View Full Version : Motley crew at Benn's funeral

28th March 2014, 18:45
Scargill, ex-IRA chiefs, BBC luvvies and Cherie Blair - it could only be Tony Benn's funeral: Hundreds of mourners attend funeral of veteran Labour MP

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2590537/Tony-Benns-son-carries-fathers-coffin-funeral-politicians-pay-respects.html#ixzz2xHRMq54N

Check out the photos on the Mail website - McGuinness, Adams, Scargill, Balls, Sally Bercow, The Wicked Witch, Livingstone, Galloway, Campbell..............................

Very distasteful that this bunch turn up at a funeral smirking and grinning like Cheshire Cats

28th March 2014, 20:47
What an assemblage of enemies of this country. :mad:

Arthur Little
28th March 2014, 20:53
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2590537/Tony-Benns-son-carries-fathers-coffin-funeral-politicians-pay-respects.html#ixzz2xHRMq54N

Check out the photos on the Mail website - McGuinness, Adams, Scargill, Balls, Sally Bercow, The Wicked Witch, Livingstone, Galloway, Campbell..............................

Very distasteful that this bunch turn up at a funeral smirking and grinning like Cheshire Cats

Aye, :icon_rolleyes: ... a motley crew, :iagree:

Left-wing firebrand ... *cremated at private family ceremony in London

Appropriate method of disposal for a firebrand, I suppose.

Must say, though, I was surprised at *this ... :anerikke: ... as I'd read earlier in the week, he'd requested to be buried in Essex beside his late wife.

28th March 2014, 21:40
What an assemblage of enemies of this country. :mad:

:icon_lol: that probably depends on what 'news' paper you read.

Benn was respected by many people who came from all walks of life :wink:

29th March 2014, 00:05
:icon_lol: that probably depends on what 'news' paper you read.

Benn was respected by many people who came from all walks of life :wink:

Exactly. I didn't agree with much of what he said, but I had utmost respect for him.

The Daily Mail was hardly going to provide him with a glowing eulogy!

29th March 2014, 00:15
Exactly. I didn't agree with much of what he said, but I had utmost respect for him.

The Daily Mail was hardly going to provide him with a glowing eulogy!

Yes Indeed....

I could always listen to what Tony Benn had to say.....whether I agreed or not.....he was an interesting speaker.

29th March 2014, 00:34
Oh, I very much liked Tony Benn, but not so much some of the company he kept. :smile:

Arthur Little
29th March 2014, 01:23

:yeahthat: reminds me of my maternal granny's youngest sibling attending Granny's funeral in 1973 ... except for the not inconsiderable fact that Great Aunt Maggie :cwm24: wasn't wearing a mini-skirt for the occasion and happened to be a blinkin' sight better lookin'!

Arthur Little
29th March 2014, 02:06
Scargill, ex-IRA chiefs, BBC luvvies and Cherie Blair - it could only be Tony Benn's funeral: Hundreds of mourners attend funeral of veteran Labour MP


Scargill's appearance, though, has improved somewhat since he finally got shot of that awful combover ... :anerikke: ... y'gotta admit!

Arthur Little
29th March 2014, 02:16
Oh ... and even George Galloway wore a tie, for once! :yikes:

29th March 2014, 02:48
Nice to see that he got a good send off which he richly deserved.
Unlike the people The Daily Heil have focused on I thought it was a sign of how people respected him that Michael Heseltine was there. Some people are able to put party politics to one side at times like this and recognise that here's a man who spent his lifetime in public service trying to build what he perceived as, a better Britain.

Like him or not he served his country both in and out of uniform and unlike the modern day parasites was never caught with his snout in the trough.

RIP Tony Benn an extremely intelligent man who always had something interesting to say.

29th March 2014, 10:22
Nice to see that he got a good send off which he richly deserved.
Unlike the people The Daily Heil have focused on I thought it was a sign of how people respected him that Michael Heseltine was there. Some people are able to put party politics to one side at times like this and recognise that here's a man who spent his lifetime in public service trying to build what he perceived as, a better Britain.
Like him or not he served his country both in and out of uniform and unlike the modern day parasites was never caught with his snout in the trough.
RIP Tony Benn an extremely intelligent man who always had something interesting to say.

Fair argument, not my cup of tea but whether or not you agree with his policies he deserves a bit of respect at his funeral - pity people like Diane Abbott forget that.

Oh, and of course people who thought burning an effigy of Thatcher was funny :doh

29th March 2014, 12:08
Oh, and of course people who thought burning an effigy of Thatcher was funny :doh

Les, not everyone 'loved' Thatcher, you might find it difficult to believe that some people hated and despised her for what ever reason, me personally i couldn't give :censored: but I can understand to a certain extent why some people celebrated her death, thou its not something I would do :NoNo:

29th March 2014, 13:11
Les, not everyone 'loved' Thatcher, you might find it difficult to believe that some people hated and despised her for what ever reason, me personally I couldn't give :censored: but i can understand to a certain extent why some people celebrated her death, thou its not something I would do :NoNo:

Laughing and celebrating someones death - sorry can't understand that - morons :censored:

29th March 2014, 13:39
What sickened me is the sight of murderer McGuinness and Blair getting all close. How times have changed. His time will come :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th March 2014, 13:50
Something which shone about Tony Benn, and which younger people noticed, was his interview with Ali G. Now when he was interviewed, nobody knew who Ali G was. He was of course the creation of an intelligent comic to try catch out stuffy old establishment figures, by seeing if they tried to be down with da kidz. In order to catch them out even more, they gave him a name which hinted at "muslim", to see if they dared complain when they were pretty much abused and asked ridiculous questions.

On the whole, those interviewed fared badly. Tony Benn wasn't perfect at all, but he came closest of all to telling "Ali G" to get off, complaining when Ali G referred to women as bitches. In addition he argued his side politely.
Now there was someone Ali G should give "maximum respect" to. You wondered if maybe Benn came closer than the others to realising this was a spoof, but went along just in case it wasn't.

As for Thatcher, Benn was on record as having respect for her as a fellow human, and certainly wouldn't dance around an effigy of her.

Arthur Little
29th March 2014, 18:19
The Wicked Witch


Presumably you allude to this lady, Ded ... :yeahthat:! Lookin' like she does there, it's ...

... "bedknobs" :do_it: for Tony and Wendi & "broomsticks" for Cherie. :biggrin:

29th March 2014, 18:45
She needs to sort those shapeless legs out. :cwm24:

I would recommend cycling.

29th March 2014, 20:24
And laying off the doughnuts :NoNo:

29th March 2014, 20:29
There is one good thing about these pics...I don't feel quite such an ugly old :censored: now. :icon_lol:

29th March 2014, 21:18
I've always said if I knew I was going to live this long I'd have taken more care of myself :biggrin:

Giving up smoking helps regain youthful looks Graham........so they say.
I suppose it also depends which youth


29th March 2014, 21:22
Haha...true. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I could never even bear to contemplate being the age I am now. :olddude:

So far so good though. I still run up and down the stairs. :smile: