View Full Version : I'll be applying for spouse visa soon (need your help and or thoughts)

3rd April 2014, 08:06
My husband and I already gathered the necessary documents. However, Please guide me in case there is one or more documents that are missing. We will be applying for spouse visa under the exemption from financial requirement because my husband is receiving Disability Living Allowance. Please help me guys. :Help1:

These are the documents that I have:
-marriage certificate
-my husbands birth certificate
-my birth certificate
-my husbands passport photocopied (bio page and pages with stamped visas)
-my passport
-e tickets of his first and 2nd visit in Phils
-visa extension certificates and receipts from Phil. Bureau of Immigration
-tenancy agreement (he's staying in a council flat)
-my English exam certificate
-receipts of the money he's sending monthly
-my tuberculosis screening certificate
-sponsorship undertaking form
-his certificate of employment
-DLA entitlement
-1 year bank statement
-council rent statement (which i cannot understand)
-utility bills
-printed chat logs
-cards that we both exchanged
-housing benefit (benefit decision notice)
-pictures of marriage
-pictures of us together and pictures with my family

what else could be helpful for my application???

please read our situation guys and tell me if the decision will look in favor for us or not.

-I'm unemployed at the moment and has no cash savings nor any property. haven't travel to any other countries yet (does these matter?)

-My husbands receiving dla of 172.40 monthly

-he's working 16 hours per week at 6.31 per hour with overtimes which are not fixed so his salary aren't fixed as well

-I computed his average salary 264.75 fortnightly 529.50 monthly

-he only have 766.75 in his bank and ISA of 300.63 as of January 2014 (does his savings matter?)

-he's paying 89.09 monthly for utility bills

-for the electric and gas i computed his consumption for February 2014 (20 for gas and 40 for electric)

-he's staying in a council flat . the only thing i cannot figure out at this moment is the council tax or rent. the coucil people told us that since my husband's salary is not fixed then the rent or tax will vary as well.. will it be ok to put in our application that the council tax or rent varies????

-housing benefit 60.51 weekly

3rd April 2014, 08:08

4th April 2014, 21:23
Hi cherrieclifford,

Since your husband is exempt from the Financial Requirement, he'll need to prove he is able to provide adequate maintenance.
In calculating whether he can provide adequate maintenance, the ECO will apply the following steps:-

- Establish your husbands current net income.
- Establish your husbands current housing costs from the evidence provided.
- Deduct the housing costs from the net income.
- Determine how much your husband would receive if you both (as a couple) were on Income Support.
- Compare your husbands net income (after deduction of housing costs) with the current equivalent Income Support rate.

For your information the current Income Support rate is £113.70 per week

Just make sure that this maintenance minimum can be evidenced.

Also be sure you submit sufficently strong evidence supporting a genuine relationship.

There's normally no requirement to submit utility bills or sponsorship undertaking form.

5th April 2014, 21:36
Sorry to jump on here with my questions, but sorting out my dopcuments required for a spouse visa.

Can anyone list what is needed to support the spouse visa application?

7th April 2014, 05:39
Hi cherrieclifford,

Since your husband is exempt from the Financial Requirement, he'll need to prove he is able to provide adequate maintenance.
In calculating whether he can provide adequate maintenance, the ECO will apply the following steps:-

- Establish your husbands current net income.
- Establish your husbands current housing costs from the evidence provided.
- Deduct the housing costs from the net income.
- Determine how much your husband would receive if you both (as a couple) were on Income Support.
- Compare your husbands net income (after deduction of housing costs) with the current equivalent Income Support rate.

For your information the current Income Support rate is £113.70 per week

Just make sure that this maintenance minimum can be evidenced.

Also be sure you submit sufficently strong evidence supporting a genuine relationship.

There's normally no requirement to submit utility bills or sponsorship undertaking form.


I have one more questions, please. Do I have to prepare extra copy or photocopy of my documents?

Housing costs means his council rent and tax, right??

And in the forms that I have to fill up, theres living cost. what does it cover? council rent? council tax? bills? gas? electric? does it also includes the cost of his meals??

THANKS :smile::smile::smile:

7th April 2014, 05:40
Sorry to jump on here with my questions, but sorting out my dopcuments required for a spouse visa.

Can anyone list what is needed to support the spouse visa application?

Some one will surely write back to your question to guide you.. God bless:smile::smile::smile:

7th April 2014, 09:09
...I have one more questions, please. Do I have to prepare extra copy or photocopy of my documents?..

UKVI generally ask for photocopy of all submitted documents. Always a good practice to do that IMO :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I'd also recommend you keep a photocopy of everything submitted for your own record.

...Housing costs means his council rent and tax, right??

Yes that's it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

...And in the forms that I have to fill up, theres living cost. what does it cover? council rent? council tax? bills? gas? electric? does it also includes the cost of his meals??

Yes, just an estimate of the money he spends on essential 'living'

Good Luck

9th April 2014, 12:13
Thanks a lot Terpe.. you have been a great help to us.. But there's another problem now.. payment online is always unsuccessful..im using my sisters cards. there were 3 cards but all of them failed. cant i use my sisters card?? is that why its failing? :bigcry:

9th April 2014, 15:03
Problems with online payments seem to be happening to a few folks recently.

I don't know of any easy solution.

10th April 2014, 08:54
Thanks though.. I guess I just need to try and try again and just contact them. THANKS A LOT..

oh! is it required to submit NBI clearance???

10th April 2014, 14:58
Good news. payment already successful.. please wish us luck and include us to your prayers. THANKS :smile:

10th April 2014, 15:00

11th April 2014, 20:07
Any idea, our friend Cherrie emailed us and ask any idea Photo requirement for Visa, any help please