View Full Version : Dog Sitter

24th April 2014, 15:55
please my doggy need someone to look after her for 6months,
we dont want to sell her but we need to move to the flat for a moment
i will supply foods and everything she need, she just need somewhere
to stay while we are looking a house where she can stay with us

she dont destroy things except her toys, not barking (only when someone knock on the door, she loves playing with her balls when shes outside.

My friend in Colchester that took her cant look after her anymore.

Please!!!! Please !!!!8859

24th April 2014, 16:14
she loves playing with her balls when shes outside.

Are you quite certain of the dog's gender ? :wink:

24th April 2014, 16:18
I wish I cld help you out. :-(

24th April 2014, 19:06
i wish i could but already have my hands full with my daughters little terrier :NoNo:

24th April 2014, 20:13
Are you quite certain of the dog's gender ? :wink:

:icon_lol: balls as in ball not balls that male have

24th April 2014, 20:14
i begged for my husband to have her, and i dont want to get rid of her :bigcry:

25th April 2014, 20:09
She is adorable. Are you not allowed pet in the flat?

26th April 2014, 07:54
You could put an ad in your local paper for a temporary foster home?
or try searching for "Friends of the Animals" to see if they operate in your area?

27th April 2014, 20:53
She is adorable. Are you not allowed pet in the flat?

no :( its a policy :doh and im getting depressed because i love my dog and i want to keep her, my husband is away thats why i need to sort every single thing

27th April 2014, 20:54
You could put an ad in your local paper for a temporary foster home?
or try searching for "Friends of the Animals" to see if they operate in your area?
cant find any, kennels is my only option now but they are so expensive

27th April 2014, 21:06
cant your rent a small terraced house or even look at sharing a house with someone who will take pets until you can sort yourself s out ?

28th April 2014, 07:20
im already in the flat, we tried to look for house that take pets before we planned to move here for a moment while my husband away, we cant get any and we need to move out quickly because my brother in law sold their house :(

28th April 2014, 07:26
love to help , but we are both working very long hours and are away from the house, good luck