View Full Version : Obtaining the marriage certificate

14th April 2014, 09:48
After my wedding June 8th, what is the easiest and quickest way of obtaining the marriage certificate which is required for the visa application. I read somewhere it takes 3-4 months to obtain! surely that isn't true? I was hoping to have Harlene here with me by Christmas at the latest.

14th April 2014, 10:04
I don't know about now mate but back in July 2013 when we were married it took about 2 or 3 weeks to get the certified copy from the NSO...:smile:

14th April 2014, 10:20
Thank you, Just I read 3-4 months and was shocked! We had planned on it being a month and we were going to submit her visa application by the end of July at the latest

14th April 2014, 10:29
After my wedding June 8th, what is the easiest and quickest way of obtaining the marriage certificate which is required for the visa application. I read somewhere it takes 3-4 months to obtain! surely that isn't true? I was hoping to have Harlene here with me by Christmas at the latest.


Take a look at this sticky forum thread (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/44671-Advance-Endorsement-Birth-Marriage-and-Death-Certificate)

14th April 2014, 12:10
After my wedding June 8th, what is the easiest and quickest way of obtaining the marriage certificate which is required for the visa application. I read somewhere it takes 3-4 months to obtain! surely that isn't true? I was hoping to have Harlene here with me by Christmas at the latest.
2-3 months? Noooo, that's not true. It will only take 2-3 weeks, not months based on my friend's experience who just recently got married in the Phil.

14th April 2014, 12:57
Took us 1 month back in January south of Cebu. Longer times could be due to how far away from civilisation you get married as the documents all have to be sent to Manila.

14th April 2014, 13:04
Regarding the advance endorsement link above (and my previous comment), when the wedding documents were submitted in Sibonga Municipal Office Cebu they told us that there was no Advance Endorsement option available anymore. But when we called the office 3 weeks later to find out if the certificate was ready, another worker there asked why we didn't opt for the advance endorsement. Not sure which Municipal office worker is correct here, but as I mentioned above, it took 1 month for us, so maybe if it still does exist, I guess you are saving a week at the most on the waiting time....

14th April 2014, 13:40
The official who organised our marriage in 2009 offered to get our NSO certificate within 2 weeks at a cost of 3000 pesos. We declined as it wasn't needed so soon.

Perhaps all this under the table stuff has come to end now. We live in hope.

21st June 2014, 11:48
There was a mistake on our marriage certificate, they wrote her Mothers name down wrong, it wasn't spotted until the pastor came around a few days after the wedding for us to double check before she submitted it.

So it had to be be redone and we only just signed the amended copy 10 minutes before we left for Manila for me to return home! As far as I know it was submitted on 16th June, so just got to wait now.....

21st June 2014, 13:39
These things do seem to happen from time to time.
It'll all get sorted in good time. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st June 2014, 14:44
Useful question.

I needed to know this as well.

Thanks for posting.

3rd July 2014, 15:49
Well Harlene's Mother picked up the marriage certificate today (apparently she paid extra to get it fast tracked) So to the best of my knowledge it was submitted on 16th June and received back on 3rd July.

Next step is renewing Harlene's passport then she needs to go to Manila for the TB test, the CFO stamp thing and anything else we have forgotten about!

It's all on track so far for her to be with me by Christmas..... After that we just don't know as she is due to give birth on Valentines day and she probably won't be able to travel on an aircraft after Christmas. Then it's a case of when we think it is advisable to travel with a newborn baby. Which also means the visa application will be wrong and we will have to amend (or hopefully not pay again to add a child)