View Full Version : Married name or passport maiden name for uk spouse visa application

21st April 2014, 20:33
Hi there,

I'd just like to know if it's ok for my wife to apply for her visa in her married name, even tho her passport is in her old maiden name. I've been led to believe this is OK as long as its accompanied with a copy of the NSO marriage certificate.

And also should all supporting documents, e.g. TB test, Language test etc be in the same name as the visa application??

Thanks in advance

21st April 2014, 20:39
To my best understanding the passport name is the key when it comes to visa applications.

The visa can only be issued in the passport name.

This will always be the case even when applying for FLR or ILR in UK

Some folks make a personal choice to update passport name......others just wait until the passport needs renewing.
It really doesn't matter..............although there's a logic in keeping things as simple as possible....especially when it comes down to ID.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd April 2014, 18:51
Thanks Terpe

In that case I will keep things simple and apply for the spouse visa in her maiden name. Just that my wife lives in the province, far from Manila and I was trying to make things as simple as possible for her. She would have to go to Manila (or Cebu) for a CFO seminar just to change her passport to her married name, then Manila again for the TB test, Language test, etc.

She has some ID in her married name and some in her maiden name..do you know which ID's are required as supporting documents for the UK Spouse Visa?

Thanks for the advice

23rd April 2014, 15:10
In basic principle she'll need:-

- her current passport (plus any previous passports)
- 2 passport sized-colour photographs (See UKVI Passport photo requirements (https://www.gov.uk/photos-for-passports))
- proof of her Knowledge of English (https://www.gov.uk/join-family-in-uk/knowledge-of-english) (unless exempt)
- Tuberculosis (TB) pre-screening certificate
- proof of relationship to the sponsor (for spouse this includes Marriage Certificate)
- proof of compliance with the Financial Requirement (or if exempt then Maintenance Requirement)

Do take time to review the eligibility requirements (https://www.gov.uk/join-family-in-uk/eligibility) . Also read through the UKVI Guide to supporting documents: settlement (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/270197/sup-docs-settlement.pdf) for details of individual examples.

Here's a link to the guidance on the Financial Requirement (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/299103/Financial_Requirement_Guidance_20140324.pdf).

23rd April 2014, 19:47
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Many Thanks

23rd April 2014, 20:27
:xxgrinning--00xx3: Many Thanks

Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:
It can get pretty stressful..but as long as you can meet the Financial Requirement then it shouldn't be difficult unless there are any 'complications' or out-of-the-ordinary circumstances.

23rd April 2014, 20:44
Follow Terpe's advice you won't go wrong.

He has set many of us straight on here. Good luck to you both. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th April 2014, 21:35
Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:
It can get pretty stressful..but as long as you can meet the Financial Requirement then it shouldn't be difficult unless there are any 'complications' or out-of the-ordinary circumstances.

Financial requirement is on the way to being met, I'm currently 3 months into the 6 months required work, and have sufficient cash savings to meet the salary shortfall..no worries there. No real 'complications' or 'out-of-the-ordinary circumstance'..but a couple of things worrying me..

I don't own my own house. My parents have a sufficient sized house and are willing to help me, by allowing us to stay with them, to state that we can stay there, rent free. Are there any foreseeable problems we could encounter with this..what sort of evidence should we submit to aid us.

And the one worrying me most, is my stepson. He's 8 years old, his mother and father were never married, but he has his dad's surname, and the father is on the birth certificate. He has no real interest in his son, and doesn't support, but he is around, and I'm worried what problems he could cause us. Whats the best way to go about this? What documents will aid best my stepson's dependent visa application.

Sorry, that's probably another post completely, but they really are the things I can see as causing us the most problems.

26th April 2014, 21:09
Financial requirement is on the way to being met, I'm currently 3 months into the 6 months required work, and have sufficient cash savings to meet the salary shortfall..no worries there. No real 'complications' or 'out-of-the-ordinary circumstance'..but a couple of things worrying me..

That's good. Just be sure to review the details of the Financial Requirement and be 100% compliant.
You'll only be able to count cash savings above £16k and factored over the initial 30 months.

26th April 2014, 21:13
...I don't own my own house. My parents have a sufficient sized house and are willing to help me, by allowing us to stay with them, to state that we can stay there, rent free. Are there any foreseeable problems we could encounter with this..what sort of evidence should we submit to aid us....

That sounds fine.
As long as there's an exclusive use bedroom for you both and no overcrowding issues.
You'll need to have your parents written permission if they are the owners.
If they're not you'll need the owners permission.
A brief outline of the accommodation including number of rooms and sizes etc would be best included.

26th April 2014, 21:18
...And the one worrying me most, is my stepson. He's 8 years old, his mother and father were never married, but he has his dad's surname, and the father is on the birth certificate. He has no real interest in his son, and doesn't support, but he is around, and I'm worried what problems he could cause us. Whats the best way to go about this? What documents will aid best my stepson's dependent visa application.

No use pretending it doesn't require focussed attention.....it does.
The fact that the father is named on the BC is going to require a detailed approach.
Make some searches here in the forum on that issue...there's a number of points to consider.
Sorry I can't give a full detailed response just now but please do search here. It's not an uncommon issue

27th April 2014, 04:38
In basic principle she'll need:-

- her current passport (plus any previous passports)
- 2 passport sized-colour photographs (See UKVI Passport photo requirements (https://www.gov.uk/photos-for-passports))
- proof of her Knowledge of English (https://www.gov.uk/join-family-in-uk/knowledge-of-english) (unless exempt)
- Tuberculosis (TB) pre-screening certificate
- proof of relationship to the sponsor (for spouse this includes Marriage Certificate)
- proof of compliance with the Financial Requirement (or if exempt then Maintenance Requirement)

Do take time to review the eligibility requirements (https://www.gov.uk/join-family-in-uk/eligibility) . Also read through the UKVI Guide to supporting documents: settlement (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/270197/sup-docs-settlement.pdf) for details of individual examples.

Here's a link to the guidance on the Financial Requirement (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/299103/Financial_Requirement_Guidance_20140324.pdf).

Hello sir terpe!
i just want to ask about the 2 passport sized-colour photographs.i just realized that i only submitted one picture which i paste it one the first page of online application... but the lady in vfs never asked me another one....is that would cause any problem on my application .....?i am 38 working days waiting now.....


27th April 2014, 15:58
Hello sir terpe!
i just want to ask about the 2 passport sized-colour photographs.i just realized that i only submitted one picture which i paste it one the first page of online application... but the lady in vfs never asked me another one....is that would cause any problem on my application .....?i am 38 working days waiting now.....


I wouldn't be too concerned about it........UKVI would be acting unreasonably and extremely harshly if they refused you without following 'standard' protocols to request you submit a missing document that they must have.
Pretty sure they'll manage with a copy or ask you to submit another.

Stay cool :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2014, 21:41
No use pretending it doesn't require focussed attention.....it does.
The fact that the father is named on the BC is going to require a detailed approach.

OK will do.. i know i need to be thorough on this point, I'll read the forums and start collecting evidence as to prove my wife and i have sole responsibility. Thanks for all the advice..my minds a little more at ease now, although I'm not underestimating the task ahead.

28th April 2014, 01:41
I wouldn't be too concerned about it........UKVI would be acting unreasonably and extremely harshly if they refused you without following 'standard' protocols to request you submit a missing document that they must have.
Pretty sure they'll manage with a copy or ask you to submit another.

Stay cool :xxgrinning--00xx3:

thanks sir terpe!

30th November 2014, 00:55
Hi terpe need help..my annulment had been granted and just waiting for the documents like the finality etc..before i can go nso and sort my marriage certificate..get a cenomar then get a passport using my maiden name. I had a passport before bearing my married name and way too expired about 2009. Can i still have this renewed? Or should i get a new one? My partner is thinking of securing a proposed civil partner visa, or we could marry at the british embassy here in the phils, but way too expensive. Which one works best? Thank you