View Full Version : Finally...

Mrs Daddy
19th October 2007, 18:37
Heheeyyyyyyy:):icon_lol::D:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::cwm12: I`ve got a jobbbbbbb!Ive got a job!From countless Cv`s and application letter and some not bother replied and one sent me a rejection letter and the rest never heard from them anymore but the long await is over.I have started my job yesterday and Yesterday was our anniversary and its the best gift :)I am a busy,busy bee now.and eventhough I am a busy bee I still managed to get online and visit the forum and coz of that Hubby got peg on coz he said he see me now no more:doh:NoNo::bigcry:Anyway i just share to you my happiness:xxgrinning--00xx3:Ta for all those people who supported me well,you know who you are!:)

19th October 2007, 18:39
well done mrs d!

what is ur job?



Mrs Daddy
19th October 2007, 18:42
well done mrs d!

what is ur job?



Ta tommy:)I am working in a care home:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2007, 18:43
great, well ... well done to you :D congratulations

19th October 2007, 20:45
Ta tommy:)I am working in a care home:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Congratz and enjoy... its my 3rd week but i had to ask for an early leave which they understand cuz my daughter got Chickenpox :Brick::Brick::Brick: hope she gets better soon

19th October 2007, 21:01
Ta tommy:)I am working in a care home:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Another :action-smiley-081: wiper.....our friend starts tomorrow......hope she can get me some leftover Cow&Gate in a doggy bag :rolleyes:

19th October 2007, 21:26
Congratz and enjoy... its my 3rd week but i had to ask for an early leave which they understand cuz my daughter got Chickenpox :Brick::Brick::Brick: hope she gets better soon

Im sure she will get well soon... there are anti-viral capsules prescribed by physicians...

so annoying that I just got my chix pox just here in the UK and am already in mid 20s... I havent had it for more than 20 years back in Manila, just here in the UK...how can i ever forget UK...glad no scars...

20th October 2007, 00:49
Congrats I am sure you are excited with your job. That is nice to hear.

20th October 2007, 01:47
Heheeyyyyyyy:):icon_lol::D:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::cwm12: I haven`t got a jobbbbbbb!
I haven`t got a job!

20th October 2007, 01:57
Congrats with to Mrs. Daddy and Good luck to u Fred..he he he:)

20th October 2007, 02:01
Thanks for your support Kimmi..
The only problem is,Im not sure what Im gonna do for money???

20th October 2007, 02:04
what ure gonna do with the money?

hmmmmm.......why dont u give it to the charity?or less fortunate? i am sure they will be very very happy..

20th October 2007, 02:20
Thats lovely. Congrats Mrs. Daddy.
Just make sure you always have quality time for hubby. Thats very important.

20th October 2007, 09:08
Heheeyyyyyyy:):icon_lol::D:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::cwm12: I`ve got a jobbbbbbb!Ive got a job!From countless Cv`s and application letter and some not bother replied and one sent me a rejection letter and the rest never heard from them anymore but the long await is over.I have started my job yesterday and Yesterday was our anniversary and its the best gift :)I am a busy,busy bee now.and eventhough I am a busy bee I still managed to get online and visit the forum and coz of that Hubby got peg on coz he said he see me now no more:doh:NoNo::bigcry:Anyway i just share to you my happiness:xxgrinning--00xx3:Ta for all those people who supported me well,you know who you are!:)

great news wheela wow blow out ha hehehe congratz

20th October 2007, 11:14
Heheeyyyyyyy:):icon_lol::D:Hellooo::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::cwm12: I`ve got a jobbbbbbb!Ive got a job!From countless Cv`s and application letter and some not bother replied and one sent me a rejection letter and the rest never heard from them anymore but the long await is over.I have started my job yesterday and Yesterday was our anniversary and its the best gift :)I am a busy,busy bee now.and eventhough I am a busy bee I still managed to get online and visit the forum and coz of that Hubby got peg on coz he said he see me now no more:doh:NoNo::bigcry:Anyway i just share to you my happiness:xxgrinning--00xx3:Ta for all those people who supported me well,you know who you are!:)

Congrats Mrs Daddy don't forget to keep all the letters rejection as well for your ILR folder as evidence.

My Wife is real happy yesterday she went for an Interview and now works for her favourite cosmetic brand and gets 75 percent off:xxgrinning--00xx3: shes earning more and spending less on her Cosmetics:D

20th October 2007, 13:13
Im sure she will get well soon... there are anti-viral capsules prescribed by physicians...
so annoying that I just got my chix pox just here in the UK and am already in mid 20s... I havent had it for more than 20 years back in Manila, just here in the UK...how can i ever forget UK...glad no scars...

Yes she is also having anti itch... she is getting better now :xxgrinning--00xx3: thanks... i hope it wont pass on to me i ask doc if i can have vaccine as i need to go back to work as soon as she gets better but he said they only do vaccinations to pregnant :Brick::Brick::Brick: so it means all i have to do is wait :bigcry::bigcry::Help1::Help1:

21st October 2007, 11:45
Congratulation Mrs. Daddy:xxgrinning--00xx3:Goodluck to your job:Hellooo::Hellooo:

Mrs Daddy
21st October 2007, 16:33
Thanks a lot Guys...:) to you fred you could donate your money to me...hahaha!:)and thanks fpr the advise andypaul I am doing it in fact!

21st October 2007, 16:38
Thanks a lot Guys...:) to you fred you could donate your money to me...hahaha!:)and thanks fpr the advise andypaul I am doing it in fact!

cool:xxgrinning--00xx3: will save you lots of time when you get to ILR time and hassle trust me if the folder already in date order.

2nd November 2007, 16:19
Yes she is also having anti itch... she is getting better now :xxgrinning--00xx3: thanks... i hope it wont pass on to me i ask doc if i can have vaccine as i need to go back to work as soon as she gets better but he said they only do vaccinations to pregnant :Brick::Brick::Brick: so it means all i have to do is wait :bigcry::bigcry::Help1::Help1:

Now its my turn thanks to my generious Daughter sharing her Chickenpox No Wonder why i have unbearable headaches and feel very tired and run down.... :bigcry::bigcry::bigcry:

2nd November 2007, 16:39
Goodluck to your work Mrs Daddy. Congratz!!

2nd November 2007, 16:46
congratsssss to you... enjoy and have fun while working lol!
me, will have my maternity leave soon...:bigcry::) mixed emotions want to work but want to stay at home strange lol!

Mrs Daddy
3rd November 2007, 18:04
get well soon to you tiger@tigress and tnx Ann and by the way just take your time enjoy your pregnancy cheers!:)

Mrs Daddy
3rd November 2007, 18:05
tnx Missyalice:)