View Full Version : Paedophile Muslim "Teacher" lenient sentence to be reviewed

26th March 2014, 18:53
Islamic teacher who sexually abused schoolgirl but was spared jail because his wife can't speak English to have sentence reviewed after backlash

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2586846/Islamic-teacher-sexually-abused-schoolgirl-spared-jail-wife-speak-English-sentence-reviewed-community-backlash.html#ixzz2x5nDkSW9

Germ. :cwm23:............ he should be locked up for a long time (and the sentencing judge sacked)

26th March 2014, 19:27
Time for the Sharia courts to step in ...

26th March 2014, 19:33
There is no excuse in any shape or form of child sexual abuse.
15 years minimum if proven guilty.
Judge has no option on setting sentence.

27th March 2014, 20:09
Why are these people treated any differently from the rest of us ?

PC nonsense plus FEAR, that's why.

We have allowed cowardly and naive do-gooders to run this country for far too long. :mad:

Religious BRAIN-WASHING of minors should also be banned. I don't care what religion it is....plus genital mutilation of EITHER sex.

It's not ok to dock a puppy's tail, but it's fine to cut part of a baby's penis off.

It's the 21st. century....supposedly an era where 'human rights' and the 'rights of the child' are of paramount importance. :NoNo:

So, after hundreds of years of social and industrial progress in this country, we are now permitting our society to be influenced, and in the future, if we continue down the present slippery slope... RULED by customs and standards of behaviour from the dark ages.

The latest thing of course is the number of women from these 'communities' kept virtual prisoners and being practically beaten to death by horrid partners who have some sort of paranoid obsession with keeping their 'property' (ie ...wife) from the eyes of other men.

27th March 2014, 20:14
and send the wife back....

27th March 2014, 20:40
I'm not worried Graham as i really believe in time the balance will be redressed.
People will take so much and then say enough is enough.
If ukip grow in strength which they appear to be doing it will help influence future decisions.

27th March 2014, 21:08
I'm sure you're right Les.

It will also open the door to extremists from the right wing, as happened in Hitler's Germany, or at the very least a Bosnia type bloodbath.

What is infuriating, is that this future conflict (that our children will have to endure...not us) could so easily have been avoided. :NoNo: