View Full Version : UK economy grows by 0.8% in first quarter

29th April 2014, 15:16
The UK economy grew by 0.8% in the first quarter of 2014, according to the latest figures.


29th April 2014, 15:23
....UK manufacturing was one of the strongest performers in the latest figures, with output growing by 1.3%, the ONS said, its strongest quarter for nearly four years....

Good to see manufacturing moving in the right direction :xxgrinning--00xx3:

..Construction output, which grew by 0.3%, was affected by the storms and high rainfall in January and February, the ONS said....

A very significant number of housebuilding projects in full swing in my area.

Quite a lot of activity on most of the out-of-town industrial and retail site too.

I've notice a hugh new Lidl store being under construction right next door to a local Sainsbury's superstore too......could be interesting :wink:

29th April 2014, 15:27
Its always good to hear news about an improving economy.. My problem with this type of news is that it never seems to include other parts of the ledger...Like inflation or debt..
Tell us really how it is...We can take it!!
Probably not though.
Tell you what...Lets brush it under the carpet again..
Those two undesirable entries might simply vanish.
At least in our lifetimes!!

29th April 2014, 16:09
Its always good to hear news about an improving economy.. My problem with this type of news is that it never seems to include other parts of the ledger...Like inflation or debt..

Sadly, although the deficit is reducing government borrowings are increasing.

UK debt ?? ...now that is another matter. That is increasing alarmingly and probably stands at well over a £1 trillion now with little prospect of a slow down or reversal any time soon.

29th April 2014, 16:54
Sadly, although the deficit is reducing government borrowings are increasing.

UK debt ?? ...now that is another matter. That is increasing alarmingly and probably stands at well over a £1 trillion now with little prospect of a slow down or reversal any time soon.

Yes Peter 1.29 trillion Quid and the debt clock keeps ticking.
Fortunately,interest rates are low for debtors....For now.
What worries me is that we hardly hear about it from Politicians anymore.. I think its because none of them have an answer,let alone a long term policy to reduce UK debt..
I read somewhere that the U.S constitution allows the FED to just print $$`s without a reserve of gold to clear debt ..
Pretty cool huh!!

The role of the bond market

The British Government borrows money by selling bonds, known as 'gilts'. These bonds are sold at regular auctions held by the UK Debt Management Office (DMO), on behalf of Her Majesty's Treasury.

29th April 2014, 17:44
Good news :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2014, 19:29
Yes Peter 1.29 trillion Quid and the debt clock keeps ticking.
Fortunately,interest rates are low for debtors....For now.

That's why it's good news to see the UK economy recovering and moving nicely in a positive direction.

With continued growth and increasing employment comes increased tax revenues.
Sterling is pretty strong and summer is on it's way. :wink:

Personally, I'd be more concerned with the Chinese economy and the amount of debt it holds in the west.

29th April 2014, 23:11
Good news if you beleive what they are saying. Millions still not feeling the benefit.

29th April 2014, 23:24
Ok,one MP to another our manufacturing keeps on Growing and Exports to our neigbours,the reply from the other MP is I am sorry but I don't think we make anything anymore,ha ha , :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2014, 10:18
Good news if you beleive what they are saying. Millions still not feeling the benefit.
It's a fact so i do believe it:xxgrinning--00xx3:
You are starting to make me,Dedworth and graham look like we on happy drugs.
Bloody hell Andy you don't even like good news:icon_lol: