View Full Version : Children with an unknown Father

5th April 2014, 14:36
Do you have a story or anyone you know that can explain why they chooses to put unknown father on their child's birth certificate?
If so please please tell us here....

5th April 2014, 14:48
I guess it sort of explains itself really!

5th April 2014, 16:04
there are probably a few reasons, but one advantage is it should make it easier for the mother to demonstrate she has sole custody of the child and 'sole responsibility' when applying for a settlement visa :wink:

5th April 2014, 17:07
She forgot to ask his name ? :cwm25:

5th April 2014, 21:29
There are a lot of kids here that are far better off not having a clue who their "father" is!!
I was listening to two local guys comparing their child list a few months ago..
From memory,the one that had 17 children by 5 different mothers was the winner!!:cwm24:

5th April 2014, 22:05
My eldest sister (half-sister) has my grandparents on her birth certificate as her parents. The main reason was so that her father won't know who the kid is and not be able to take her away from my mum. Apparently, my mum didn't know the guy was already married and the guy and his wife wanted to take my sister away because the wife can't conceive kids at that time. :NoNo: Although my sister met his dad when she was already in college. I'm not really sure how they eventually get to know of each other. The father wanted my sister to move with them to Bicol but my sister refused and preferred to be with us. At least at that time, my sister has her own mind and can decide for her own.

5th April 2014, 22:36
There are a lot of kids here that are far better off not having a clue who their "father" is!!
I was listening to two local guys comparing their child list a few months ago..
From memory,the one that had 17 children by 5 different mothers was the winner!!:cwm24:

How do these people sleep at night :NoNo:

5th April 2014, 22:48
How do these people sleep at night :NoNo:

he probably wouldn't have time for sleep if they had the CSA in the phils and they enforced all payments :biggrin:

6th April 2014, 00:33
How do these people sleep at night :NoNo:

The geezer I am talking about is a fisherman in his late 60`s and he has the same father as Lindsay Wagner(Bionic woman) after a 2nd world war romance....
All the women round here reckon he is still the dogs biscuits and his latest GF has a bun in the oven which is due to come out in about 2 months..

6th April 2014, 09:39
Blimey...hope for us yet then. :olddude: