View Full Version : The Sun unbelivable!

28th April 2014, 23:12
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/10154084_10152406220881942_236994454357713623_n.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/10154084_10152406220881942_236994454357713623_n.jpg.html)

28th April 2014, 23:25
Broken and Dumbed Down Britain full of chavs, thickos, benefit dependents, saps, cheaplaughs and urban proles. The result of years of socialist / bleeding heart liberal governments.

Pass the spew bucket http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/vomit-into-the-toilet.gif

29th April 2014, 00:48
Absolutely..It's a bloody disgrace :cwm23:

I tried giving you a rep for for that :doh

Michael Parnham
29th April 2014, 05:39
Pleased I don't waste money on newspapers, it's a disgrace! :thumbsdown:

29th April 2014, 06:01
Broken and Dumbed Down Britain full of chavs, thickos, benefit dependents, saps, cheaplaughs and urban proles.

got to agree with you here :biggrin:
but not this :NoNo:

The result of years of socialist / bleeding heart liberal governments.
:icon_lol: 'ang on dedworth, its a Tory rag, giving what the Tory voters want :cwm25:

29th April 2014, 06:54
I have never brought a newspaper for years - in fact, I have never read one either,

What is news for some is certainly not news for others, just my thoughts

29th April 2014, 07:36
I have never brought a newspaper for years - in fact, I have never read one either,

What is news for some is certainly not news for others, just my thoughts


Like this :NoNo::mad: maybe the sun missed this front page 'news' story :xxparty-smiley-004:


29th April 2014, 08:03
Back in the good old days a newspaper was brought to hang on a nail in the outside loo to wipe your :action-smiley-081:, but it looks like now you cannot do that because they are full of s===t already, again just my thoughts

29th April 2014, 08:33
We get all the papers delivered into work every morning around 4am, I'll have a quick flick through, but prefer to read my news online.

Really couldn't give two sh*ts about what soap stars are up to!

29th April 2014, 09:52
I would have thought that in order to look at page 11 one probably needs to purchase the paper. Your choice! If you don't like what they print, don't buy it!

29th April 2014, 10:18
It's not about that Lordna.

I'm annoyed because they are trivialising the poor soldiers' deaths by deeming a list celebrity to be more newsworthy

29th April 2014, 10:39
It's not about that Lordna.

I'm annoyed because they are trivialising the poor soldiers' deaths by deeming a list celebrity to be more newsworthy

Well I agree with you Les, it makes no sense at all...but then I don't expect much more from the Sun. The more people don't buy it then they will soon disappear, leaving some of the better newspapers.

29th April 2014, 10:52
It should be re classified as a comic.

Michael Parnham
29th April 2014, 11:26
back in the good old days a news paper was brought to hang on a nail in the outside loo to wipe your :action-smiley-081:, but it looks like now you cannot do that because they are full of s===t already, again just my thoughts

Good one Steve! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
29th April 2014, 13:02
We get all the papers delivered into work every morning around 4am

:Erm: ... :yeahthat:'s ... before sunrise! :smile:

29th April 2014, 13:43
Looks about right for a tory rag.

29th April 2014, 13:45
:Erm: ... :yeahthat:'s ... before sunrise! :smile:
Yep, some of us are still working from the previous day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

As Slip said. .he sometimes reads his works papers. ..I'm the same. No way do I buy them :NoNo:

I found if I do read them, it puts me on a downer.

Online news works best for me. You can select what you want without having gruesome stories thrust in your face :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2014, 13:46
Looks about right for a tory rag.

For the shallow empty heads amongst us

29th April 2014, 14:41
Yep, some of us are still working from the previous day :xxgrinning--00xx3:

As Slip said. .he sometimes reads his works papers. ..I'm the same. No way do I buy them :NoNo:

I found if I do read them, it puts me on a downer.

Online news works best for me. You can select what you want without having gruesome stories thrust in your face :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Unfortunately I have to do 2x12 hour nightshifts a week....

Still haven't mastered the Al Jazeera times or the Polish weekly, but the pictures look nice! Every now and then we get a few copies of porn magazines that always disappear shortly after finding their way into the break room :Erm: Get other magazines like Nuts and various car magazines as well as Ok magazine for the women!

29th April 2014, 15:06
I think I stopped buying newspapers...er, I mean COMICS when they went above 20p. :Erm:

29th April 2014, 20:32
It's not about that Lordna.

I'm annoyed because they are trivialising the poor soldiers' deaths by deeming a list celebrity to be more newsworthy

what about this 'news' story Les :cwm25:


29th April 2014, 20:39
Old News Joe, keep up :biggrin:

29th April 2014, 20:45
6 days old, so it's ok being on the front page :cwm25: surely there must have been more important 'news' stories that day than someone getting the sack :doh

anyway i dont buy 'news' papers, i might flick thru the metro as it's free :biggrin:

29th April 2014, 21:10
so it's ok being on the front page
I don't think you read my posts properly :cwm23:

I started this thread off saying how stupid putting a Corrie story more prominent than the poor soldiers killed, so clearly I'm saying it's not ok to put crap like that before tragic news.

You are assuming I approve of the Moyes story being on the front page, when it's obvious (and the reason why I started this thread) that crap like that is .......s.

I don't mind a fair argument but don't assume or say things I did not say Joe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2014, 21:11
For the shallow empty heads amongst us

Murdoch's right wing rubbish what does anyone expect

29th April 2014, 21:17
I don't think you read my posts properly :cwm23:

I started this thread off saying how stupid putting a Corrie story more prominent than the poor soldiers killed, so clearly I'm saying it's not ok to put crap like that before tragic news.

You are assuming I approve of the Moyes story being on the front page,when it's obvious (and the reason why I started this thread) that crap like that is .......s.

I don't mind a fair argument but don't assume or say things I did not say Joe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:icon_lol: you're assuming what I was thinking Les :NoNo:
I asked you a question Les, I didn't assume anything :biggrin:, I was just showing another front page from the Sun from 6 days ago

29th April 2014, 21:23
so it's ok being on the front page

That part is a statement, you never put a ? at the end :biggrin:

29th April 2014, 21:27
That part is a statement,you never put a ? at the end :biggrin:

:icon_lol: It's an invisible '?' :biggrin:

29th April 2014, 21:28
I would have gone one better and said I typed it with a white coloured font :biggrin:

29th April 2014, 21:48
I would have gone one better and said I typed it with a white coloured font :biggrin:

I did, that's why it's invisible :biggrin:

Anyway, can't argue too much, it might upset some people :NoNo:

You're right Les thou, Kym Marsh is not news but just a load of :censored: gossip :mad:

1st May 2014, 00:03
I did, that's why it's invisible :biggrin:

Anyway, can't argue too much, it might upset some people :NoNo:

You're right Les thou, Kym Marsh is not news but just a load of :censored: gossip :mad:

Much of the Pinoy news media seems to be going the same way also :NoNo:

A couple of bit part actors start dating and thats classed as news = who cares :Brick:

These wannabe bit part actors think they have hit the big time by just appearing in some low rent tv soap :spit:

1st May 2014, 00:53
Murdoch's right wing rubbish what does anyone expect

Prior to Sept 2009 did you refer to the Soaraway Sun as "Murdoch's left wing rubbish" ?


1st May 2014, 07:35
Prior to Sept 2009 did you refer to the Soaraway Sun as "Murdoch's left wing rubbish" ?


the Sun jumped on the Blair bandwagon and dumped the Tories 6wks before he became PM :biggrin:

2nd May 2014, 01:14
Prior to Sept 2009 did you refer to the Soaraway Sun as "Murdoch's left wing rubbish" ?


Murdoch is no left winger thats for sure
Yes the Sun backed Labour for a while but only because they knew the Tories had no chance