View Full Version : Unable to resist Treasure Island - yet another parasitical grub

14th April 2014, 12:39
Sierra Leone athlete who finished 20th in London Marathon disappears before flight home

Mami Konneh Lahun, 24, was last seen after finishing 26.2 mile course
Scotland Yard says she is due to fly back to Sierra Leone today

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2604086/Sierra-Leone-athlete-finished-20th-London-Marathon-disappears-flight-home.html#ixzz2yrNCkHVI

14th April 2014, 20:15
Well she's obviously too fast for them to catch her :xxparty-smiley-004:

Anyway, it's really no use blaming them, more blame the system that allows it.

Arthur Little
14th April 2014, 23:47

When Mami Konneh Lahun
Finished her run, :Bolt:
Cops thought it weird :confused:
That she'd disappeared :cwm25:
Yet 'mong such a VAST crowd
... :anerikke: ... For crying out LOUD
They must've surely known :icon_rolleyes:
No one could "see 'er alone"! :NoNo:

15th April 2014, 06:50
I agree with Iani, it is the system and not the individual 'claimants' who are to blame. If I were a young Afgan or Congolese Father looking to make a better life for me or my family I would be on the next truck from France too.

15th April 2014, 08:13
It's not right tho is it. Imagine if someone decided to live in your house as it's nicer than the one they were presently in . I bet you would kick em out!

15th April 2014, 09:25
It's not right tho is it. Imagine if someone decided to live in your house as it's nicer than the one they were presently in . I bet you would kick em out!

Yes. But there is a sign on the UK saying 'all welcome, free board and lodging'.

15th April 2014, 09:57
Originally posted by the last government!

15th April 2014, 10:27
Originally posted by the last government!

Labour 'Got It Wrong' On Immigration

The last government let in more than 500,000 legal incomers each year from 2002 to 2010, creating problems for the economy.

Since Ed Miliband became leader, the Labour Party has tried to reformulate its stance on immigration.

The new approach contains an admission that the last government "got it wrong", largely because it did not listen to the people's concerns, in particular those of Labour supporters such as Gillian Duffy, who was dismissed by Gordon Brown as a "bigoted woman" simply for airing her anxieties.

That ghastly moment grabbed the headlines, but the flaw in the Blair-Brown immigration policy was far more fundamental than the casual traducing of a Rochdale voter who dared to challenge an angst-ridden Prime Minister.

From 2002 to 2010, Labour opened the United Kingdom's doors to more than 500,000 legal incomers a year.

At the same time, it launched a propaganda offensive to persuade us that immigration on this scale would not only make us all better off, because it expanded national output by £6bn a year, but also help solve our long-term pensions crisis, because diligent newcomers would pay into the nation's retirement pot, which an ageing indigenous population was rapidly exhausting.

These were fallacies masquerading as serious politics. Neither element was true, as a House of Lords report, The Economic Impact of Immigration, made clear in 2008. Its conclusion was, in effect, the British public had been sold a false prospectus.


Of course the real reason was to alter the ethnic and demographic make up of our population thus creating millions of labour voters

Arthur Little
15th April 2014, 13:40

When Mami Konneh Lahun
Finished her run, :Bolt:
Cops thought it weird :confused:
That she'd disappeared :cwm25:
Yet 'mong such a VAST crowd
... :anerikke: ... For crying out LOUD
They must've surely known :icon_rolleyes:
No one could "see 'er alone"! :NoNo:

:olddude: ... "arr, Jim lad, :yeahthat: 'little gem' were a waste o' time, eh?" :doh