

I don't know why but perhaps the selective blindness means my post #123 is ignored :-

Millipede and his Marxists who now view their white working class supporters as racist bigots

23rd June 2014, 13:37
My grandfather always voted Labour, my father always voted Labour so I'll always vote Labour
That statement is so true-heard it before-madness!
I vote for the party i believe is best for the country and if it was Labour I would switch-I have no problem with that.
Labour worry me to death with the thought of handing the keys of the safe back to them and their total unacceptence of a referendum for Europe-Who do they think they are :cwm23:

23rd June 2014, 14:19
I feel the same way Les.

Vote for the ones who talk the most sense and have told the fewest lies. :anerikke:

23rd June 2014, 19:41
I would no more look in the Mirror "paper" for a subjective lie free analysis of the Tories, than I would ask a BNP member to recommend a curry restaurant. Same the Mail to comment on Labour.

Can't say I'm bothered mind, I hate them all :icon_lol: