View Full Version : Dilemma about active visit visa and upcoming Spouse Visa

4th April 2014, 15:24

I have obtained 3 visit visas in the last 2 years and my latest one will be expiring on July 2014. I just got married on March 28th and went back to the UK with my husband on that same day. I'm just wondering if I could re-apply for a new visit visa now that I'm married and also at the same time apply for a spouse visa? We're getting worried that I might be stuck in Philippines for 6 months minimum.

4th April 2014, 15:38
I can't see the point of applying for two visas, you might as well wait until you are ready to apply for spouse, could save you few quid. Just an opinion. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th April 2014, 16:19
I can't see the point of applying for two visas, you might as well wait until you are ready to apply for spouse, could save you few quid. Just an opinion. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I agree to this. Why apply for a visit visa when you can apply a spouse visa after getting married. Applying a visit visa after you get married is a bit risky since ECO might see it as you're applying for the wrong visa, hence giving you a refusal.

5th April 2014, 15:33
hello ladies! thanks for your reply. i have read that a spouse visa takes at least 6 months to get compared to a visit visa that it only took me 2 weeks from filing. my husband and i never had a spell of 6 months of not seeing each other, we always make it a point that we see each other monthly. Maybe we'll chance applying for a visit visa while the spouse visa is ongoing.

5th April 2014, 15:41
spouse visa ongoing? means collecting documents, etc? if not, I dont think you can do that, you're passport wont be returned as you know until the decision on your spouse visa has been made so you wont be able to apply for another visa.

Visas are catered by its own merits and decisions could be early, it could be very long agony of wait but to give you a timeframe for the spouse visa follow the link. http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/general-info/processing-times/#resultTableAnchor

5th April 2014, 15:43
hello ladies! thanks for your reply. i have read that a spouse visa takes at least 6 months to get compared to a visit visa that it only took me 2 weeks from filing. my husband and i never had a spell of 6 months of not seeing each other, we always make it a point that we see each other monthly. Maybe we'll chance applying for a visit visa while the spouse visa is ongoing.

You can't apply for 2 visas at the same time. :NoNo:

5th April 2014, 16:03
..... i have read that a spouse visa takes at least 6 months to get compared to a visit visa that it only took me 2 weeks from filing.....

That doesn't seem anywhere near either the UKVI Service Standard or the experience of our forum members.

UKVI processing timescales can be seen here (http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/general-info/processing-times/#resultTableAnchor)

To get a feel for our members feedback on timesacles have a quick read through this forum thread here called - Timeline : ILR/ FLR/ Settlement Spouse / Fiance Visa (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39735-Timeline-ILR-FLR-Settlement-Spouse-Fiance-Visa?highlight=Timeline )

..... my husband and i never had a spell of 6 months of not seeing each other, we always make it a point that we see each other monthly. Maybe we'll chance applying for a visit visa while the spouse visa is ongoing.

Have you developed any timings or application strategy?

My concerns for you are that:-

- any application for a settlement route visa must be made from your home country (Philippines) and involves submission of the applicants passport at the date of application.
Your passport is only returned following decision and stamping of entry visa into the passport.

- the increasing possibility of visit visa refusal based on a number of limits that can often get applied. These do receive more scrutiny when involving spouses and especially if there is no acceptable reason for visit visa over spouse visa.
Often the spouse does receive a visit visa following good explanation but you mustn't be seen as attempting residency via continuous visits.

Of course it's always a personal decision.....and I just giving some input.
At some point you'll need to 'bite-the-bullet', submit a settlement visa and sit through the waiting period that all of us did.
Perhaps your husband can organise an extended holiday and be with you for a good part of the processing time.
I don't believe for a single minute you'll be waiting 6 months.
UKVI say 78% within 40 days and 98% within 60 days

Food for thought.

5th April 2014, 16:04
Apologies to Novie and Rayna as I've duplicated your comments.

My one fingered typing takes too long sometimes.....:icon_lol:

5th April 2014, 16:38

I have obtained 3 visit visas in the last 2 years and my latest one will be expiring on July 2014. I just got married on March 28th and went back to the UK with my husband on that same day. I

:Erm: 3 visit visa's in 2yrs and you want to apply for a 4th , unless the rules have changed, are you aware your usually only allowed in the uk up to 6 months in the last 12 months ?

just because your we're successful in getting 3 visit visa's doesn't mean you would get a 4th, specially as your now married.

apply for a spouse visa is the easiest option :wink:

6th April 2014, 14:49
hello, thank you everyone for putting your inputs! this forum is such a huge help! Terpe, your reply gives us a big hope to be together the soonest. joebloggs, i have never abused my visit visas, i usually stay 5-7 days every month inside the UK and back to where I used work (Egypt) as its the only days I'm allowed to leave work. My longest stay would be this vacay 3 months as I have already quit my job in preparation of applying the visa in Philippines to join my husband in the UK.

Thank you everyone for your reply!